GoChain - Smarter, Better, Faster, Stronger 100% Ethereum Compatible, 100x Faster

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

BlockChain Version 3.0

Blockchain has grown up incredibly fast over the last year or so and the amount of tokens & DApps being launched on the Ethereum network is vast and growing by the day as ICO's continue to create the tech companies of the future. As you probably know already, this stalwart network, second only to bitcoin was envisioned by Vitalik Buterin as a network for deploying smart contracts and this agility is what's made Ethereum so popular. However, Ethereum has serious scaling issues to meet.

GoChain header.jpg

Bulllet Train Speeds

A slow network, Ethereum is stuck around the low double digits and is often cited as capable of 7-15 transactions per second. For example, Visa (which is centralised and not blockchain), runs a huge portion of the planet's card payment system & operates at a very high speed of 24,000 transactions per second or (86million per hour). That's a lot of plastic swipes in a day and it gives you an idea of what a network running at thousands of transactions per second can achieve, leaving Ethereum's sloth pace, hanging back in the trees, covered in algae.

(Remember though, Visa can only do Visa transactions).Database sharding, potentially lessens Ethereum's need to run full nodes and can partly address the inherent scaling problem, but it's only a sticking plaster, so new ground up chains with radically different approaches (& consensus algorithms) have begun to leap from the drawing board, straight into the cryptosphere to meet these rapidly evolving challenges head on, before crypto hits total gridlock.

source nat geo

How Could I Possibly Move from Ethereum ?

But what if you had spent over two years or more, (considerable effort) and most of your initial investment building your business model around Ethereum. Up until now you might have been stuck with the hopeless inevitability that your groundbreaking blockchain solution for (insert pretty much any business problem here) was too quick out of the blocks and was forever stuck in the slow lane, on the slow chain, now destined for the evolutionary garbage pile, but wait, there's hope.

It's a totally new solution and it enters ICO phase on May 1st 2018. GoChain promises to seamlessly transplant (lift & shift) your fully working project (or your as yet unveiled & top secret, dream codebase) from Ethereum onto a totally new platform, future proofed and innovative, with some serious advantages to Blockchain 2.0 offerings, which are beginning to lose their shine in an exploding sector.


Blistering Pace

In addition to a blistering 1,300 transaction per second straight out of the box, it comes with a totally new consensus type which addresses a whole raft of existing blockchain V2.0 legacy issues and it's one which is potentially a game changer, not just for smart contract developers but for the whole sector itself. Sounds like a no brainer; a crypto upgrade in a box and one which might help the emerging sector's mainstream media image problem when it comes to energy, trust and provenance. GoChain aims for a fully accelerated 13,000 transaction per second blockchain production rate by Q2 2019. There's the exciting series 2.

Thinking Person's Blockchain

GoChain is a thinking person's Blockchain and it's been carefully devised to replace Ethereum's overloaded network while improving on both Proof of Work and it's lower energy cousin, Proof of Stake. Proof of Work was a clever idea to solve the issue of double spending but it is energy intensive and has become a bit of an arms race as the network expanded. Back in 2010 you could mine 1 bitcoin per day on a normal pc. Try that now and you'd be here until the end of the Universe and while Proof of Stake may have lowered the energy threshold, It didn't solve the the decentralisation issue with mining (still being) quite lopsided by the incursion of major stake holders (doing most of the work) and thus losing the essence of the key concepts of decentralisation.

Albert Einstein - source

Burning Down The House

As hash complexity increased, so did the processing power required. $12m per day in electricity for Bitcoin and Ethereum. That's enough to power the entire City State of Singapore and Proof of Stake was devised to cool down the difficulty level of hashes so that much less processing power (and electricity) was used.


"Ethereum’s estimated energy consumption at the time of this writing is 14 TWh and rising [32]. Assuming 450W power usage per server [31], our 50 node cluster will only use 197.1 MWh or 0.001% of the energy of the Ethereum network." source GoChain Whitepaper

PoR - Proof of Reputation

GoChain's new consensus type Proof of Reputation is an upgrade to Proof of Authority but instead of individuals, it promises unprecedented levels of security by nominating publicly listed companies PLC's to stake their highly valuable Reputation as a select group of 50 nodes to secure the network. It's a really smart idea and one which has multiple fail safes. PLC's can't afford the PR disaster that would ensue if they tried to cheat the system, (neither would they need to) and their stock price would fall in minutes, but they do have the resources and trust to reliably participate in highly valuable transaction based networks and so as a platform for business which is accountable, multinational and totally public & the miners owned by shareholders, Proof of Rep is incredibly attractive as a platform for anyone wanting to run a Blockchain app which requires high levels of integrity, (especially enterprise); financial services, credit systems, high currency throughput models. Corporate responsibility policy departments will also find it irresistible as a choice of platform on all three counts of Performance, Energy & Trust. Particularly as crypto opens up to a wider range of existing corporate participants.

