Our first baby daughter...freewrite prompt - cancer

in #blog6 years ago


I sat down next to my girlfriend's hospital bed waiting for the professional to come talk to us.

Becky was very tired after giving birth,only hours ago to our beautiful daughter. Our first.
"MMM...I need to go check something", He had said to, leaving . He had a frown across his as he walked away, looking at his charts..

It seemed like hours before he came walking back into the ward, my hand holding Becky's, tight with trepidation.
He looked serious. He looked as us solemnly.

"I've checked and I've double checked," He said "Your daughter...." His voice trailing off, looking at us both, unable to continue.

"Cancer?, " I said, unable to believe I was uttering those dark words out loud. I squeezed my girlfriends hand, looking at her "It might be a mistake, they make mistakes all the time" My voice cracking, unable to hide the pain I felt inside..

My girlfriend had tears rolling down her beautiful cheeks

"How long?", My girlfriend said " Tell us, please we have to know.."

" A couple of hours at most" Came the reply..

"NOOOOOO!", Becky screamed. " I should have had premature birth"

"It's okay sweetheart, it's not your fault," I said squeezing her hand.

"Yes it it!" She screamed back at me, "If I'd had a premature birth she would have been a Gemini.."
I looked at her, knowing what she said was true.

She could have been a beautiful Gemini daughter, but she was now cursed to be a Cancer for the rest of her life..



Lol, good stuff!! I'm a Leo myself ;)

While I don't put too much credence into the astrology thing too much - correlations of relationships I have had in my life, far outstrip mathematical probabilities..

My dad was a leo - and lots of the best relationships I have are with leo's, for example.
It is something I have noticed throughout my life, (not just with leos) - but with others. And that do fit into the astrological principles..
when I was a teenager I could draw birth charts and everything,! - so I know my 'astrology stuff '..(well used to. It's all forgotten now)

Kinda weird how that shit works out. My brother is a Cancer, and I can't stand his dumbass...sometime's for no good reason. I think, "this guy just fucking sucks"....;)

That was funny!!!!

merci beaucoup!

Ahrg, you bum! I was ready to leave my sympathies. You had me going.
science fiction, fantasy, erotica

😂😂😂.....you don't think the poor baby deserves some sympathy?
A Cancerian!

Aw...you tricked me!
And...my gf is also a Cancer and I think it's a beautiful sign (not that I believe in the Zodiac, anyway)

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Geminis are awesome. Great speakers, great thinkers.
My fiance is Gemini. My mom is Cancer. So both are good ✌

(really had me going there at first, had already a straight face lol)

...we aim to tease...lol

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