Crypto 101 | VIDEO: Andreas Antonopoulous: Bitcoin History: Bitcoin Q&A: The Switzerland of currencies (8 mins) - Super practical resource here today!! (Other videos inside post also)

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Andreas M. Antonopoulos is an early pioneer, adopter & educator in the Bitcoin/Crypto space if you have not heard of him.
He routinely puts out some of the best information going. He speaks plainly and simply with some humour!

-- Andreas' Logo he uses for his branding, he is fun. That is the top of his head, looking down.


He travels the world preaching the Bitcoin, Liberty, Crypto and Blockchain gospel and is one of the most well respected lecturers and teachers in the crypto world!

I always include a library of AA's videos in these posts, just like he does in every one of his YT channel videos. These are things for you to use, save, watch, share, and learn from if you have time now or come back to later if you wish. It's here to help you, with extra resources.


This resource showed up in my email inbox recently, have a watch, share it with those who are learning.

Follow Andreas & Barry on Twitter:


Published on Sep 14, 2017

Can cryptocurrencies have an inflationary monetary policy?

How do cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin fit into the global currency wars? Initially there wasn't enough demand in the economy, but as the reward diminishes over time, bitcoin will have a deflationary monetary policy and simulate a scarce resource like gold. But you can simulate whatever monetary policy you want.

Digital currencies are now part of the currency wars, because they are giving people all over the world a choice to exit the currency wars, one of the most powerful choices you can make. Within the currency, Bitcoin will act as the Switzerland of currencies. Even if governments start making them illegal to use, this does not destroy demand. In practice, cryptocurrency use has gone up after a country has banned it.

Governments are failing in their role of delivering the fundamental functions of currency. When there is a dramatic spiral in an economy, the state takes the entire country hostage. People often haven't thought about money as a language or a technology, constructs that can be created and improved by anyone.

So what if you can exit? It changes everything.

The first and second questions are from a talk which took place on July 7th 2017 at a Bloktex event hosted by the Wisma BeeOn Group in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia:


Watch the full talk here:

Andreas with a great quote here!



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Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a technologist and serial entrepreneur who has become one of the most well-known and well-respected figures in bitcoin.


Follow on Twitter: @aantonop


He is the author of two books: “Mastering Bitcoin,” published by O’Reilly Media and considered the best technical guide to bitcoin; “The Internet of Money,” a book about why bitcoin matters.



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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.


nice post thankx for sharing
i resteem your post..

BarryDutton Barry Dutton tweeted @ 14 Sep 2017 - 19:48 UTC

#Ethereum #Bitcoin #Crypto101 #CryptoCurrency #Video series cont'd: #Steemit #Crypto w. @aantonop $BTC #BTS $XBT… /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

@barrydutton brilliant and informative post - thank you very much for sharing.

of course, Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a pioneer and influencer within the blockchain community. I think that he cannot be studied too carefully!

would be interested on hearing your thoughts on my recent post on JP Morgan's criticism of bitcoin.

Upvoted and followed.


@barrydutton Thanks for sharing your activities with finding up and jogging. The 1st yrs tend to be the hardest. We are at our for six yrs non-halt.Carry on Performing at it. Perseverance and exertions tend to be the keys to results.

FU!!! Spammy bot!

@barrydutton This desires somewhat more time and energy to Assume about. Pleasant you provide it from a unique angle. Mhhh not really easy... and it absolutely was by now Quite challenging. Many thanks for let's Assume.

Again, nice spam, nice flags on your account for it all too.


This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

I did and you keep sending me these msgs LOL

God bless you guys!


@barrydutton Wonderful put up And that i desire steemit experienced a sticky or pin selection due to the fact That is a type of Specific posts..

FU, you are another spammy bot posting crap 20 seconds after a post goes up, this out of control on here now the last while

I've gone on her comment tab and flag almost every comment. I took her reputation from 25 to 6 and I've asked her to stop her bot saying I would be back tomorrow to check.

I think on this post alone, there is maybe 4 bots with this nonsense, my posts are full of them the longer time has gone on.

What a waste of manual time and your / our voting power too, this is getting out of hand on here man, big time.

I am getting 3-4 different bots now every post I make.

I know Steemit Inc. knows but I did take time to inform them of how spam is affecting some of us, and the community at large.

I said I know they know..... but it is good to keep gathering feedback and that something needs to be done.

The usual, basically and said nicely but firmly and that I know they know and are busy LOL

If you see my posts, not just the spam on them of course but the REAL USER feedback against the bots and FOR all of us wasting time and vote power.... they echo what I say, too.

I know what kind of resources we are all wasting here, fighting the


  • have a good weekend man, my post rewards are declining big time the last 2 weeks specifically if you look at the mean / average of them all.

Down $10 each on average / started about 14 days ago.

-- Figured you might like to know since we are both active and I am the most regular user on here basically. Just active.

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