Writing Reviews On WordPress: A Great Way To Sell!

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Once you build a WordPress website, the idea is to start blogging. You're going to be providing information in an area of expertise of your choosing. It's every blogger's hope that helping the reader with knowledge will lead to them taking action. The action we like best is the one we call a SALE!!!

As Much As I Like Earning On Steemit, I Also Love Selling On WordPress!!


Let's face it, Steemit is great. You might compare yourself to high earning authors and not think so, but compare it to WordPress and it's a walk in the park.

Why do I say this?

Every post on Steemit has a chance to get at least 1 upvote, and most do. It might only be $0.01 - $0.05 your post makes but what do you think early posts on WordPress make? If you are thinking zero, you are correct.

With Immediate Earnings On Steemit, Why Do I Still Love WordPress?

One reason sticks out like a sore thumb and anyone can relate to it. I've put a lot of time and effort into my website, and that's not something to end or easily toss aside. Not to mention, I do have monthly fees to keep it live on the internet.

There's another greater reason, however, and it's not so different than how it is here on Steemit. What could it be?

On WordPress, the more you blog and the more time that goes by, the better your website performs. Assuming you are following valid techniques.

It's the same way here on Steemit! The more you blog, the more followers you have in time. More followers equal more upvotes, as long as you don't lose their interest. Stop blogging for a while on Steemit, and it may take some time to recover your following or build a new one.

There Are Similarities & Differences With WordPress

WordPress bloggers share their articles on social media channels which bring visitors to their website. They too have followings that will desert them if they stop posting.

Bloggers on Wordpress have another advantage, however, that Steemit account holders do not. On Steemit, you only have 7 days to earn on an article. The 7-day payout doesn't remove the article, but it ends your chances of making more crypto from it.

With WordPress, once you post an article it stays alive for as long as the website lasts. That's right, I still make sales on articles I wrote over two years ago. A lady just signed up for the same blogging service I use under my affiliate link. As I was welcoming her to the platform, she informed me about the post from two years back that brought her in. :) :) :)

Four New Reviews On FishtFight.com

As many of my followers here on Steemit already know, I'm a YUGE fisherman (lol). It, therefore, may not surprise you that I own and write a fishing blog.

It's an offshore saltwater fishing blog to be precise, which also helps narrow down my niche. I don't have to cover a whole world of fishing, just that which I know best.

As a blogger, info articles and Jaw Dropping Headlines do help to bring visitors to your site. If you achieve high search engine rankings that's great, but sharing those types of articles on social media really does it.

Once someone arrives at your website, it's your job to pique their buying interests.

One way we bloggers learn to do this is by covering related products with detailed reviews. Every blogger knows or should know the power of the review. If ever you want the top search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo to rank an article at the top, it's with your reviews.

Image Source From Personal Website

If You Have A Moment, Check A Review And Tell Me How I Do!


Penn International Review - Okuma Andros Review - Shimano Torium Review - Shimano Trevala Review

Why Are Reviews So Important?

It comes down to a term salespeople learn about and call, "The life cycle of the customer". You see, people don't just go out and buy things anymore. They never really did. Even daily items like food tend to undergo some initial inspection before a purchase.

So people first need to have an interest in the product you are selling. They also want to trust and know who they are buying from. It takes time to gain that trust which is why I say......NEVER QUIT!!!

The Last Item In The Cycle Before A Purchase Is The Review

You might not have read it here first, but you read it here last. Haha. Seriously though, what do you do when you make the decision to buy something?

Think about it for a second. I'm not talking about an impulse buy when you are already at the store or online. I mean you need a new flatscreen TV or something similar. A new offshore fishing rod and reel perhaps.

You save the money, are close to saving the money, or can afford it on credit and you don't just go buy the first item you see. You look it up online and you look for those reviews. I know you do. If you don't, you really can save yourself money and a huge headache by doing so.

Entrepreneurs work hard on those reviews and they will alert you to any problems. Many will also present alternative products to you and explain the pros and cons. Reviews are also the place to find out how other customers feel about their purchases.

Keep Blogging, Keep Building, & Keep WordPress In Mind

Remember the words I write here. Bring them to the front of your thoughts when your blog doesn't seem to be going anywhere. People do a lot of reading without saying anything. Sometimes you are right in the middle of earning their trust, so again I say......NEVER GIVE UP.

WordPress isn't for everybody, but it might be in your future down the line. You never know. Keep up the hard work you do here on Steemit and if you gain an interest, feel free to ask me about WordPress. You are more than welcome to connect with me via PM on Discord. I'm inalittlewhile#4712.

Images Courtesy Of Pixabay.com

Follow Me On Steemit At @Inalittlewhile - Resteem & Upvote Please - It Is Truly Appreciated!!

