The Mark of Chain

They called it the Genesis Block but we chose not to turn to history, chose not to listen to the words of a past already spoken. The Hebrew word for mark is 'Oth, Remembrance. Other meanings are Omen and Warning. We did not take heed.

They gave us all the signs necessary to discover their plans, uncover their conspiracies knowing full well we will not pay attention for we are blinded, we are lost, all we see is ourselves and all we have created bounces back the reflections we choose to cast.

We lust for what we cannot have and our gluttonous stomachs are never full for we are greedy and looking for the easy way forward. It is our sloth that drives us, too disinterested in effort to investigate, unwilling to work. And when our hypocrisy is pointed out, we act with vengeance, release our wrath and it feels good. Yet, we look onto the positions of others and become envious, jealous of what they have and simultaneously proud of what we hold, what we believe. We want other but we cannot let go of what we have, a conflict like no other. And the circle of sin is complete.

Follow the money and all roads lead to Rome but, who followed that path, who was willing to wait, hold their chance at prosperity and do the due diligence necessary? No, that is not our way, we want progress now and as the battle of competition with our brother rages, the original plan marches on.

Divide et impera, Divide and conquer is the way to have it all but the divisions need to be contained under the arch of enslavement. All must be brought together, all must believe they are part of something great, a new world, a new order - Freedom of the individual.

Connect them, unite them, bring them under one flag, make them strong, reward them for their efforts, offer them value for doing the things they enjoy under the guise of independence. Money for pleasure, money to be me. Who could resist?

None. For they were tired of a world of wanting, weary from the grind of getting nowhere, the promise that hard work would pay was a lie, a trick to increase productivity, a wedge to separate society along the lines of wealth. They had had enough of the opaque set of rules that benefited some and oppressed others. Where was the chance for the ordinary man when the game was hidden? Where was the honesty, they asked. Finally the bait was taken and they were finally ready.

There is a way, there is another way. Transparency of action, clarity of transaction, the ability to see the rules, the chance to see how others play the game and play yourself. Transparency yes, but the glass walls are walls nonetheless, cruelty of the highest order. The snake being forced to watch itself eat its own tail.

It is not fair they cried, it is not fair! We can see the game is not in our favor, we can see the field is not level. We can see the mountain and those atop preaching that all are free to climb, and we can see the razor wire fences that surround their position.

With clarity of sight, reality was seen, the game once hidden was indeed rigged. The rules were created to benefit the few, drive wealth along each link to fall into the pool with only a trickle, a tear, to run down the mountainside to moisten the lips of the masses.

We want out we did not agree, if we had only known... they cried.

Did not agree? came the questioned reply. You agreed and we have proof for we have 'Oth, and our memories are immutable. Contract after contract you have signed granting our access to your lives, piece by piece giving us ownership to your very souls.

Each word you have said and movement you have made, we have recorded, categorised and filed away. Every desire you hold, pleasure you seek and the darkness of your own minds we know. We know.

You were willing to be paid for little, not one declined the chance. You wanted to leave your marks on the world, you wanted to be remembered forever and forever you shall be remembered. You wanted access, you wanted information, transparency of what was hidden. You wanted to be individuals and you were granted exactly that, without being careful for that which you wished.

Look in your hand you hold it there, look in your hand and see the truth. What you hold is yours to do with as you choose but to use it means to leave a mark, a breadcrumb, a morsel for us to feed upon, for us to tax, for us to optimise, sell, imprison.

You own your Key but, we are the key ring and we own all the doors.

Make your choice, leave your mark and that mark is forever yours. You believed and feared that the mark would be placed upon you by a crooked and twisted ruler. You never considered that dictator was you, and you would each do it to yourselves.

Please enter your Private Key.

[ a Steemit original ]

This is written for @v4vapid's Conspiracy creative writing competition I like the challenge that these provide and I recommend anyone who wants to get out of their comfort zone to take part and see where it may lead.


Many ponder the direction your post has taken. The theories and prophecies that are abound have been linked to crypto because of its borderlessness. The acceptance of crypto by all governments would mean one world currency and from there to world government is not farfetched.
There are people who are not on steemit today because of this very belief. They feel that it is selling their souls. They believe that steemit is the manifestation of the end if times. Your post borders on those lines. Conspiracy...hmmm

Great entry into the contest.

