An Echo Chamber Eulogy....or maybe not....

in #blog6 years ago

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A eulogy is a speech or writing in praise of a person(s) or thing(s), especially one who recently died or retired or as a term of endearment.

I see the writings about free speech, voluntarism, anarchism, libertarianism - and the current political affairs as not connecting to reality.
Posts that are flying around steemit, are echo chambers mostly (and other social media, I presume).
You might be tempted say that some echo chambers are almost eulogistic in their qualities (depending on their slant).

The fundamental question that we all have to ask ourselves, in this respect, is this:


It raises a stark question, and may involve some serious mirror gazing, and with very little wriggle room, once you have an answer to this question.

If you believe the speed of awakening IS faster than the oppression, then 'we' are winning.
And if you do not? Then 'we' are losing.
In my normal, average mood, I see the former- and in my more pessimistic moods, I can also see the latter.

IF you see the former, then it's a time to commit, and not to criticize - for that only leads to division, in a time where unison has to be the overarching motivation, and unequivocally the number one priority.

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Let's take 'Q', for example....

IF you believe the information war is having an effect, and 'we' are winning - then it makes no logical sense to be critical of 'Q'. Think about it...
The phenomenon of 'Q' becomes irrelevant. The philosophy it promotes however, is fully in sync with the freedom seeker, the libertarian, the free speech advocate.
I see the arguments of 'psi-op', and 'controlled opposition' making no logical sense.- I'll get to that, in a minute..

I CAN see how it makes sense to those who are already psychologically defeated, to be critical - and are simply going through the motions until defeat becomes a reality(conscious or otherwise).
OR it can be as being 'the veteran contrarian'.
One who's default positions have become so habitual , that after years of living in that lonely space, has to then suddenly find themselves in a strange and uncomfortable place of now being _ part of the group_, and with allies.
To strangely have approval and support for your perspectives. Weird...

I see the 'Q' 'philosophy' as one of searching for truth and facts.
Again, whether 'Q' is real or not, becomes irrelevant if the philosophy of 'Q' is, something that you believe in. Millions of allies believe with you!

Arguing 'Q' as a psi-op is illogical....

It would be the equivalent of arguing that slavery abolitionists were racists and is a psi-op...

IF you do truly believe that 'we' are winning the information war, then it behooves us to get behind the 'Q' movement as the principles of 'the Q movement' are ones that 'we' fully endorse.
The expression of any cynicism at this point, can only be counterproductive.
If it negates - to even the smallest degree - against_the direction of the philosly of 'Q', then it becomes a stupid action.

It is very easy to continually take the contrarian position. I understand that more than most.
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In fact it can become an almost a dogmatic, default position.
Especially after years of always finding yourself on your own, on the outside, alone with your unpopular opinions..
It makes it much harder to be part of the consensus in some ways, for it's an alien place, almost..

If you believe 'we' are winning...

....then its time to support a philosophy that is fundamentally against lies and deception. 110%. Discussions of the minutiae is for later, but it's not for now.
Not where we are, right now.

Again - IF 'Q' is a psi op. Or part of a controlled opposition. (Remember the criticisms of Jones, Stone, and Corsi etc..)
...To me, then it would only highlight the stupidity of the opposition,.
We already know of the stupidity of the opposition, so it's a fair comment- but when the principles the 'Q' promotes, is truth and openness ...then the only conclusion of the psi -op, will be the demise of the very people who instigated it.
It's a win, win.

IF you think 'we' are winning...

..... then this seems to be an opportunity of change ,one that's not presented itself to free minded people for decades, certainly not seen in my life time.

Everything is a gamble in life, and we now are at that time in our society, the one point in time that where you have to 'put your money where your mouth is'.
NOT betting on 'Q' – at this stage in events -, is simply absolving yourself of the responsibility, of any 'outcome'.

Not backing 'Q' -at this stage- is either lack of commitment to an opportunity, a blindness to the opportunity that's presenting itself, or the fear of being wrong.

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Or is it a deeper belief that 'they' are really winning this information war?

And that' s fine, but that being the case, then question has to be asked 'why are you spending the time just going through the motions of the argument, when you don't actually believe you are winning anything?
Isn't that just a waste of your time ? (actions trying to absolve your conscience, is also a waste of your time).
If you truly believe the war is lost, and 'Q' isn't real (in concept if not reality) - then there is no logical reason, to continue the fight?
('just in case' , doesn't reflect very well, in this mirror of self questioning...)

