Warming up for LaBitConf Buenos Aires

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

Today will be the first of the Latin American Bitcoin Conference, but it started already with some wine tasting and socialising.

Looking for my badge at the warm-up night in Espacio Bitcoin

I arrived in Buenos Aires late on Wednesday night and started the day with a healthy breakfast at Café La Poesia in San Telmo, the neighbourhood where I stay in an AirBnB flat. 

La Poesia is one of the many beautiful old cafés that are typical for the Argentine capital. It's spring time in Buenos Aires. Yesterday was a warm and sunny day - what a contrast to cold and grey Berlin!

This is my fourth time here, this year I already stayed in this awesome city from early February to late April. Coming back feels like I haven't ever left. 

The conference trailer we shot in April

I took a walk from San Telmo, passing by the conference venue in Calle Florida to Espacio Bitcoin. That's a three story building which hosts about a dozen Bitcoin and Blockchain start-ups, as well as all kinds of meetups and talks, right in the heart of Buenos Aires.

At Espacio Bitcoin. You can see the building in the video.

I had a talk with my friend and business partner Rodolfo Andragnes, the main organiser of LaBitConf and Espacio Bitcoin. He is super-busy with everything right now, so I helped him out by preparing some conference badges. Sometimes I like these simple activities which do not require much brainwork.

Then I met up with my friend and favourite composer Julio Kladniew. We did the final sound mix for the Steem film

Julio Kladniew, the world's most gifted film music composer

I will show the film today as a sneak preview during my talk about blockchain based social networks. Ned has approved it, so you will be able to watch it soon.

@agent, @mrs.steemit, @sirwinchester and @soldier, performing for the Steem film

The evening started at a Vinoteca with a tasting of some of the best Argentinian wines. It was a great get-together of Bitcoin activists from many countries, enjoying wine, cheese, ham and good company.

Slush and Alena from Satoshi Labs (Prague) taste some delicious Malbec.

Aferwards we walked to Espacio Bitcoin where the organisers threw a reception for speakers and sponsors. We enjoyed some cocktails mixed by a well styled barman.

I did not stay that long, as I have a 20 hours trip behind me, and I want to be fresh for my talk this morning. Now I am a bit jet lagged, and I use my sleeplessness to keep you updated. 

Brooke Mallers, Connie Galippi, Ira Miller and Tatiana Moroz (pic: Juan Llanos).

See more about LaBitConf soon! Now I have to get some sleep.

> My report in Day One

> My report on Day Two


So sad I am missing this year Aron. Looking forward to more pictures and to the next bitfilms!

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