Memories of Growing up in Texas – Memory Journal 1

in #blockchainmemoryproject6 years ago (edited)

When I speak or write about my family, you will most likely find the stories strange, as I believe they are since, I come from a broken family in Texas. This is just a little look at one of the earlier memories of my childhood.

A few weeks ago posted a #story-mentor project assignment to write about our earliest memory, which I did and the story is at this link.

This memory is written using the guidelines from Eric Vance Walton @ericvancewalton at this link. Please enter and follow the rules at that link.

Steemit Blockchain Memory Project Rules of Engagement
• Share any significant memory you’d like to. Think about things that have shaped who you are or may be unique in some way.

Sorry for the lack of personal photographs for this story, because most all my childhood photographs were lost long ago, and that my friend is another story. We did recover this box from the fire I will keep looking for a photograph from that time and post if and when I find it.


In this memory of growing up in Texas I am sharing a life-changing event that helps in shaping the “who” I am today. This event leads to me no longer being the only, or oldest child in our family.

It all happens because Mother’s oldest brother, my Uncle Jim enters the army branch of the military, leaving his poor wife on a farm with their children.

What I am told is their mother dies of cancer and all the children, my cousins, were sent to the Buckner’s Orphanage in Dallas, Texas. My mother could not bear this and even though we were not wealthy she decides to adopt two of my cousins. I never found out how many there were.

My mother decides to make my two cousins my siblings, that day they become my brother and sister. So at 3 years of age, and the only child I might add, one day without notice, my parents bring home my new brother and sister. My brother Jimmy 4 years old, and sister Debbie 3 years old like me. One thing to note is this happens around 1958 when orphanages were not the best place to be.

Suddenly, I was no longer the only child and on top of that my mother begins to try and make my sister and I twins, although we were cousins born one month apart. We are as different as night and day. You may ask how she would accomplish the twin thing.

Well, my adopted sister, Debbie and I start celebrating all our birthdays, on the same day, even though our birthdays were really in two different months, at least the real birthdays are only a month apart. The great thing is at my birthdays I always get books. My parents constantly read to me and I believe that is why I love reading and writing so much.

Then Mother begins to dress my sister Debbie and I alike. At this point, I create an imaginary friend just like me, as a child, my imaginary friend is always with me. Yes, my imaginary friend looks and thinks like me. LOL. Now you know why I am so private.

I love my sister very much and it is great to have someone to play dolls with. My brother did his own thing but Debbie and I had the same life and slept in the same bedroom until we got older. She went on to have two beautiful daughters, one dies in a car accident and the other one lives in another state. My sister’s passing over is another story for another time.

My brother Jimmy, like his birth father, joins the Army and the military stations him in Germany. While stationed there he witnesses the Berlin Wall coming down, I still remember the excitement in his voice when he phones us.

While in the service Jimmy marries a German girl and they have children. Then years later after retiring from the military, he passes away. The way I learn of his passing is by receiving a letter in the mail written in the German language. I found someone to interpret the letter and as most everything else the letter was lost in our house fire in 2011.

Thank you for reading my memory journal.

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I love my sister very much and it is great to have someone to play dolls with. My brother did his own thing but Debbie and I had the same life and slept in the same bedroom until we got older. She went on to have two beautiful daughters, one dies in a car accident and the other one lives in another state. My sister’s passing over is another story for another time.

I have had a fair share of everything, but I don't have a sister. What happened with your sister is very unfortunate and I'm really sorry about that.
For there is no friend like a sister in calm or stormy weather; To cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands.

OMG @wa2qr your words are so beautiful. Thanks for writing about sisters, females like that.
I love this. Please think about writing your story too. This is a small clip of mine of course.

When I visit your blog I am always so moved by your poetry and photographs. Thanks for visiting me and I appreciate all the support you show me when writing my story, "The Mausoleum". I am still working on the next part of that.

Great and amazing post.
I love it.😍😍😍😍
I appreciate your work.
Nice content.

Thanks @rebeccabe for sharing this post.

Upvoted + resteemed your post.

Be sure and let me know what you think of my story.

