Perspective on Steemit as a User and Investor

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


My VP has finally reached 100% since my first day here on Steemit. I’ve been hovering around 60-70% VP for many months, and finally decided to put a stop to it all. That meant no upvoting the many awesome posts out there, no more upvoting comments, and pausing Steemauto.

Today on May 15th, I have finally reached 100% VP again since my start in January. This is quite an accomplishment considering I am quite trigger happy with that upvote click.

My Life in a Nutshell


As you can tell, I haven’t been active so much on Steemit lately. Real life is busy for me. It is challenging to find time to write, comment, or be active on Steemit when there are real world responsibilities.


Steemit from a User’s Perspective

Is Posting Every Day the Path to Success?

So I read a lot of Steemians offering advices on how to succeed here on this platform. One of the advices is to post every day. I honestly cannot adhere to this advice and must not be on the path to success!

Being a non-blogger to begin with, I don’t understand how one has so many projects, thoughts, and opinions to share and blog about. Is Steemit their full-time job? Do they not have a family or children? Are they exceptional writers? Is every one of their content deemed quality?

I know everyone is talented in their individual ways. For me, I am not a talented writer. I am definitely not a blogger. I can’t share my awesome food recipes because I really do hate cooking. I can’t share my DIY projects because goodness, I can never get any one of those projects completed. I definitely will not share personal information on DTube because I’m too private a person. I have my FB account set on the most private of private of settings!

So what do I have to offer when it comes to blogging here on Steemit? My semi-talented writing skills and charming personality, of course! That is, when I am inspired enough to write. Or simply when I have time. Most days, I find myself lacking in both inspiration and time.

Here is what I refuse to post on my blog

I realize that I have community support on here. I refuse to post memes, giphys or one-picture photography posts (without any writing deemed of substance) for contest entries simply because it’s not fair to receive the support from these individuals. If I want to post a photography post to enter a contest or showcase what new skills I am learning with my camera, I will simply do so on my personal account. I don’t receive any support there so no guilty conscience.

Does this mean I will lose an audience? Probably.

It is important to find balance with the real and Steemit world. To be honest, I feel it’s a sacrifice of one aspect in life in order to achieve another aspect. Most days, I sneak in Steemit time after everyone is asleep, but that means sleep deprivation and going to work the next day feeling like a zombie.

So how does one reach that balance? For me, it is definitely not with writing a post a day. I’m simply not inspired enough most days to put out a single word on here. If I want to write a post, that means not commenting or replying back to others. If I want to dedicate more time to Steemit, that means less family time and definitely having undereye circles the next day.


Steemit from an Investor’s Perspective

I am both a user and investor on this platform. Small investor since I found out about Steemit in December, 2017 when the value of STEEM was trending between $3-5 USD. More than half of my accumulated SP (not counting delegations) is from purchasing STEEM and investing in this platform.

As an investor, I would like to see a positive ROI. That is how it works, right?

I’ve spent many months on here supporting and encouraging engagement and community growth. I had been consistent in the top ranking of Asher’s Engagement and Excellence League. Here was my last time being in the top 11th ranking a month ago before life got extremely busy. As you can see, I barely made in into the top 11th ranking. Right now, I’m trending in the top 25th ranking for engagement.


I happily support #newbieresteemday, an initiative which I am a team member. We support newbies on this platform with the @newbieresteemday account, and all the members do so voluntarily. We provide guidance, advices, and positive encouragement. There are no monetary or rewarding incentives for our team members. We contribute time, SBD, and SP delegations because we realize there is a need to support newbies on this platform. Who else will go through the trouble?

I follow the @newbieresteemday curation trail with Steemauto. I also show very minuscule support to the @friendsofgondor curation trail with Steemauto.

ROI as an Investor in Community Growth?

As an investor, there is no ROI. Well, not materialistic ROI. I’ve met many great individuals in the community and made friendships that I consider real, even though we are on an imaginary cryptocurrency platform.

So how am I profiting since I don’t post every day? I’m actually not.

I’ve been on here for 147 days. Out of those days, majority of them were spent upvoting contents written by newbies or rewarding comments. There is very minimal curation rewards earned when it comes to helping newbies. I earned around 2.02 Curation SP in this time period.

