#Story: Felicity The Smiling Queen, Part One: The Surprise!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bigwaves6 years ago (edited)


"If the name is a problem honey, its just a name I will change it," she said hurriedly and looked into his eyes as she saw missed emotions in them.

Let me aquint you with this story as we go back in time.
Chapman has being sitting on a bar this faithful Friday afternoon. He only got himself a malt, for he was no longer kings to beer, spirits, whisky, brandy, scotch, or any drink that goes with alcohol.

Sipping his malt gradually he scanned through his phone with his contacts, as strange women passed besides him as they filled the place. He took his eyes off them, for he sought for love, a true partner that could stand with him by his sides.


After sitting and discussion with friends, he decided he still wanted more fun. He was going to go to the city centre, perhaps have some reflective time, have his time alone, make peace with himself, be in tone with nature and space.

Then Chapman got up, took a motorcycle to the car park. Just as he was about to get a cab, he heard his name, and in anticipation for who this could be, he turned, it was his small nephew and his brother's wife calling out to him. The lad called him with such unclear verbal tiny voice, because he was not holding fast to speaking words correctly. They were sitting on the other side of the road about to pick up groceries.

Chapman ran across to them, and the boy hugged him. "We came to pick up groceries" she said. He told them he was going the city centre. They talked for a while then he departed.

From where he was, as he was yet speaking to them, he noticed a lady, she was fair, beautiful, with the eye of a goddess, black hair, and smile the could bring out the happiness in you. He rushed over to her, just before he could get to her, she got on a bike, as he managed to beat the traffic to a cross, he called out to her in a mild voice. "Hello girl, can I join you please on your bike" she looked at him from head to toes, and said,

"Which way are you going?"

He pointed the direction of the city centre, then she pointed the other way and said,
"Oh sorry, we are not going same way"

Chapman was not going to give up easily, he said to her.

"For you girl, I would go your way, just let me join you please" he pleaded, but the bike was already moving, Chapman felt so discouraged, she wouldn't let him join her.

As the bike moved away, she turned and said to him, "If you still want to follow me, you could get another bike"

To Chapman, his brain came alive, without wasting any second, he sought to grab a bike, but there were none, he felt like his heart was being removed from him, boom!! He saw one and immediately he told him "go, I want you to follow someone"
Chapman no longer saw them, was not sure of where he was going, and if he would ever see the smiling angel anymore.But he said to himself, "Whatever happens, I give God glory"

As they rode further, he saw her, taking a left turn, he pointed out to the rider, "follow that bike that makes a left turn to any where they go" the rider obeyed and did just so.

As the rider got to her she was shocked, "Hello girl" he said to her, "you followed me?" He just smiled and was short of words as she was filled with amazement of the surprise.

She dropped off her bag and came to him, "where are you going to? Let me see you off"
He explained he was just going out to the evening to have a stay with the evening and perhaps unwind. They both walked down to the left turn, which was about 15minutes walk discussing about each other, getting to know one another. When they got to the turn, they stood there talking for over 45minutrs, I think they came in tone with each other. Then came the major question why Chapman was here, sorry honey I might have to ask you this, "Are you seeing someone?" She smiled "No" Chapman smiled back to her as she returned the question. Chapman told her his life was lonely and not seeing anyone, but she did not believe, she could not believe it. She felt he was lying. As they talked into the evening, she felt it was getting late and coming back from work she needed to change and relax. Again, Chapman started to exchort her back, she was staying adjacent to his street.

She also encouraged Chapman not to have the evening in the city, so he could go home and relax, Chapman had already consented to it for he just love the auraof her, and he felt so intone with her and happy to met her. He could not with hold the happiness within him for her as he honestly told her, "you're my kind of girl" she smiled and said to him,

He continued, "I love your smile and you're yet to tell me your name..."

She smiled "Thank you, My name is Felicity"

"Beautiful name Felicity, I would love to call you again but unfortunately I don't have my phone on me, I would appreciate you give me a means to reach you"
Ever smiling Felicity Said,
"I'll give you my contact perhaps you could get a paper to write them down with" reaching his wallet, he got out a complimentary card and reached for a pen in one of the grocery stores and penned them down.

He took her back to her home and as she had encouraged him not to go out again, he did obey her and went straight home to relax i n thoughts of her with happiness that comes with it!

To be continued...

Yours Truly Loved,



I love the happy ending.

Pls take note :

He was going to go to the city - He was going to the city.

He told them he was going to the city centre.

and (with a) smile the(that) could bring out the happiness in you.

All the statement in quote should be in paragraph and alone.

"Are you seeing someone?" She smiled
"No" Chapman smiled back to her as she returned the question.

You're very good in a driving home a story.

I think you can write for this contest.

Lovely story you got there @iconelly. You just kept me glued till the end
I can't wait to read the continuation

Lol, thanks for reading through I would definitely get to you when its up.

Good use of imagery, bite-sized paragraphs. Done right. Good one sir..

Oh, and the display image issa fiiinee girl.

You have an amazing way of telling stories. What's rare gift. Please do let me know when the part two is out.

Awwn thanks dear, I appreciate!

Nice story, can't wait for the next one

You are digging deep into love affairs these days. Great one you have there.

You are digging deep
Into love affairs these days.
Great one you have there.

                 - lordjames

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My brother, I never reach? You want make I use walking stick first?

awesome story and combination of images, spot on sir

Thanks you coulu read part two.

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