And if you still believe 'Q' is a psi op , and that we are still losing the war? Then isn't this blogging malarky, STILL a waste of your time?

Supporting 'Q' is a 100% logical position if you believe that 'we' are winning the information war - but not committing, is something else entirely...

Not supporting 'Q' is also an entirely logical position- but only if you believe we are losing the war.

If that's the case, but you still support libertarian philosophy, then a more committed action is calling you...

For the voluntarists out there, and the various ideologues - if you think that the 'Q' paradigm, the Trump train, is not a road towards the direction of your own ideology, and not a move in the right direction for you , that's fair enough.

But just have a good long hard look at your options first....

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Do you think the wave of voluntarism will explode before the crushing weight left of communism.
Pick your side. You might not have one later...

Increasing authoritarianism and tyranny from the left, serves you how, exactly?
How will that ever work out better to getting closer to the fruition of your ideals?
Good luck with that.

IF you think the 'Q' anon movement has more principles in line with your own - no matter how small -rather than the lefts proposals -, then it would be illogical to not to fully support the 'Q' moment...AT THIS SPECIFIC POINT IN TIME.
By desisting from splitting 'the movement' through ideological sidetracking, at this point in time is a very logical position.
If the 'Q' movement fails - so does the ideals of voluntarism and libertarianism ever seeing the light of day...
.... if you think that communism offer's you a better route to seeing voluntarism as a reality?....mmmmm
Good luck with that one, too.

Taking energies away from a movement that potentially offers you a better potential voluntarist future- then anything defending own ideological standpoint, is wasting energy that's better directed elsewhere.
Directed energy to the problems we have now...

Think of it this way...

It might be better to drink well water, but when your house is on fire, it's a much wiser option the connect to the hydrant, rather than start digging...

I see that as where we are at right now in relation to the current political environment and any 'voluntarism reality', right now...
Not as a criticism of your ideals, but as a recognition that _if_this war raging now isn't won, then your ideals are crushed under leftism.
It's illogical not to support the 'Q' movement.

And it's not because of any agreement in the current political system, but as an acknowledgment of a reality that if the 'Q' war isn't won, (and it's not Trump, but the philosophy that has millions of supporters behind it), then any chance of your voluntarist future is lost by default, to the commie wave.




We go back 10 years in time and Alex Jones and David Icke were complete wacko lunatic fringes... etc, etc.

And, 10 years ago, they hadn't even exposed any of the "juicy" evil yet.

The problem with coming into contact with this new information is that you have to change your entire world view.

Before: believe cops are there to protect. Children are reunited with parents...

After: cops are there to give tickets. Children are stripped from parents...

So, you start realizing that SOME of the stuff Alex Jones was saying is true.... So... is all of it true?

Being able to stand upon firm ground to bring you holy fight to the evil you see is a wonderful feeling. Or, an idiocy of logic that govern-cement schooling has indoctrinated into you. Remember, you are a good boy if you answer all the questions correctly and there is only one correct answer.

But, the real world is nothing like that. David Jones doesn't have the whole picture. David Icke doesn't have the whole picture. Q doesn't have the whole picture.

So, each of us must expand our awareness. Must challenge our long held beliefs that we didn't even know we had. And that is done by conversing about the subject over and over again.

To answer your question. The light has won. Now it will be decades, maybe centuries as we clean the evil from our planet.

Be prepared when you find out how big, how organized and how embedded the child trafficking in the world is. Most people won't be able to believe it. What? Not in our little town... Gasp, was there always an elephant in this room?

To answer your question. The light has won. Now it will be decades, maybe centuries as we clean the evil from our planet....

I see no evidence of this yet, just an ongoing war...

You see all kinds of evidence for this.
The alternative was that evil won and all life on earth was irradiated.
(as in past tense, earth would be a lifeless blob, right now, floating around the sun, just as all those meteor apocalypse movies)

But really, to all that are participating, all that we have seen is just a small uptick in the light quotient. 51%. But, as darkness can do nothing to a candle, the darkness will fade.

Some examples.
The pope is starting to reform the catholic church
NK agreed to talks.

Other examples are that we are starting to see the pedophilia and the child trafficking. If the dark was winning, none of this would show.
Drain the swamp wouldn't be a thing. The MSM would have whitewashed the whole swamp making all the public think the area is so pristine they could eat off the ground.

I see these things as evidence of the battle, not that 'we' have won...

Like i said, it will take a couple hundred years to clean all the evil that we wrought to this planet.

All i can say is that there is no longer any armageddon in our future. If the dark had won, than it was a very quick spiral into oblivion.