I stumbled onto the contest post this morning and I began digging deeper straight away.

I'll ask you the same questions that I asked @taskmaster4450.

'Hello mate. I've just stumbled onto a contest about conspiracies and I wanted to ask you what your thoughts are about something. There was an article made in The Economist in 1988 about the 'new world currency'. The Phoenix on the front cover. What is your knowledge about this?

Also, I read some information about Circle, the poloniex takeover, being backed by Goldman Sachs. This all seems very fishy and I am always very hesitant with sources. Can you shed any light on the situation?

Do you think the two instances could possibly be linked?'

I do not know much about the conspiracies other than their existence. What I do see though is that we are slowly edging toward a globalised currency and the banks are the ones driving it. One step in that direction is to remove cash which crypto does with the addition of being borderless and traceable. GS buying in is to be expected as they have been purchasing crypto volume for many months whilst Fudding the media coverage.

I can't shed any light though... I am sworn to secrecy. ;)

Standard, the conspiracies are always hard to follow when there is a mixture of true and false mixed into the media by both teams.
I agree, I think the globalized currency will be here in a couple of years, if not sooner. I just worry what will happen to the value of our tokens.
If you have read about a coin called Quint, that looks oddly like it could become the coin of choice. Given the designs, backing and it's functions.

I understand that, it's good practice to keep hush hush. Your comment was valuable regardless, thanks.

Very well written. I am always astounded by human hypocrisy and I'm not afraid to say that sometimes I'm a hypocrite myself. I like many others try to achieve my goals with the least effort when it is possible. But I do not hesitate to put in hard work consistency and stubbornness when it is needed to get where I want to. after all the biggest and the best trait that I value in people is their integrity. The trait that is harder and harder to find which is often traded for faster profits.

The trait that is harder and harder to find which is often traded for faster profits.

Indeed and I think that anonymity plays a role in people's willingness to take advantage for the self at a cost to others as there is little need to rely directly on the community and discovery of wrong-doing isn't life ending as there is always another community to hide in.


Totally agree with that, lack personal responsibility and muted identities does not oblige to act socially responsible.

This is a nice write up, there is a reason behind everything that happens. Like there is someone holding all the pieces and calling all the shot and we are just meant to tag along

Mehn this looks like excerps from a book. Very well written and deep.

Each word you have said and movement you have made, we have recorded, categorised and filed away. Every desire you hold, pleasure you seek and the darkness of your own minds we know. We know.

To me this was the high point of this piece . Sometimes we do things we don't understand and it gets to hunt us later. Transparency is all that matters in life.

Sometimes we do things we don't understand and it gets to haunt us later.

As far as the universe is concerned, everything is a blockchain.

The rules were created to benefit the few...

I guess this is what Steemit is trying to do, to break the rules and give everyone opportunity to make their own rules. To change the status quo and present everyone with an opportunity to leverage on in other to attain financial freedom. However, I won't deny that within the platform, there are still rules that favor the few but this is nothing compared to the normal society rules to attain financial freedom, like the kind that deceives people into more hardwork to increase their productivity and not the people's productivity.
Well done, such a thought provoking piece bordering on many dimensions.

It is going to be interesting how it progresses for the next couple years. Will it break the chains of oppression or will it come into line with the average. Too early to tell.

It will not break the chains of oppression but it may come into line with the average. The level of oppression on Steemit is undeniable, but it is the kind that would positively inspire most people to live above mediocrity and keep on stepping up their game.

Wow! Great read. Loved every word of it and felt as if I am selling my soul. The conspiracy has begun, and it may not be a conspiracy at all. It could be real. 🐓

Loved every word of it and felt as if I am selling my soul.

I am glad that you felt this but, hopefully you haven't sold it. Not yet at least as we are in a dip, wait a little ;)

Good bro, you have written good on blockchain. Well done bro........ like your post.
have a look on my contest post

good contest post @tarazkp thanks for contest infrom i wanna try this

That's pretty cool to know thanks for the tips by the way, have a nice..

what tips?

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