Wow!!! Steemit Getting Some Heavy Coverage: Price Moving Up Too!!!

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

Tom Luongo wrote a post that related to a series of events that took place recently. One is an article that covered Julian Assange's view that AI is giving the social media behemoths the power to censor using this technology. The other was an interview he had with James O'keefe about the antics over at Twitter.

Here is Tom's article:

None of this comes as a surprise to any of us on Steemit. We know what the likes of Facebook and Google are all about. One of the reasons many of us are here is these mediums censored us somewhere along the line. If you do not toe the politically correct line, one is banned i.e. account closed. What is ironic is the companies espouse how they are for freedom of speech and how the "establishment" needs to get off their backs. What a bunch of bull. These companies are the new establishment. Their act is wearing thin and, fortunately, some are starting to see through it.

What is exciting is that Tom's article was picked up by the site, which is a top 600 website in the U.S. This site is heavily read which means more people will be getting exposure to STEEM.

Another fascinating aspect to all this is that the focus is on the censorship of social media tools. This is where STEEM is in a great position. We presently are looking at apps that offer people an alternative. While still requiring some fine tuning, Zappl, D.Tube, and Steepshot, in addition to Steemit, Busy, and Chainbb, can present people with a complete social media package.

Perhaps this has something to do with the move in the pricing action today.

We all knew that 2018 was going to be a fantastic year for STEEM. This recent coverage comes from an unexpected source since most people do not typically think about the censorship angle. Nevertheless, there stands to be a great deal to be gained from it. As more people become aware of these problems, the idea of a decentralized blockchain takes on greater meaning. Does this mean more people will flock here? I don't know but logic says that many will investigate it.

Get ready folks, the masses are coming.

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Manna coins seem pretty cool, hopefully we can end poverty, especially if coercion need not be utilized to do so that would be revolutionary.

My personal belief @fatkat is that tokens in general will be the basic income which can end poverty. Manna is one of the many that will eventually emerge. But yes, Manna seems to be a wonderful project that can really aid in this quest.

It is time to help out those who were overlooked by the banker controlled system.

yep, i agree with Dr. King the simplest solution is to abolish poverty direcly via a GMI, guaranteed minimum income, especially if charity can fund this globally would be amazing. The big thing for manna will be if and when it gets on an exchange and realizes the market value.

When HF20 Velocity is released, account creation will no longer require delegation of Steem Power but a permanent minimum bandwidth. This was necessary to prevent automated abuse of the signup process which would give free Steem to attackers.

This is why Steem / Steemit has not grown faster because accounts had to be grown through a vetting process. I had suggested a witness referral program a few months back to bypass the issue, but it will be moot with HF20.

My understanding is that as of Jan 1, 2018, there are over 500K accounts and Steem is about $5. If it achieves the same level of Reddit which is over 200 million, we can extrapolate that Steem will be approximately 400x its current price. That would be $2000 per Steem.

Your estimation of $100 is on the conservative side. The question that remains is when...

Thanks for the comment @zoidsoft.

I agree with you. The bigger question is when HF20 takes place. All we can do is wait.

There are many ways to get the price of STEEM to absurd levels. I have not seen the Reddit user multiple done but it makes as much sense as any methodology about projections.

You are right...the $100 figure I mentioned could well be a very low figure. STEEM has the potential to head much higher. We already are in the lead with number of transactions taking place. Plus, this community is loyal and dedicated. It is only a matter of time before we see the user base jump in numbers (after HF20 of course).

In the end, this is going to be a huge winner for all involved.

I heard some rumors that it is going to come out somewhere close to the 10th of February.... but these are rumors.

I hadn't heard this rumor. Interesting...

I heard a rumor that it was going to be released mid nov :p

When HF20 Velocity is released, account creation will no longer require delegation of Steem Power but a permanent minimum bandwidth.

I'm not sure I understand what that means. can you elaborate or point me to a good link?

The first cryptocurrency Rating Report came out from Weissreport. They Rated Bitcoin (C+), Ethereum (B) and Steem (B-) with the comment that "Steem-Blockchain is a very balanced and good developed Cryptocurrency + Social Media". Wow that News is incredible, if you consider the difference in Marketcap between Ethereum 100bl. and Steem 1.2bl 😂 🚀 🚀

There was also a B- rating for STEEM from Weiss Ratings Agency. By contrast Bitcoin only received a C+

@cryptoctopus wrote about it here:

Wohoo! The more attention Steem gets, the better for us. Sudden price increase is always appreciated. I like where this is going. It's not gonna be too long until everyone around the world will be talking about Steem.

Not exactly the market many would think about but the anti-establishment, anti-censorship group is a fairly large one. With more people turning their backs on the MSM, the social media sites became a defacto option. However, now with the accusations of censorship and other games, perhaps this will pull even more people away from there.

STEEM is in prime position to benefit. Over the next year, I can see millions joining this blockchain.

agree with you ....

I dont care that much about price... Im building my steem power and I know Im in this for the long run... even if steem would reach 50 tomorrow, I wouldnt sell.

Whoa! I'm sure I looked at the Steem price an hour ago and it was like a dollar less! That's pretty incredible!

A while ago I tried to pay for advertising on Facebook, but I used a credit card that I shortly after cancelled... Facebook then freaked out and completely banned me from purchasing ads. I opened a number of tickets which they immediately closed saying I had broken one of their policies... all I wanted to do was change the credit card and give them money... and they wouldn't let me nor would they even discuss it with me.

Obviously they're making so much that I wasn't worth the support effort... but centralized social media is fundamentally hurtful to society, I think the last US elections proved that, with everyone squarely contained within their own little silos...

Steem is absolutely the way forward... I was worried initially that it would just become a platform overrun by Porn, but that doesn't seem to be the case so far... hopefully we get good at self-regulating in a way that shapes the platform to what the majority want... but without any one group controlling the platform.

Very, very interesting times ahead!

Lol, i haven't come across porn on steemit, but there is some funny live stream on dlive.

Yay steemit!! So glad to be here too. Sorry to hear of your run ins on fb.

But, @taskmaster4450 i am curious why it seems you're promoting youtube and not dtube? Thanks for your positivity towards the platform. It's great to see you adding more good content ❤♨️

Typo...thanks for the catch...corrected it.

Ahhh k, now it makes more sense 🙃

I always say that the STEEM is like Facebook, but without the bad things. Here, we have space for everyone, except for assholes, like your other post.
Here I saw many people flourishing because they help the community and create so many value which in Facebook they don't have voice, because in that the value is not for content, the value is attention, even bad attention!

I do feel a complete different Vibe between Facebook and Steemit.
On facebook I only have friends which I really know in real life. In Steemit, none of the people who are following me or which I do follow, I have actually seen or spoken in real life.
Therefor Steemit enriches my life much more than Facebook did.
The only problem I have with Steemit is, that I cannot create a second account. I did get my follower by posting about cryptocurrency, but I also want to post about sportsbetting but I do not want to annoy my crypto followers with this.

I was waiting for this moment and still have hope that the rate gets higher. We can be surprised in the next hours.
Nice post, thank you for sharing :)

Steem has its opportunity to make great strides forward if we USE it WISELY. Just like anything else, once the general public adopts a platform it can be corrupted and misused. Hopefully we will remain focused on what this genius platform was designed for and it does not turn into a circus. Thx for the info.

steem will reach to the moon hurrrah

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