The road upward is not a quick spiral.
In fact, i would say it will be a lot of :

S low
U ncomfortable
C hange

The road upward is not a quick spiral.
In fact, i would say it will be a lot of :

I'm totally with you on that one, but like I said, the evidence of the victory (not the war) is not obvious to me, right now...

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Why would I be behind anything that was spouting "Iran regime change" ? That is not a place I want to be, or any form of organization for so called freedom that I would trust.

Screenshot_2018-11-17 WikiLeaks on Twitter.png

Would you have been supporting Churchill in the UK , against Germany in WW2?
The same Churchill who...

That's my point, - nothing is 'neat and tidy', but sometime to beat the bigger foe, you have to use each other to vanquish the enemy.
An this enemy is one big MothaF.

ergo, the logic of support with a group the aligns broadly with your own principles...
I didn't say being happy about it.

...the rest is divide and conquer..

NO, I would not, why? ask me!

I just did... lolol

I get your point that Q is a useful idiot, and maybe Q wakes a few up, just like Alex Jones does, though controlled opposition always does.
Allow me to give you a war time story from my mother who is now 76.

People were embarrassed into giving up metal gates and fences during ww2, to get them to join the war effort, anyone that did not, got shamed by their neighbors. with it yet? or still afflicted?

The mind fuck she said was, they never even needed or used it. 9-11 anyone, and a new pearl harbor, or do you not know about that?

....but the instigators of 9/11 , are the very people that the philosophy of 'Q' is against...?

Pragmatism wins over ideology every time.
So a philosophical agreement, with pragmatism - is a good place to start...?

You are getting mind fucked, nothing is as it seems, take a step back, look again, with fresh eyes, I know what you know, they know that also, rule out emotions, when you view, they do, they have NONE!

On the assumption I'm not being mind fucked....

I would argue that pessimism, nihilism and 'non unity' , is the very thing the that psychopaths want to instill.
Coming from a family of the fuckers, I know this strategy to be true.
(Gas lighting is like breathing, for them)

I hear you, but Q is not the only path to victory. In Europe Q has no supporters, butthere are others fighting to save them.

I might agree to your points made, if it was offered as one of the (mental)arms we need to bear. I even find your article in some ways disheartening - for you are saying, if you want to fight, but you refuse to join us of Q, then you will lose - or, you are lost and wasting your time.

It sounds exactly like I hear from those of the extreme right, who refuse to even allow black Americans to join us in our fight.

I prefer to support any and all ideas that can rid us of the marxists, but I refuse to follow each to their extreme positions, where I do not agree.

I have tried to face the position that maybe I should support the extremists, for only they will get rid of the problem - the rest, even the best of them, will only try to 'hold' us at the current position, with regards to being taken over - conquered - by islam.

At least, extremists, over generations will soften...whereas islamists do not and they will have killed all who try to remain true to their own beliefs, so they are the one future I reject with all of me.

In other words, I am trying to fight, while holding on to those qualities I treasure and think define us as being better or more worthy. But...shit, maybe in the end...all that matters is who survives, not what they represent? But then...should I be trying to join the so-called Elite?

for you are saying, if you want to fight, but you refuse to join us of Q, then you will lose - or, you are lost and wasting your time.

I'm not saying that, I' m saying that if you align to the same principles as you perceive 'q' to have , it would be illogical not to throw your weight behind it..

..I'm not remotely close to extreme right, btw .

....In other words, I am trying to fight,

which is my point. Fighting with a few million on your side, who align to principle, is easier than scrapping as an individual.
To have them 'on your side', is a two way relationship..

I do understand what you are saying.

The biggest problem I see for all of us is that we are forced, by circmstances,, to depend on others and even when we trust them, there are times we forget we do - either because they said or did something against that which we believe in, or, because someone a bit more persistent and knowledgeable, on the left, puts foward what seems, at least for a short while, a compelling argument.

I have adopted the policy that at such times I remind myself this person is human, could have made a mistake, or I am not seeing his real reasons for doing what I disliked. As when Trump bombed the Syrians, despite us knowing it is a fake chemical attack, created by the White Helmets. I forgot for a short while how him and his family have laid their lives on the line so as to save Americans - but also, all patriotic conservatives worldwide. He depends on the military and if they demand he bombs, I guess he has to. As to why the military want what they want? They too depend for all the money and other benerfits from the armaments industry.

We have to allow ourselves to spin in the direction of evil for short spins,but at least we are fighting to save mankind.

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