Bitcoin versus arzeholes; part One of more . . .

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Please get my story out, widely publish what I BELIEVE to be the TRUTH everywhere !

I think its even better than Star Wars simply because it is based in the here and now . . .

It is a LONG story so please do waste time reading all of it now, share it quickly and widely first.

Bitcoin versus Arzeholes . . .

This is probably one of the most important blog posts you might ever read in your lifetime, you might need to review it more than once...


If you are wondering how krazy the World has become, check this out !

Now onto something much more important !

WARNING : Understand now by reading this your World will be forever changed.

If you are Happy with the way of The World Today; URGENTLY click away NOW and NEVER COME BACK !

This material contains information that I BELIEVE to be the TRUTH.

If you feel you do not want the TRUTH, GET OUT NOW.

This is your last chance; if you read on from now, you will start to find out how DEEP this Rabbit Hole STARTS to go.

. . . Do NOT say eye did not WARN YOU ! ! !

This is about many arzeholes and in particular a BRITISH arzehole who IMPORTED Terrrorism into Europe for PROFIT ! ! !
What PM made Britain so Multicultural ?
It was all part of the Plans of a whole bunch of ArzeHoles . . .

Always Remember the thing that makes America Great is the ordinary average person who goes about their daily lives just trying to be a good member of society...

I BELIEVE the following is true because Google, YouTube, Wikipedia etc. gives me an uncensored open source of non-centerally controlled flow of information.
( All this information is widely HIDDEN within the TRILLIONS of INTERNET pages that are semi-automatically library indexed by Search engines )

It usually takes many years to bring mass murders to Justice under INTERNATIONAL Law, by the ICC ( International Criminal Court ).
This is often because they involve so many other KEY stakeholders into their plans; those other players usually go to great lengths to protect their financial investment in Mass Murders.

In 2012 a bunch of Arzeholes were convicted under International Law. This is NOT about Politics, I am an Australian. I BELIEVE I was about to enjoy my four weeks holidays, until I found the ICC story online, so I started digging. I am a chick who spends my working time helping put broken minds and body's back together. The Australian military VOLUNTEERED for this " War on Terror ".
( After the LiEs told by now a CONVICTED Mass murderer ! ) Now I am going to make those arzeholes pay who have been stealing my hard earned tax dollars.
Remember things like mortgage, kids and bills ? I need all the money I can get and am going to fuck with these arzeholes who have been stealing from my purse. I do NOT want to be still HAVING to work at age 70...

I have less than ZERO interest in the Political CONglomerate that " spreads " market-share between political parties.
We are NOT talking Politics here, we are TALKING MASS MURDER and these Arzeholes have ALREADY been convicted UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW.
These are some of the laws that AMERICA WROTE when AMERICA HUNG a bunch of NAZI's AFTER World War Two; you have heard of Adolf Hitler ?.
Those Nazi's were hung (in part) by US Army Master Sargeant John C Woods. ( I think the Master Sergeant would happily HANG Adolf Hitler to, TODAY ) . . .
(refer to)

This current crop of convicted mass murders are explained here by the American Lawyer who helped convict them under International Law.
(refer to)

Please bear in mind we are only talking about convicted arzeholes here, not people who have no had a chance to defend themselves.
Simply we are mainly talking about one arzehole in particular here, how different that the other arzeholes simply helped commit mass murder.

If you choose not to widely spread what is BELIEVE is this truth across the uncensored internet then
I hope that the International Criminal Court (ICC) follows your digital computer signature and finds you.

Have a nice day.
(refer to)

Harboring internationally wanted mass murderers sucks; it has caused me considerable stress personally knowing that
this vermin is walking around free wearing Made In America camouflage business suits;
simply because Arzehole can no longer travel to Hong Kong where its preferred place to buy business suits prior to 2011,
never one to miss a photo opportunity here is Arzehole being FORCED to buy American Made in 2011.