In the last two or three weeks, I decided to follow a whale circle-jerking unicorn & dreams curation trail. The wonderful Steemian did some homework and decided to follow some individuals with circle-jerk voting or last minute upvoting patterns from alt-accounts. These individuals are now purged from my steemworld outgoing votes since I paused steemauto, in case you’re wondering.


I’m just going off the numbers above since I don’t have time to do in-depth research, but the sad truth is, I made more in Curation SP with the circle-voting activities in the last 30 days than I did by supporting newbies and comments.

In 117 days of supporting newbies and comments: 2.02 Curation SP earned.

In 30 days of supporting circle-jerk and greedy activities: 3.63 Curation SP earned.

Looking at it from an investor’s perspective, which way should I lean?



Here is my fabulous blog post of the day. You may not see many posts from me because real life is busy. I will start my Steemauto again. I will continue to support newbies and give out my comment rewards. As for the circle-voting activities, it is extremely disheartening to see that I would earn more in curation rewards by supporting these individuals than by supporting the quality content that should be on trending. Or by showing support to individuals that may not write quality posts, but are just as smart, witty, caring, and with some of the most beautiful hearts I’ve seen on this platform.

My support will continue to go to these individuals, but it is extremely sad that Steemit Inc. does not see that they need to start showing community support. If investors see all the rewards coming from curating circle-jerk voting activities and passive SP delegation, then why should they feel a need to look elsewhere on this platform?


Image Sources:
Beeyou image by@seaslim
Newbieresteemday giphy by@amariespeaks
Snippets from steemworld, and Asher's Curation League post (abh12345)


Gosh, you are so honest about yourself @beeyou and I apprecitate that very much! Your post really resonates with me and I could find lots of similarities with my own personal situation. It helped me a lot to become more clear about my intentions at steemit and my same struggles to keep up a healthy balance between my real life/familiy and this wonderful platform. Please keep posting more of your thoughts because it's so eye-opening:-)

Hi @zuckerzombie. I appreciate you stopping by and sharing your own perspective as a user. I enjoy my time on here and meeting new people, but it is important to find that balance between the real/steemit world. I'm still trying to find that balance myself, let me know if you get there first! In the meanwhile, continue sharing your interests and meeting people on here. The fun part is the relationship you form on here. :)

I think you are doing pretty well at finding balance... Of course you had to slow down from the amazing pace you were doing earlier, but I still feel like you are there every day with something important to say to someone... So to me, that makes you a very big contributor the the community! I know we would rather have 10% of @beeyou than none of you, so just participate when you have the time, energy, and motivation. ;) ... BTW, your 10% is better than most people's full effort, so just realize how much you contribute!

As for the investment in SP... you don't earn it back from using your votes to reward others. There is simply no way that you can make a decent return by doing that. So you have to choose what do you want your SP for?

  1. did you buy it for an investment because you thought it would go up (ie a capital gain)? (if so, then the jury is out and may be that way for a few years)

  2. did you buy it as an investment to earn an income from it? (if so, bad choice of strategy)... If you want to earn, you have to do as the big people do... a) sell you votes to either minnowbooster or bidbots (you will make a very healthy return of 20%+ on an annual basis) or b) develop a "scheme" that front runs somebody. Whether it is good posts or not, it is still a scheme that most people follow. If they know that x group or bot will upvote at x time, then you put your vote in front of that pattern. Its a scheme and people good and bad do it on a regular basis. Its profitable if you figure out the patterns though. c) you could actually curate good content that no one knows about and will be likely to be upvoted by the community. Since this rarely happens organically, then see "b".... You are wasting your time if you think there is very much that will go viral on its own with no bots, or support of some kind from some group, good or bad. That's just the way it is FOR NOW... One day it could change, but for now its how it is!

I think there may have been a 3rd reason why you might have purchased steem and it may have nothing to do with the other 2... And that is that you wanted to help others. While it is not profitable, it is nonetheless absolutely a valid reason to want to hold more SP.