Corporate Logos - source

Shining Light

GoChain has the potential to act as a guiding principle for the future development of cryptocurrencies. I can imagine a large number of existing (and upcoming) projects will immediately migrate over to GoChain's innovative platform. It's got the potential to become a leading crypto platform and so it's market cap could eventually (and not that far away) be huge. The PR spin off in both directions could be monumental and press ready, if a number of household names are selected as one of the privileged few nodes. Every industry needs leaders, innovators, dreamers and visionaries. The Blockchain sphere certainly contains plenty of people with those qualities. The team behind GoChain have just stretched that envelope a little bit further and they could join the ranks of the mighty in the blockchain sector.


GoChain's testnet was launched in March 2018 with an initial goal of 1,300 tps. After a 10 hour load test, the team were quietly pleased with achieved speeds ranging from 1,100-1,500tps & giving an average of the goal @ 1,300tps, which is in the order of x 100 Ethereum speeds. Testing the network 24/7 at slightly lower speeds of 750tps ensured that the network is solid in time for the MainNet release in May. It's envisaged that in 18 months time or so, the network will be up to cruising speed at 13,000tps, enough to run endless blockchain transactions in near real time and let's face it, there's nothing more reassuring or comforting in the crypto world than a near instant transaction. You just can't buy that kind of satisfaction.. It has to be built in from the bottom. If I've learned anything recently from my experience working with another rocket speed crypto platform, it's that certain industry sectors require as a bare minimum, the ability to process thousands of transactions per second, not 5 or 10.


The Team

Led by CEO Jason Dekker & Chief Software Architect Travis Reeder, the team is a highly experienced group of successful tech founders and software engineers who have built their careers on constructing high scale distributed cloud systems, so they not only know what they're doing they know what their potential clients are doing and that is the key to building successful relationships with enterprise. Their team have achieved milestone developer contributions between them including Ben Johnson's BoltDB & Jordan Krage's involvement with the [Golang] dmt, Dep. Supported by Brooke Hanson's social media expertise, their campaign and comms are clear, concise and matter of fact. A high end team of advisers ensures that their reach into the space is well rounded (and I imagine) comes under tough scrutiny where required.

gochain team.jpg


A good indication of a particular project's prospects is contained within the scope and clarity of their RoadMap. GoChain's is clearly marked with a Q2 2019 roll out of a x10 speed upgrade to the rocket speed 13,000 transactions per second. I always stress the importance of a clear RoadMap to my Business Mentees. You wouldn't venture into unknown territory without a map, you'd get lost and once you have one, you can continualy evaluate how far down the road you've come and if you're ahead or behind schedule.

The Token

  • Total Token Supply 1,000,000,000 GOC
  • Token Sale Soft Cap 2,500 ETH
  • Token Sale Hard Cap 26,500 ETH
  • Pre Sale Starts 1st May min investment = 5 ETH
  • Public sale starts 16th May min investment = 0.5 ETH
  • distributed & initially tracked in an ERC token) until MainNet is live & tokens transfered to GOC*


To Find Out More

GoChain Website
GoChain WhitePaper
GoChain Telegram
GoChain Telegram Announcement
GoChain GitHub
GoChain Reddit
GoChain BitcoinTalk
GoChain Twitter
GoChain Facebook
GoChain Medium
GoChain Crunchbase

enter your own article

this article is not an endorsement of GoChain. I always recommend potential investors conduct their own research and due diligence and not rely solely on the advice of others. Read the whitepaper and remember, investments can go up as well as down.



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Solid Quality Post!

Really enjoyed reading it.

Namaste, my friend.


thanks @jaichai. Although as a general rule I never give investment advice (as I believe it's a personal journey one should walk alone in quiet contemplation, especially where crypto is concerned) I have a feeling that GoChain will be a very interesting project to watch for 2018-2019.
I also read your article and if I dare say it, technically sharper than my own, although your tumbledown formatting could do with a bit of a tidy up, it's a bit like trying to read a toyshop window in there ;)

Mea culpa.

I was going to sit this one out.

But then I wrote it - almost as an afterthought; mainly because my girlfriend challenged me.

She knows I have skin in another game, but what the Hell, come what may....

And as a man - and also being irrationally competitive by nature, I simply could not cower from her challenge!

Thanks for your thoughts and I'll send ya a congratulatory note when you're on that podium - AGAIN.

Namaste, JaiChai

behind every good man, there's a better woman, pushing him like a water buffalo with a plough, except that would technically be pulling !

