Hertz Updates! 28th Feb 2018

in #bitshares6 years ago (edited)

Hertz updates - Jan 28th

New logos!

Which of the following do you prefer?

Find template images here - better colour schemes?

Price feed script updates!

  • Wackou's BTS_Tools has been updated recently to include Hertz fixes.
  • The reference hertz price feed script & installation/usage readme guide have been improved.

Whitepaper WIP!

I've created a whitepaper for Hertz! Give it a read!

Hopefully this will draw academic attention towards Hertz and Algorithm Based Assets on the BTS DEX.

Activation status

We've got 9 active price feed publishers for the Hertz ABA, we're waiting on one more price feed publisher till we go live. Technically we could go live now, but it's best to seek a greater quantity of price feed publishers.

I recently requested Hertz price feeds on the Bitsharestalk shareholder proposal sub-forum.

Approved price feed publishers

fox, wackou, xeldal, xman, abc123, xn-delegate, datasecuritynode, delegate.ihashfury, bhuz, delegate-1.lafona, delegate.freedom, elmato, in.abit, verbaltech2, witness.yao, witness.still, roelandp, taconator-witness, blckchnd, sahkan-bitshares, openledger-dc, sc-ol, billbutler-witness, delegate-zhaomu

Actively publishing price feeds

A massive shout out to the following price feed publishers, thanks for supporting Hertz!

wackou, delegate.ihashfury, verbaltech2, roelandp, taconator-witness, blckchnd, sahkan-bitshares, sc-ol.

Not publishing price feeds yet

I've reached out to the majority of the following price feed publishers, with a couple registering their interest. If you're on this list then please do consider publishing price feeds for Hertz on the BTS DEX. If you're not interested then please do state so & we'll free up the price feed publisher allocation for another willing party.

fox, xeldal, xman, abc123, xn-delegate, datasecuritynode, bhuz, delegate-1.lafona, delegate.freedom, elmato, in.abit, witness.yao, witness.still, openledger-dc, billbutler-witness, delegate-zhaomu

Properties of Hertz (Hz) Smartcoin settings
Amplitude: 14%
Period: 28 days
Daily price feed change: 2% per day
Max price feed rate: $1.14
Min price feed rate: $0.86
Maintenance collateral ratio (MCR): 200%
Maximum short squeeze ratio (MSSR): 110%
Max feed lifetime: 1440
Delay for forced settlements (minutes): 720
Percent offset of forced settlements: 1%
Min number of feeds: 9
Price feed scripts Explorers
Reference Python scripts & calculator
Wackou's 'BTS_Tools'
Xeroc's 'Bitshares-PriceFeed'
BTSPrice Hertz bounty
HUG REST API price feed monitor

Consider joining the HERTZ Telegram channel!

Best regards,


At a push i would choose the second logo, first one is nice too

Top image for sure.

So I like the first one better. It is simpler, will scale well looking good in a small size and captures the idea of Hertz really well. Green gives an idea of up movement, and the looking at it from this angles clearly shows it going up and down. This down angle balances the up of the green. The problem with the second image is the squares don't add value, ie communicate additional information. (I realize it shows a base or foundation for the wave length, but IMO that is not worth it.) Overall, I think this is a good very solid logo. In improvements, there is something about the coloring, I am not quite sure on. Take this with a grain of salt, but I think if there were multiple shades of green this is not the first one I would choose. I would go for a little darker. That said, overall really good job getting a lot into the logo.

Thanks, I had help from a community member creating the logo. I do agree that the colour scheme could do with some improvement, especially when taking dark BTS web wallet themes into consideration, at least we've got the shape down! :D

Template for colouring in:

Reply... Thanks for the template. Unfortunately, this is not my strong suit, for the betterment of society I will allow those with the eye for color to step in. I am not the artistic type....

Thanks for staying us updated regarding hertz and i like this logo below because it looks so attractive.

Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!

I prefer the first one personally but I think if you can make some changes for the color by co-operating with a pro Editor if you aren't
maybe a more calm color will be great. you can do something like a moderate blue sky color close to the old one of steemit

anyway the final decision is up to you but I prefer number 2

for me, I see more creativity in the second one

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