Digital Currency Past Present Future - Finding Satoshi Part 2

in #bitcoin6 years ago

PREAMBLE: History is filled with life-and-world-changing inventions. Thanks to Johannes Gutenberg for the printing press, Edison for the light bulb, Alexander Fleming for the antibiotics, James Watt for the steam engine, Benjamin Franklin for the electricity, Alexander Graham Bell for the telephone, Wright brothers for the airplane, and Tim Berners-Lee for the internet. But who should we thank for yet another greatest invention - the bitcoin and blockchain?

Thus the hunt for Satoshi Nakamoto. Not to hand him over to the Feds or put him to jail, but to give her/him/them accolades for such an outstanding achievement. Secretly if preferred of course.

In case you missed Finding Satoshi Part 1.

HOW do you find a person(s) who did everything to keep himself/themselves anonymous? Perhaps their motives offer a clue.

The central tenet of Satoshi’s bitcoin revolution is the elimination of the pricy, ineffective and awkward middlemen – banks and the central governing authority. But to what end?

One foreseeable end is the ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT.

It may sound preposterous as it seems to contradict the tenet describe above but let’s not be hasty in dismissing this angle. It's easy to miss the forest by looking at the trees.

One-World Government and the role Bitcoin and Blockchain plays

If we look at our 6,000-year history, its replete with wars, conquests, and subjugations. Through war, we formed bigger social structures binding families into tribes, tribes into states, and states into nations.

It seems like a natural progression of human evolution. The invention of metal weaponry allowed us to subdue our neighboring tribes. Ships and cannons allowed us to conquer lands separated by seas. Now, rockets and spaceships have fueled the exploration of our galaxy and beyond.

We are entering the space age whether the majority of us like it or not. We spent the last 500 years exploring our planet. The next 500 years will be spent on exploring our galaxy.

But there's a problem...

The biggest obstacle to space exploration is RESOURCES. Not one nation in the world today can afford to explore the galaxies and return a handsome profit to the benefactor(s) similar to what Magellan and Colombus have accomplished. Combining resources from many nations is not only necessary but inevitable for this foray into the unknown universe is to be realized.

The Blockchain Solution

The blockchain technology does not only facilitate the ease of combining and controlling wealth from the world over but it also created a new form of wealth. Call them Internet gold, Bitcoin, Ether of whatever, these new forms of wealth has given the average Joe & Jane the resources to explore what his/her mind can imagine without begging from banks or sharks. Blockchain money will pedal the molding of nations into one big vehicle that can be easily steered to the direction it needs to go. All six billion people on this planet connected and become a single engine to power space exploitation.

Fast forward to year 2140 - the year when bitcoin finally runs out - what kind of world will we be living in by then? Would spaceships, carrying thousands of earthlings and floating millions of miles from earth become the new reality? How about going to the colonies on the Moon and in Mars for a vacation? At this stage of human development, how would we transfer "money and wealth" from Earth to these far-flung colonies? Should we still be printing dollars and euros on earth and ship them to Mars? Seems like a very inefficient monetary system for such an advanced civilization.

Is Bill Gates the true Satoshi Nakamoto?

Here are some outstanding facts that point to Bill Gates as the enigmatic and elusive Nakamoto.

1.) He is a huge proponent of the one-world government

  • Billionaire Bill Gates called for “a kind of global government” this week, arguing that the creation of a one world government would be needed to combat major issues such as “climate change.”
  • Speaking with Germany’s “Süddeutsche Zeitung” newspaper, Gates said that the United Nations doesnt have enough power and must be granted full governmental control “for the good of humanity.”
  • “You can make fun of it, but in truth it is sad how the conference in Copenhagen is run, how individuals who behave like the UN system failed,” Gates said according to an English translation in the Huffington Post.
  • Gates went on to stress his position further, stating that a global government was “badly needed” in order to combat an array of issues ailing the planet.
  • “Take the UN, it has been created especially for the security in the world. We are ready for war, because we have taken every precaution. We have NATO, we have divisions, jeeps, trained people,” Gates said. “But what is with epidemics? How many doctors do we have as much planes, tents, what scientists? If there were such a thing as a world government, we would be better prepared.”Source

2.) Bill is also a vocal supporter of the “Cashless Society”

  • The billionaire made headlines after introducing a plan to implement a cashless system in multiple third-world countries – already being rolled out in India – despite criticism that the program would undoubtedly give financial elites total control over monetary systems.


3.) Bill has the knowledge, connections, and resources

As mentioned in my previous post, blockchain’s cryptography is based on C++, a program not alien to Bill. He is also adept in business and politics and Microsoft is the living proof of it.

Bill has consistently in the top most powerful person in the world for the last 10 years. More powerful than the Pope and the presidents of most nations.

Add his deep pockets and his connections, there’s no impediment to any undertaking if he is truly Satoshi.

image sources: business insider


awesome post,, I really believe Digital currencies will change the world very soon.
I wish so.

I always tell my wife that our toddlers will be using crypto and will never know what credit card and paper money were.

Bill Gates created Bitcoin is a very interesting play on the mind. Powerful people have been known to use the power of the masses to carry out ideas that they believe could help the nation....interesting...

You get me on this one.
I can see a very bright future for crypto.
I just wish I could go back to the past only 1 year ago, and come back to the present., I would pick up some BTC, Ether, LTC , XRP. then I believe I would be very rich today lool.

I've been kicking my butt since bitcoin hit 3,000. I had it in my TO DO list to research bitcoin since 2015 but never got to it until late 2017. But don't lose hope. Now is a much better time - we now have 1,000+ more coins to choose from. Apply the lessons learned from bitcoin to invest in altcoins! Atleast 10 of them will make you a millionaire in no time.

That Bill Gate could be Satoshi is quite intiguing and curiosity-triggering. The question i ask myself is, could he not be?

Good work Thanks for sharing information about crypto
God bless you
I wish you all the best

thanks. best wishes to you to.

everything is destined to an evolution

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amazing man cryptocurrencys future seems bright, it will touch skies one day, we just have to b patient....

count me in

Hello, @sandalphon
It's not that crazy to think that Gates it's actually Satoshi, but its still crazy.
That thing you said about the year 2140.

"Should we still be printing dollars and euros on earth and ship them to Mars? Seems like a very inefficient monetary system for such an advanced civilization."

It made me giggle.. but you are absolutely right, it is totally inefficient.

I really liked your post.. i had fun reading it..
Thank you for sharing this with us.

Have a great day and keep on smiling!

glad you enjoyed reading it @luas.

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