So my guess is you bought steem as an investment for its potential capital gains PLUS you want to do some good with it by rewarding others in the day to day activities. If my guess is right, you will never really earn from the curation of your SP, but you could definitely make some great friends, help some people in need, and feel good about your day as this place tends to make people do.

This is a very good post @beeyou... I am happy to upvote it and sorry that I'm a day late reading it! I am happily resteeming it too, because frankly I think its something that most people think at one time or another... Its all about balance and expectations... Getting that right will make the experience even better :)

I'm still working on finding that balance, and always welcome suggestions. :) Appreciate the encouragement Dave. You always do have a positive outlook on things (yes, I read your most recent post and still think good things of you).

As for my investment in SP and intentions on here, you are correct. I read a post about someone in a third world country having a $5 upvote worth and the person was saying that it is a big deal because that's what a person earn in a day over there. I thought it would be great if I could help others too. 100+ days later, I wish I remember whose blog it was I read. Is the person doing anything to help others? Did the person choose to delegate to bidbots? Perhaps selling his/her vote? Sooo..yes..I now understand this platform a little better since my first days of researching and deciding to invest in this platform.

If my guess is right, you will never really earn from the curation of your SP, but you could definitely make some great friends, help some people in need, and feel good about your day as this place tends to make people do.


She's coming back ;)

It is a tough world and you gotta do what you have to to survive. You have to be true to yourself but you also have to have fun. You are a good gal and your account grows every day. You also have to make family priority. You will have a screaming burrito one day, blink your eyes and they are 8 years old just like that. Keep doing what you do, you are good for steemit . Make the world into the place made of unicorns and rainbows. Dream with the feathers of angels stuffed beneath your head.

DC, you are a sweetheart when you want to be...awww. Very positive words there! Yes, the sceaming burritos grow up way too fast.

Here is to chasing unicorns and rainbows!

If there's anything i love about you, its your transparency. Most times i get into being in the same case such as you have written above. Real life situation getting in the way of my steemit activities and even when i do have some time, i feel like there is not much i could offer to the platform. I see lots of good arts posted by some creative artist with large payouts and i'm like
'I'm never going to make it on this platform form or get the audience i deserve like others'
But i guess today, those perspectives have been changed because like sir @surpassinggoogle says "everyone has something to offer" and maybe mine isn't in a very large way but still i would give out the best support i can and so you can you which you have by joining those curation trails to help newbies and others. Its something and that effort is mightily appreciated i tell you.
Today, i may not be the very best writers but with all sincerity i write about makeup business, my day activities @ulogs and i just started some nice adventure with @farms by posting agricultural related posts to help eradicate poverty on the blockchain.

What i'm i saying? In a nutshell, i think when it comes to blogging for a not 'very good blogger'... I think what will make it fun for you to post is just making blog post about activities you love doing cos 'Love makes time'.
@beeyou dear i would love to urge you not to give up on posting because people like me and others would love to know about your projects even though it may never get completed. Lol (nobody said it has to be) and it doesn't have to be everyday.
Your sincere efforts for others even when your returns is low is appreciated and i hope someday you get some large rewarded for it too. (I feel like i've typed too much hehehe)
Okay, take care muchlove

Hi @perkyeunice. I remember you! Many months ago you wrote that post about why we should never hold our pee. :) I usually remember a post I read. I just saw your post on tomatoes earlier with @farms. I think it's great that one of your projects is to help eradicate poverty on the blockchain. There is so much good that we can all do to make this world a little better for others.

I really am glad to see you enjoying your time much more on here and sharing your talented self with others. Especially seeing that you are still pursuing your interests. Everyone is talented and one really does need to find topics they love and share with others. Also important is finding a community to grow with.

I appreciate you stopping by to share such positivity! Thank you for your kind support and thoughtful comment. Lol on the DIY project, yeah...that will never get completed. I will try to post as much as I can. It's challenging finding the time to write. It does my heart good to know that you and others enjoy reading my posts. 💛

Wow... I'm really glad you can still remember the post. I'm literally smiling right now.
Thanks so much too for the encouragement. I realy appreciate.
Looking forward to your posts. muchlove

I know, it has been some time between that post and now. I have a good memory for things I read, more so when they're sincerely written. :)

I don’t have the time or motivation to post every day either. I go in bursts though. I started up with the daily freewrite challenge contest thing this week very reluctantly and I don’t expect to last long... giving it a shot anyway. I can do 5 minutes of writing most of the time. But how are there people on here posting 3+ times a day?!