I understand your emotions friend.
Sometime people have their family but they didn't have time and love for their own family.
One thing is so common in every family which is our parent's fight.
Sometimes we think no one can feels or understand our pain.
We feels really very alone.
At such situation mostly a person spends time alone with their soul.
And their is a lots of things more.

you might want to take part of my post and put it in google translate.
I am so happy you wrote a meaningful comment this time.
It is good to hear how you are feeling too. Sorry about your parents fighting.

I'm sorry may be my 1St comment hurt you I didn't want to hurt you sister.
I'm sorry if I hurt you.
Actually my life's story is same as your story but I didn't want to tell anyone.
Because no one is trustable in my life. I really feels very alone and sad.

No way did you hurt me @stardivine, so you don't need to apologize.

It is okay here to tell your story. I have never told anyone mine until now.

When your life is hard and the people around you disturbed it is hard to trust anyone. It is okay to feel sad it will pass.

Meditation saves me because sitting in the stillness I discovered we are never alone. Become aware of the observer within you. ❤️

This story pulls my heart strings, you're mother is so special to adopt, what a big heart.
Reading stories like you'res confirms how many tragic stories surface amongst human kind, but how strong we are to push on. This dosent mean we are void of bearing scars and internal bruises. Thank you for sharing a bit of you and you're family, I feel emotional now.

@sanddrift Oh wow, I am truly glad I posted it now. Thank you for your heartfelt comment.
My mother is special, she passed over years ago, at one time she asked that I write about her life and I think I may in here. So much happens to her it is quite the life story.
The blockchain allows us to record history as never before. I don't think we realize how powerful that is for our memories when we no longer exist or God forbid forget who we are.

It must have been a very emotional write. I'm very sorry for your loss
You've seen your fair share of grief

Thank you it was not so much emotional as helping me understand the past a little more.
I see why it is important to write about your childhood now. Lol.
There is a lot more to come. Are you going to do the project? I put the link at the top.

I've had a comparatively much happier childhood. Maybe I'll write about some good memories.
For how long will this project go on. I have a lot on my plate for now. Maybe I'll give it a try later.
There's another project going on, I think you might be interested.
This is my entry for that.
You should give it a try probably :)

I will check it out. The guy having that contest, @onceuponatime is sure interesting too. We have the most talented, interesting people in here. Day after day I see it. Thanks for your comment and do put your memories they will be stored forever. Whatever forever is. lol

Family is for what you live earn survive and die.... What is great is that we steemsters are also slowly becoming a family...

Very sweet and I agree with you, many people in here like you are my Steemit family.
We are all here for each other. :)

That is quite a memory my friend. You have experienced a lot of losses in your life. For this I am so sorry. It would have made me very confused as a kid. 🐓🐓

My family is confusing lol...mostly due to tragedy starting very young but I must believe it occurs the way it is supposed to. Yes, there has been a lot of things happen, but I feel a connection with the infinite which makes all things whole. Everything out here is an illusion albeit seems so real, to quote our friend Albert Einstein. I am lucky to still be breathing on planet earth and getting to chat with folks like you.

So totally agree with you, that life is meant to be the way it is. There are so few things we have control over, with the exception of how those events shape our lives. I feel lucky to be able to chat with you also. 🐓🐓

thanks you make me smile here and when I read your posts.

Heart touching memories. Dear @rebeccabe i hope your next day is better than before.

Very kind of you to say, I believe we all suffer loss, the longer you live the more loss.

We love who you are today. You are also a valued steemer in our steemit family. Thanks for sharing @rebeccabe

@sweetjoy Thank you so much good or bad I am still the same. lol
Some people think I am good and others bad. Are you going to journal in this?

I just write to write idk. I am visiting Tx soon and this post spoke to me.

Which part of Texas? It has really changed a lot. I was in Austin last December in the Hill Country.

Houston and some place in the middle...I forget where. I heard it's affordable and nice.

Be safe Houston is a big place. A 45-minute drive from Houston is Galveston, Texas on the Gulf of Mexico, in case you want to visit the beach.

Thanks. Do I need that special ID yet? Forgot about that :(

upvote for you

For me to reward you can you tell me why you gave me the upvote?
if you need to go to google translate and write something simple.
Thank you, I like your upvote but your words mean more to me.

all I can say is be patient in the face all of trials

Your story touched me, I have a similar background and my sister is in another continent which makes me sad sometimes for not able to see each other like other family does.

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