Sneak Preview of the Steem Film in Buenos Aires

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Yesterday I gave a talk about Blockchain based social networks at the Latin American Bitcoin Conference in Buenos Aires. I discussed the differences between Yours, Synereo and Steem and reported on my own experiences with Steemit. 

On stage at LaBitCong (picture: Mariano Montañez)

I finished my presentation by giving a sneak preview of the Steem film to the audience. They seemed to like it, I got lots of positive feedback afterwards.

On stage at LaBitCong (picture: Randy Hilarski)

The film's official premiere will be at Steemfest, which will take place next week-end in Amsterdam. At LaBitConf I met Anabell and Randy Hilarski, who are in charge of Steem's social media, and David Wachsman, Steem's PR agent. 

We discussed the best strategy to make the film go viral and we hope that you will all help us to reach as many people as possible by sharing it. If you like it.

Rodolfo Andragnes opens the conference

The conference takes place in a beautiful venue, a late 19th century Tango theatre. You see the wealth of an era when Argentina was one of the richest countries in the world, before socialist politicians ruined its economy.

The venue is in the basement of a Belle Epoque shopping gallery in Buenos Aires main shopping street Calle Florida.

Ask Andreas M. Antonopoulos almost anything

Andreas Antonopoulos opened and closed the first conference day. In the morning he gave a great key note speech about the "Trust Revolution" caused by decentralised networks and blockchain technology. In the late afternoon, he hold an AAMAAA session, which stands for "Ask Andreas M. Antonopoulos almost anything". 

Andreas is one of the most inspiring, witty and visionary speakers of the Bitcoin universe. I recommend to go to any conference at which he speaks  - or at least watch some of his talks on YouTube.

Diego Gutiérrez Zaldivar explains the Blockchain for newbies

In between Andreas' appearances there were many interesting talks and panels, mostly about the economic and legal aspects of cryptocurrencies. There are many people in the audience who are new to Bitcoin, so not all talks were interesting for me. But the most important part of a conference are the breaks anyway...

Steem's PR agent David Wachsman moderates a panel with Microsoft and IBM executives

Times have changed fast in the Bitcoin world. I remember that my first Bitcoin conference in London 2012 felt like a hacker's meeting. Now you see representatives of Microsoft and IBM on a panel presenting their blockchain strategies. There are also some executives of major banks here, who are probably quite frustrated by having to learn how obsolete their business model has become.

Speakers' Dinner with LaBitConf's main organiser Rodolfo Andragnes (grey shirt) 

The day was closed by a speakers dinner in the same venue, which was re-arranged from conference seating to long rows of tables. After the meal - which of course consisted of delicious Argentine steak and red wine - we enjoyed a Tango show. The Porteños (= inhabitants of Buenos Aires) know how to treat their guests well!

Tango show at Tango Piazzolla (picture: Anabell Hilarski)

I am looking forward to the second conference day! Stay tuned!

> My report on Day Two

> My report on Day Zero


looks like a great event!
And I'm excited to see the steemit film for the first time myself - I'm sure it turned out great!

Just adding an improved sound mix, then it's ready. Premiere at Steemfest, November 12, and on Steemit, same date.

Is there a newsletter we can subscribe to which will let us know about the release of the film. Will it be on youtube?

We will publish it here on Steemit. Just follow me so you will not miss it. Yes, it will be on YouTube and Vimeo.

We are having such a great time!

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