Kinesis as The Future Cryptocurrency on Advanced Monetary System Integrated within Blockchain

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)



Let say today you have some or large amount assets (cryptocurrency) on your account, and you realized that the value of those assets will always fluctuates by highly percentages & time volatily, whether you keep trading/exchange on it. For the record, as we knew the prices of BTC, ETH and etc. while december 2017 was the highest prices then its drop down by the time after. As this fluctuates occured by the effect of supply and demand at the end we realized that our assets must be always over-watched while you have no full time on it. This is what kind phenomenom that most of public blockchain/crypto enthusiast faced right now, while their assets/cryoptocurrencies stayed on the qui vive. Fortunately, if they reached the profit on due time after exchanged/sold it what about unfortunately while they didn't over-watched on, as it will shaked their mental management thinking about the large of assets dropped down.

At this point, we realized that such of what cryptocurrency characterized currently defined by the supply & demand* oriented on trading/exchange within the market, while its also the project integrated within as it will make it popular or otherwise as well. In short, we conscious that this happen within our cryptocurrencies currently caused by having no backed up assets integrated within as it will kept it in normal values/prices steady (For instances as what we already seen by the USDT/TUSD coin which is already backed up 1:1 with $ USD fiat).

As we can compared by the existences of fiat influences which is stayed always in standard/normal beside the fluctuates doesn't seem highly volatily. This cases will always made fiat kept strong value and saved (eg. USD, EUR, etc.) and the integrated backed up coin will also followed by. Another comparison that truly amazingly is when we talked about the old assets orientation eg. Gold/Silver/Diamond/etc. those value totally run out of mind while its always kept strong and increased steadily. This is what we should digging more as it will enhanced our financial aspects by the time you realized that there are already kind of system that integrated such things within Advanced Monetary System by backed up the standard gold/silver value with the coin itself.

Imagine while you bought those kind of coin that already backed up by the Gold/Silver in 1:1 standard value. Actually, your assets will stayed in peaceful zone, as it also you can perform or follow several project that featured within the platform to earn more yielding. These all kind of advances system already existed and can be joined/owned by now, as it the Kinesis platform as the advanced monetary system and also the future cryptocurrency that incredibly oriented within blockchain.

What is Kinesis?

The Kinesis Monetary System is specifically designed to overcome these drawbacks through the development of a universally adopted, decentralized, asset-backed monetary system. A monetary system that is efficient, secure, fair, and incentivizes commercial exchange. This system combines new world decentralized technology with the oldest, fairest, and most sustainable form of money, to empower and serve the interests of us all equally and capitalistically.
-Kinesis Whitepaper


Kinesis offered the new revolution within the cryptocurrency monetary system on both of blockchain and real world money (Bank System) as well. By integrating backed up system through Gold/Silver in 1:1 standard values, the main coin within Kinesis will always followed the backed assets value.

As one of a new blockchain project which is oriented within beyond monetary system revolution, Kinesis performed the evolution of the gold standard as the backed up assets through the Kinesis coin on the blockchain network. Kinesis called theirself as a yield-bearing digital currency based on physical gold and silver, which is mean by the time you want your Kinesis assets (KUG & KAG coin) in physical goods/bullion, you can actually proposed and Kinesis will delivered to your address timely. What an incredibly and amazing system, isn't it! as this is what public blockchain/crypto enthusiast need most rightnow by the time they realized how its means.

How does Kinesis Works?

Such a great project I think!
Do you know why! as we can see within another/ordinary cryptocurrency which is only focused on trading/exchange and its already flooded the market by the time you read this. Meanwhile, Kinesis can performed several functional features on earning the profit/benefit to their users.

The Kinesis Monetary System allocates title directly to the ultimate beneficial owner. Thus, at its core, Kinesis is a monetary system focused on minimizing risk, maximizing return, stimulating velocity, and maximizing the rate of adoption.
-Kinesis Whitepaper

Actually, there are four monetizing strategy applied by Kinesis on its orientaion within market explores.

1. Cryptocurrency Markets

The place where you can trade/exchange your Kinesis coin (KAU/KAG).

2. Gold and Silver Markets

The place where you backed up you assets through Gold/Silver within 1:1 standard values.

3. Fiat Currency Markets

The places that you can actually exchange your coin into fiat through your Bank account as well.

4. Investment Asset Markets

Are you an investor! this is the best site to be part of its progressed.