I’ve come up with a good compromise with who I upvote so I can do it ethically and also get decent returns. My steemauto is on (and as I’m sure you know, you’re on it) and I autovote maybe 10 people once a day who are either friends or initiatives I support. Most of these people are about where I’m at. Then I give votes to newbies by manual curation and try to upvote some of the people who comment. My VP stays around 70%, but whatever! It seems to be working well enough.

I took a month hiatus here to deal with some stuff I was going through in real life. Occasionally I thought of Steemit and got some anxiety about it. Didn’t really have the motivation to write even if I had the time, but it felt like my ability to write was going to waste just when I had found a supportive outlet for it. But I’m back now and newly motivated, apparently. Not sure when that will die down again.

Hey Mallory. I hope you are continuing with the daily freewrite challenge! I can't get myself to join writing contests. Some days I really have nothing to say. I understand about having bursts of inspiration. I have a few of those sometimes, but it usually happens when I have no time to write. Not a single drop of creativity when I do have the time. :)

You do have a good compromise and that's a wonderful way to grow. I will never stop supporting my favorite authors and the newbies with the NRD acct. I wish I had more time to manually curate though. Right now, just trying to manage my steemauto setting so I don't fall back into the 70%. It really is hard to get out of there.

I hope you continue to be motivated and write. There are some really great supporters on here for talented writers. Be sure to stay away from that nasty indifference feeling.

Thanks for the steemauto support :)

Well, no matter how horrible your opinions are, some of us appreciate your honesty and will support you:)

They are quite horrible, isn’t it? I know about the last part. 😊

Oh my, you need to see one of my rant comments today...It's kind of ugly 😂🚁✈🚀

So why do you come back to Steemit? We all have our share of rants. Comment back on my other post so you can have a random chance to winning a share of sbi, for when you write.

OK, I'll take a look:)

Yayy! 100%, yea, I dont think Ive seen that since the very beginning when I had no idea what it meant! I personally think youre a superb writer, even when youre writing about not writing. Too bad that damned life and work thing always have to get in the way! JK of course. You take your family time above social media time, as thats the way it should be. Hunny, you work, youre a mother, youre a wife, youre many things including a unicorn and dont let anyone tell you any different! Ill have to kick em in the face and depending on how tall they are, itll probably really be just the knee... sucks being short! But you can take a man down with a good knee kick! Okay, Ive rambled on about knee kicking and unicorns, I may have had a late night myself and be in zombie mode. Theres really not enough coffee when it comes to motherhood! You just keep being you because youre pretty damn amazing! Much love Queen Bee! ;)

I will come back with a non-spammy comment. You brightened my day! ❤️

Drop the post you did for Mallory in my contest page. Random chance of winning.

Awesome thank you my dear! <3

I am so very glad I am not the only one with these troubles. I know I have to step it up on posting. My measly one a week really won't cut it.

I don’t understand how one has so many projects, thoughts, and opinions to share and blog about. Is Steemit their full-time job? Do they not have a family or children? Are they exceptional writers? Is every one of their content deemed quality?

I scrolled through your comments thinking someone may answer these burning questions. But got distracted by a bright shiny. Now I am off to read about pee. Oh yeah I will be a whale any day with this strategy

Hooray! 100%. I've forgotten what that actually looks like; and I'm sure you had to stop and say, "hey" when you saw it :)

I've always thought the same about the daily posting, regardless of how much time I may have on my hands, I just don't have that much to say. I know there are many who manage two/day as well. I'm sitting here shrugging my shoulders because I just couldn't imagine it. Good for those who obviously works for them.

I for one am glad to see you focusing on your real life. This is a distant second, or fourth for you, but we certainly cannot all be held to the same gauge here, that's for sure!

Good points about posting and VP. By the way, I have received support from @newbieresteemday, so thank you very much for the time, effort and generousity that you and others devote to Steemit. It is appreciated, hope you find a good balance amongst all your responsibilities.

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