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This is a very motivating article! I saw that it was featured on appreciator thw other day and meant to read it but was interrupted.

Reviews are a definite life saver in my world, and I am always thankful for the writers-- even if i don't/can't leave a comment, so thank you for telling people about their utility. Would love to see more engaging reviews on steemit.

I had started a small wordpress blog for my and my partner before discovering steemit but it never went anywhere because I lacked motivation and direction.

Now that i feel i have a bit more going on in my world and more directed focus in my writing, i might just have to give it another shot.

Also, as a side note: Puns always win me over 🐟

Congrats on finding power in both of these sites! Luck and wealth be with you my friend!

Oh I know what you mean. I can't tell you how many articles I intended to read, and never made it back.

If you get that site pumping again, feel free to ask me any questions. I'm pretty good with SEO using Yoast.

Best of fortune and contentment to you as well. :)

Thanks for the side by side comparison of the two platforms. I have had a Wordpress blog in the past and I have considered starting one up again recently. Your post will help give me more information to make a better informed decision!

Awesome. If I can answer any more questions, feel free to ask. :)

Thanks to Steempress, they're making crossposting easier and legal for the steemit ecosystem. Now you won't get flagged down by cheetahs anymore :) @edmundang check out this useful post.

That's good to know the Cheetah bot has been rerouted. I may use it on my other WordPress website. It's an online business site more suited to Steemit type content. :)

Yeah I agree with you that reviews are SUPER important especially with all the online buys nowadays. I am one who buy from online a lot and I appreciate if someone such as your kind self who has reviewed a particular item.

Thanks for pointing out this difference Wordpress has compared with Steemit. It does show that Word press and even blogspot are still relevant and necessary. I too have neglected my old blog site, oops! Good write @inalittlewhile :)

It would be so cool, and I'm ready and willing, to start accepting crypto for my affiliate payments. :)

That's very cool!! Merging the best of both together! All the best to you @inalittlewhile :)

You too. I'll catch you on one of your blogs soon. :)

Totally agree on your views on Wordpress. Since Steemit, I admit, I had been neglecting my other blogs, because it's such a full time job, haha!

I'll probably just create a blog on Wordpress and link my Steemit posts there. The bad thing about Steemit (for now), is that you can have proper menu or navigation yet, nor can you feature a post. But I think that'll change eventually as Steemit gets more mainstream.

Yea I've been wondering if Steemit is going to make some changes, or if it's all going into EOS.

Probably both, as I don't see Steemit going anywhere.

I neglected my blog too after joining Steemit. I'm pretty good at letting my blog marinate. Lol. Haven't posted to my business blog in I don't remember when. But I like your idea. I was just thinking yesterday of blogging about steemit on ThePocketFeeder.com, then blogging about my website on Steemit. Back and forth. :)

I have dabbled in Wordpress, but never jumped into it like I have Steemit. I appreciate you sharing your experience with it, and the comparisons to Steemit. The longevity issue is what appeals the most. Having pages not just disappear (or so it can feel like). Considering a duplicate approach like this also, so this was timely, thanks.

Hey Naquoya. It's also easier for me to come up with subject matter. I know which products still need covering, and anything else saltwater fishing. :)

Have you heard of SteemPress? It’s a plug-in that will post your website content to Steemit ... that way you can earn money from both! My husband @ironmanmatt uses it to post the blog content from our website to his Steemit account.

Do you use affiliate links to monetize your website? Ads? What do you find works best? (I hope to meander by your site later on, but don’t have time at the moment...)

I have heard of it but don't use it yet. I had concerns about posting duplicate content and affiliate links on Steemit. So I decided to keep them separate for the time being.

On my site, I use both ads and Amazon Affiliate links to monetize. :)

From what my husband read, because it goes through the plug-in, it won't count as duplicate content. But yes, I agree about the affiliate links. Of course, once it posts, you can still edit in Steemit and remove the links. But it's always good to do the research! :)

I like the idea of just removing the links. I also have to see if my hosting service allows the plugin. Thanks for the tip. :)

This is educating. Thanks.

Thank you for stopping by and saying so @udochi. I appreciate it. :)

I so agree. I have been guilty of neglecting my regular blog, but really need to find that balance between Steemit, blog, podcast and life :)

I did too. Right now I'm doing Steemit and my fishing blog, but I need to push the bill. Next step is two Steemit posts per day and at least 1 WP post every other day. :)

Thanks for the insightful comparisons between the platforms. 😊
It will be great to be able to utilizing each's strong points and cross-advertised both and automates the posting to reduce workload.

Yes. It's a win win situation for sure. :)

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