YOU did get the Memo that Hong Kong a BRITISH possession for 200 years or whatever has been RECLAIMED and REVERTED to CHINESE control in 1997; Right ?
(refer to) (Hong Kong, 2007)
(refer to)

Of course Buying locally is always good for the cameras, especially when arzehole is not paying . . .
(refer to) (America, 2011)

This person has died I BELIEVE without ever having knowing a LOT of Arzeholes were going to jail.; his book.
( Please remember that word ' earlier' " BELIEVE ", it is VERY important later on )...

More about Arzehole and his bullship Military Career right after this brief interruption.

Part of my stress is caused by being an AUSTRALIAN is KNOWING the Taxes I am FORCED to PAY
on Alcohol and Cigarettes support my Country to participate military forces in this " War on Terror ".
I have worked around BRAVE Volunteers who risk their life and health in The War on Terror.

This is a collection of when these people " having a bad day at work ".
TRUST me when I tell you these BRAVE SOLDIERS RARELY EVER SCREW UP, but they are real people unlike mass murderers . . .

And, I intend to send a certain former British Prime Minister who is nothing now but a Kiddy FLICKER away to a FLICKING Deep Dark HELL Forever ! ! !
This arzehole has maimed thousands of British Troops who Volunteered to Serve their Country.
Not knowing this FLICKING ARZEHOLE and a LOT of other Arzeholes were LYING to them.
This is always secondary to the MASS MURDER the likes the World has not seen since Adolf HITLER in World War 2, slither across the surface of Planet Earth.
This Arzehole has already brought DESTRUCTION down and I am the hemorrhoid that is going to seal this creaturez FATE !

This is in addition to the untold MASS MURDERS this Arzehole has ALREADY BEEN CONVICTED OF under International LAW that
Supreme Commander Dwight Eisenhower helped shape after he FLICKED Hitler's plans for a Master Race, NAZI's are Nazi's in any time period.
Vermin have had different names throughout History, I just use this " term " as a starting point for your own Due Diligence research...

who simply do a long rotation as Ceremonial Guards, before they return to their REAL careers of KILLING people !

Stalin had a RULE 80% of humans had to DIE it did not matter if they were Officers in his own army, or German Invaders,
or Peasants, or ordinary Brave Soldiers. Stalin KILLED 80 % of everyone simply to remain in POWER. Check out the " Road of BONES "
where Russian people were worked to DEATH, the Guards were HAPPY for the solid fill of HUMAN BONES to make a more stable roadway..

LoL this is what you get when you forget " Maintenance repairs " for about 75 years LoL.

This is the way some Aussies think, this dude is not me by the way, he is better looking LoL.
(refer to)

In case you are wondering I am middle aged and Aging and Gravity SUCKs, my nipples are now closer to my NAVEL than my chin.
If you have a time machine please help me back to Australia in 1982 approximately, then I could be a pawn queen in ' todays ' world...

So Vietnam War time and Arzehole being the BRAVE America Patriot that this human is ( ArzeHole is no longer a person,
I BELEIVE once you are a convicted mass murderer you are probably something else ).
something like canine feaces that people find so annoying once they realise they have it clinging to their shoe.

Anyway Arzehole very very quickly hides in the American National Guard and makes this statement in 1968.

Arzehole says
In a 1968 Statement of Intent (undated), he wrote, "I have applied for pilot training with the goal of making flying a
lifetime pursuit and I believe I can best accomplish this to my own satisfaction by serving as a member of the Air National Guard as long as possible."

Which means " I am going to hide my scaley hide here safely until there is no FLICKING way I can be sent to get hurt for my Country."

Arzehole attends his mandatory flight physicals and sits safely behind the NIXON and Johnson ruling that National Guard units (hiding other Trust fund Babies)
will NEVER send Protected Species into harms way while they have the Military DRAFT power to supply soldiers, after all political donations fund campaigns.
( U C I BELIEVE everyone in America are equal, NOT ! )

With the winding down of the Vietnam War Arzehole now KNOWS it is safe and simply decides
not to submit to his military mandatory flight physical simply telling his military commanders.

Something to the effect of " I want my own doctor to perform it ". Which sort of means why give a FLICK about Mandatory Military Standing Orders.