Kinesis Advanced Features within Blockchain Monetary System

-Kinesis Whitepaper

By the advanced monetary system project within Kinesis platform integrated, there are three main target that applied to support public enthusiast who joined, such as:

  • Minimalize the Risk by having a kind of cryptocurrency which is backed up 1:1 by Gold/Silver
  • Maximalize the Incentives through the following project offered : Cryptocurrency, Gold & Silver, Fiat Currency and Investment Asset Markets.
  • Optimize the efficiency join by adopting the reward collectively earned calculated on percentage of transaction fees from the business operators within the system.

As we can see within the flowed-line screenshot from Kinesis Whitepaper above, the Kinesis monetary system integrated truly beyond the advanced ordinary system, as the amazingly while you pointed on KFN and KCC that have directly access through the bank system once you want exchange your coin into fiat currency (Withdrawl Cases). Meanwhile another features applied on cryptocurrency and gold/silver marketpalces.

Another Ways to Earn Kinesis Token (YIELD)

The Kinesis Monetary System attaches a yield to physical gold and silver for varying degrees of passive or active participation.
-Kinesis Web

The following defines explained about how you can actually earn Kinesis Token through yield program:

  • Minter Yield, Rewarded by the transaction fees on the market.

  • Holder Yield, Rewarded by holding the assets participation.

  • RecruiterYield, rewarded by affiliate program participated.

  • Depostior Yield, rewarded by Incentivizes large initial deposits.

Kinesis Whitepaper

Kinesis Tokens Defined as {KVTs}


As the great blockchain project within advanced monetary system, Kinesis stated two part of their currency module.

1. Kinesis on ICO

On the ICO (Initial Coin Offering), you will find another Kinesis coin which is backed up 1:1 (based on gold/silver) owned as them are the KAU and KAG coin.

Kinesis’ primary currencies, KAU and KAG, are based 1:1 on allocated physical gold and silver, two of the greatest stable and definable stores of value for use in trade and investment.*
-Kinesis Whitepaper Summary

As the statement on the summary quoted that the KAU & KAG are the primary currencies of Kinesis which is integrated on Kinesis Debit Card, The Kinesis debit card allows for instant conversion of KAU and KAG into fiat currency anywhere in the world where Visa / Mastercard is accepted, even allowing Kinesis currency holders to withdraw funds at an ATM.
-Kinesis Web

2. Kinesis on ITO

The Kinesis Velocity Token is an ERC20 utility token that receives a portion of the transaction fees from the Kinesis Monetary System.
-Kinesis ITO

As many other project that build on the ethereum network (ERC20), Kinesis also a part of ERC20 token defined as KVTs which is used on Kinesis Blockchain Network.

KVTs offer an investor a onetime opportunity to take a share of the Kinesis Monetary Systems entire revenue pool for life. The Kinesis Velocity Token (KVT) is a utility token and isn’t an asset-based currency. This is what is currently in pre-sale in the ITO that is running until September the 10th at a 2.5% discount. Then it will head into Public Sale until November 11th, 2018.
-Kinesis ITO

KVTs is the utility token offered on pre-sale which isn't as the primary currency on Kinesis platform. As november 2018, Kinesis ICO will be held, KVTs token come as the pre-sale token to Kinesis which is can be earned by following/participating on Kinesis referal program beside you can also have it through pre-sale.

There are two optional in buying the KVTs Token as it for Individual Applicant & Corporate Applicants

BUY YOUR KVTs NOW by accessing the following link below!
  1. the KVTs For Individual Applicant/Investor/buyer
  2. the KVTs For Corporate Applicants/Investor/buyer

The Surplus Point on Kinesis Traces

Kinesis Partnership.png

The surplus point within Kinesis platform/project is, they are already build a strong partnership with Allocated Bullion Exchange ( as within their orientation, beside ABX also coorporated with Deutsche Borse Group which is DBG associated with the European Commodity Clearing settlement service, also appeared on some popular news, beside the ratings on ICO platforms rated.

Kinesis Use-Case (Simple Defines)

You have a large gold/silver/fiat within your bank account/ordinary keep storage, by the time you concious that your assets need to be invested caused by its values. You just start to think where the best and secured place to flowed by. Addtionally, you think that you're assets can be profitable and made more benefits to your investment.

Since the time you learn too many platform within the internet/blockchain you found then Kinesis as the best place to joined by. So, you can actually think that all your asset will be more secured, saved, and profitablity long last. So, you just keep stayed within Kinesis and be a part with its revolutions.

Kinesis TEAMS

It is a must for all project has its own professional and well organized team in order to make the project reached the point, such as what Kinesis Team does.


If you want to know more about Kinesis just grab the link below.
Kinesis Website | Kinesis Telegram | Kinesis Twitter
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Kinesis Whitepaper Summary | Kinesis Blueprint
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