In front of every good man is a water Buffalo in the shape of a better woman, pulling him along like a plough

ok.. So in many cases, Man is but a plough. If it's a good and true plough it may have the good fortune to be pulled through fertile soil by a strong woman in the shape of a Water Buffalo.



But hey,come to think about it, since the water buffalo is revered as the stoic, loyal, and sacrificing animal in Asia, I'm grateful for the compliment.

Namaste, JaiChai

yes, that's why I picked the beast carefully, but let's face it you're not a plough, you're more of a bullet, and she's "the little red button on the bottom of the gun"

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Very well written and detailed post. In your post you have raised so many valid point like transaction speed of ETH. In my opinion there are other deciding factors as well that made ETH so popular.

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thanks @techstack. I also think that there are other factors which made Ethereum popular, including being early to the scene ;) but GoChain is a 2018 project and it's incredible how fast the sector is responding to the challenges it faces. It's like watching evolution in realtime :) I will check out your article

Explicit Write-up sir @Outerground.
Love how you spaced out everything and explicitly explained everything. I hope this lift and shift GoChain brings more efficiency to the ethereum Blockchain.

thanks @ced000 I see you've been keeping my seat warm !... just to clarify GoChain has nothing to do with Ethereum. It's actually a direct competitor but with some revolutionary new ideas about what Ethereum is lacking to expand into the very near future.

  1. huge increase in transaction speed, (block production rate)

  2. a new consensus which attempts to create an ultra secure, fully accountable and de-centralised network of 50 nodes all ran by PLC's

  3. and because of the network structure, a greatly improved (low) carbon footprint.

The Ethereum legacy project lift & shift aspect is actually a clever feature of GoChain meaning anyone with a working project on Ethereum can migrate seamlessly onto GoChain's totally new platform. I think it will be a 2018 top performer ;) and once PepsiCo / JpMorgan get on board as master nodes (half joking) it will rocket.. I can't wait to see if there are any household names on the master node list.

I love how to easily research about the Blockchain and understand the terms. Its really something i admire.

With my exams almost done, its something I'd like to improve on. Congratulations sir. You got a deserved win.

Plus i understand what GoChain is now.😏

Great post; well-earned prize. Congratulations.
I also love the pictures you have used.


Hi buddy, hope you're well.
This project definetly looks quite promissing. I've never heard about this one before.

Some time ago I discovered NANO and it also seemed to be quite similar to GoChain. Cheaper, faster, better. Any idea if Nano can be considered direct competition?

Did you consider justifying your text? It would be easier to read.


thanks @crypto.piotr I think GoChain is one to watch. I'm not sure it compares with Nano. As far as understand it, Nano's main aim is as a payment system for micropayments, p2p and for subscriptions. GoChain is basically The Ethereum network v3.0 with full transportability for existing projects, smart contracts included. I'd almost go as far as to say it's a stroke of genius and I'd really like to read the list of 50 PLC's securing the network ! It's a different approach and one that might not be as popular with regular crypto freaks (they won't be able to mine it) but it's token may have a certain appeal to the speculator ! ..and importantly to a nervous corporate sector who require high integrity, mass transaction systems with a stable and trusted network..
these guys should probably make me an ambassador ;)

i'm very sorry for such a late reply. have been away for several days but Im back now :)

just wanted to thank you for your previous comment

would you consider GoChain an ETH killer?

Can GoChain be somehow compared to EOS or NEO? Is it same "industry"?

GoChain is designed as an Ethereum alt, not a killer necessarily. GoChain will be capable of 1,000's of transactions per second so projects which currently run on Ethereum but suffer from a requirement for / or suffer expansion problems for a lack of near real time execution may be compelled to lift and shift onto GoChain. As new blockchain projects roll out requiring ever more transactions, GoChain provides an alternative platform for running smart contracts. GoChain will be set up for DApps and eventually perhaps whole DAO's. It is in the same vein as EOS & NEO. both high speed smart contract focused networks. I'm sure EOS & NEO will also do very well. but let's not forget bitshares, which has become the Daddy of blockchain transactions ! and of course steemit's very own (most active Blockchain) - steemconomy with it's cruising speed of 100k tps and multiple applications. It's all moving very fast and it's hard to see what's going to happen in the next 12-18 months but do keep an eye on openct.io another high speed platform with capabilities reaching into the stratosphere. exciting times !

I noticed that not many people talk about bitshares in current days

thx for your amazing comment and your time you took to reply


bitshares is a bit of a backroom boy, quietly doing it's thing and actually get's quite a lot of airplay on steemit.. obvs !

so bitshares is quietly creeping into our lifes, right? :)

i think bitshares is the dark horse. It's come from some serious blockchain pedigree, is light years ahead in many ways and will no doubt, be around for years to come. I think bitshares was a good investment for anyone in 2017

Congrats! first place!

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