( Arzehole had previously had mandatory military flight physicals simply because back then it did not know it was SAFE from having to serve in Vietnam )

Arzehole needs to find somewhere to get rich so he needs some time off and simply goes AWOL, and remains on the payroll till the US Military,
Grant an HONOURABLE Discharge for fucking off without any official leave.

Needing to find a ' sort of job ', but knowing most trust fund baby's are allergic to work slithers into Business; the OIL business.

Soon its lack of abilities become the focus of a SEC Securities and Exchange Commission investigation that
quickly decides a NOT Guilty investigation of " insider trading "
which is EXACTLY what brought the SEC to Arzehole in the first place.

Arsehole realizes well fuck eye cannot get rich in the OIL business ( seriously how incompetent can even Arzehole be not to get wealthy in the OIL business :)
personally I think I could " manage it "; but it seems beyond the abilities of a known Military Deserter with a HONORABLE Discharge, at least ).

Arzehole realizes well the Military sucks ( as you read above ) and even some arzeholes are useless in business [ obvious even to a future convicted mass murderer ] ;
time to enter " the Family Business "...

We will be right back after these important messages . . .

Drum Roll Please ?
( yep, POLITICS ) ;)

Arzehole tells lies about a fantasy glorious military career ( some other politicians have said lots of weird ship about some fantasy Military Life too :) . . .
[ probably why they made it unlawful ] LoL ...
Does anyone remember the LiES about WMD ( Weapons of Mass Destruction ) that caused most ALLIES to pull out of the War on Terror after a British Arzehole lost the election ?
( ~ in 2007)
I BELIEVE a LOT of ARZEHOLES would PROFIT from the Chaos of Terrorism ! ! !
Destabilizing The World = MONEY !
I believe it is NOT the Rich who are the every day victims of Terrorists !

After Arzehole ( about WMD = Weapons of Mass Destruction ) has been a PROVEN LiAR to Allies the USA Will NEVER get any
major Ally to seriously commit to International Combat Forces... America has gone BROKE funding Afghanistan and Iraq and now Syria and China LOVE iT !

China is NOT a Democrazy it is a Centrally Controlled Communist Party State, there is NO Independent Judges or right of appeal in China and
America owes TRILLIONS of Dollars to China. Imagine China's Ruling Elite Meeting on top of a Hong Kong Skyscraper and RAGES at the USA safe behind it Military
might about all the money the USA owes China. ( Why is the USA Navy larger than about the next 15 navies COMBINED? )


thanks for the link ! Great post , there happens to be Arzholes everywhere , and in many shapes and sizes !! Nobody likes them, but we all have to deal with them , this I know ! I read most of your story in parts . We are all victims of terrorism and these are very sad times we are living in . But we must not let that take over our lives ! Or they win !!! Steem on and be happy my friend in what little time we have left on this earth , such as it is !! 👍upped and resteem ed !

Hugz Lady, I hope u r doing good...

been thinking of you up there with the polar bears...

you stay safe !!!

hope u r doing good, I been heavy into my bitcoin betting systems
so not on steemit much, I think of about 6 of you time to time...

hugz !

awe thanks ! Hugz back ! Hope your betting system is doing great ! Good luck !👍👍👍✌

bitcoin betting calculator, I normally when I find time to use it; it takes about 5 mins to find a 10%+ bet. this time I wanted to prove to some locals its potential. I let the system run, I normally never do that; but I wanted to prove to locals its potential...
it took me longer to work out I made 48.2% in less than 5 mins over ? 27 days = US$ 1,420+ dollars. honestly it took me longer to work out how much I made than to place the currency bet...
normally I can place a bet in under 5 minutes...
Think about it, do your have US$ 2,500 to bet ?
maybe yes maybe no.
but think about this...
33% of a three dollar bet equals one dollar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
seriously can you not afford US$3 = three dollars ?
THAT is what I am offering you Lady.
the ability to earn around 10% or 33 % for less than 59 minutes to learn this system.
usually I let the system do its job and am happy with 10%+ in under sixty seconds...
this time I went to the added effort to TRY for a 99% guaranteed profit.
THAT is what I am offering...
the ability to learn a system in under one hour and turn 3 dollars into 4 with a 99% guarantee...

truly I do this very often...

/ Hugz ;)

Greg :)

easy money...

no money down...

= FREE * conditions apply LoL, write for the conditions :)

i dont have any money at the time and most of my steem is gone, try some others on here in trending pages constantly that are making thousands a day on steemit ! papa pepper for one has a big wallet saved up , much bigger then mine over 100,000.00 . thanks anyways!

seriously, just send me an email to
wowbam @ Hotmail dot com and we can talk about it in private.
you can listen and always say no...

I must rest now but you can always listen to my logic and say no tomorrow..

just send an email

wowbam@hotmail dot com...

I am greg btw...

all you got to do is listen to my plan ;)

where is the problem in that...

/ Hugz ;)

Greg :)

UFff , I am Lazy enough .. i got Headache ... Quit reading just after few lines ....

yeah I get it, mass murderers r 2 much of a headache 4 u...

read the whole thing please or not...
it is about systematic mass murder...

i just bookmarked will read it tomorrow.. can you please a story of me ? . i need your feed back ..

oh wow !! That is beautiful !! You are very talented , I love it ! Thanks for up voting one of posts , on the chat chanel ! Upped yours back !!
I will also resteem it so it gets more views , if you want to resteem this post for me !? Thanks , heres the link !

The arzholes you speak of are just the front men.
They are the puppets payed to dance in front of you while the real evil lurks in the shadow.

Killing any of them is almost a waste of time.
What we need to do is ignore them into oblivion.
We do that by making them obsolete.

Similar to how bitcoin is replacing the banking system.

what is a bank ?
all my money is in crypto
when I want something I pay in crypto or I do not buy
when I need something I sell crypto into trash cash and pay
mass murder is mass murder
no idea how much longer those fools can keep the
puppets going, oh well no time now
must go buy more bitcoin

Is that a4K drone? Lol!

LoL I have no idea . . .

Hello, nice to meet you;

Ah what " drone " are ' we ' talking about ?

/ Hugz ;)

Lol I'm confused!! 😂😂😂

LoL hello fellow Steemian; YES eye can C ewe R confused, simply by the
" Usipde Dwon Slmiy Fceas " [ upside down smiley faces ] in your previous post...

CheckOut how some Aussies " get things done " :)

Nice to meet you to!😛😛😜😜🙃🙃

U r " followed " . . .

I followed you to! Have a wonderful Sunday!

Hey ?

Did I mention Arzeholes STiNK ?

/ Hugz ;)

AussieDownUndies HERO ! " Mate " :)

/ Hugz ;)

Lol! Skunks stink too!😜😛

In AussieLand Down Under, such people are proudly called BOGANS.

You can Google BOGAN.


In addition it is a tactic to knock out the two front teeth of your b/witch among prison inmates.

You might note this gentleman is missing his two central front teeth.

This could from any cause but life experience tells me ( NOT personally )
this is a tactic in jails around Australia simply so the person performing oral seex
CANNOT decide to ' Bite Hard ' on whatever is in their mouth . . .

You might call that and " over-share " of your knowledge base, but it is also ' reality ' . . .

You can google that also if you feel the need...

/ Hugz ;)

Hey I'm always here to learn new things so I'm very happy you told me that I'm going to Google it right now!

TiL = today I learned . . .

Lol ;)

/ Hugz :)

some people lik to live in a nice " comfortable " ' bubble'...

Me ? ; I am " Bubble-Buster " ! ! !

LoL :)

/ Hugz ;)

[ I mean, what else can I do when I am allergic to cannabis ] . . .

The term bogan (/ˈboʊɡən/) is a derogatory Australian and New Zealand slang word used to describe a person whose speech, clothing, attitude and behaviour exemplify values and behaviour considered unrefined or unsophisticated. Depending on the context, the term can be pejorative or self-deprecating. Lol

Yeah, that is them !


/ Hugz ;)

Yeah, but Skunks have morals ;)

/ Hugz :)

So bogans don't? Lmao

oh BOGANS are VERY proud, goodnite my friend, rest well...

/ Hugz :)

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