Beer vs Beer - The US of AsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #beer7 years ago

Who doesn’t love beer!!! I know I do!!!

Before getting started, firstly a shout-out to Oktoberfest, which started yesterday in Munich. I am fortunate to have been able to go many times, and have loved it every time!! We can’t go this year, but I saw in @uwelang’s post that he was there yesterday and enjoying it – check out his awesome post here

Although I couldn’t go this time, I did at least manage to have a bottle of Augustiner yesterday with lunch – highly recommended, probably my favourite Munich beer

But I digress…

I wrote my first ‘Beer vs Beer’ post a few days ago and it seemed to go down well, attracting a nice upvote from a friendly passing whale (@curie – many thanks!) and then lots of follow-on comments

I asked for recommendations of beers to try and was pleased to get suggestions from @oasis-in-arizona, @mountainwashere and @backpackbeliefs. In my magic beer shop I was able to find at least a few of the ones they recommended, so now I am spending a very pleasant Sunday afternoon trying a couple of @oasis-in-arizona’s recos

 So today, in Beer vs Beer US of A edition:

It’s Sierra Nevada    

versus Lagunitas   

I’ve actually had both of these before, but am more than happy to try them again. Normally I would just glug them down, but today I am actually going to think about them and try to decide which I like best. I think both approaches to drinking have merit – either way, I get to drink the beer, so I win

To the beers -----> 

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

I love the look of this bottle! Normally I’m not a big fan of green, but this green really catches your eye – even though it's kind of a snot green it’s like it's calling out to you from the shelf, and it is so bright that it will always get your attention, and then maybe your purchase – good marketing

And I love the picture on the label - the stream and grasslands, with the mountains in the background, just makes you think of drinking beer on vacation

Maybe it's not necessary to say, but I can confirm that it tastes great – I love it. And I love the darkish colour 

Sierra Nevada, I’m a convert!!


I had a ton of this stuff a few years ago when driving down the coast of Calfornia. But always draught and I have never had it out of the bottle

And I love the look of this bottle too. Whereas the Sierra Nevada was calling out to you from the shelf, this one, with the light colours and big bold lettering, is kind of just saying ‘Check me out, I am the coolest beer here. If you want to buy me that’s cool, but if you don’t that’s cool too – either way I’m just cool’

It is a cool-looking bottle…

And taste/appearance-wise, it is right up there with Sierra Nevada. I don’t think I can tell them apart

Lagunitas, I am a convert!!

I can’t pick these two apart, they are both great! If it wasn’t for the insane price of them here in Switzerland I think I would be a permanent convert to both – although tbh that applies to many of the imported beers here. As they are so much more expensive than local beers I think I need to save them for special occasions – like every weekend - at least until STEEM goes to $100, at which point I will roll them out across the full week

My newly-discovered beer shop is getting expensive. Currently I have a pipeline of beers to drink from Iceland, Ireland, Estonia and Belgium, on top of course of my regular supply of Swiss beer – looks like some midweek drinking is in order

If anyone has any recommendations for a specific country to try, or a specific beer to look for, please post in the comments. Any recommendations that result in me finding and enjoying a beer I have not had before will for sure result in a 100% upvote – for what it’s worth…

Cheers all, and prost



How about comparing sours? I wonder if you'd like it!

Advertised you in my last beer tasting blog! Hope it gets you more clicks!


I'm happy to compare anything! Although bear in mind that I am not really comparing anything here, I am just drinking some beer and writing about it 😬

Any particular brands you can recommend?

Thanks again for the advertising!


Nah, I'm pretty much newbie as far as sours go! Just ask for some if you have a beer shop ;) I mean, if you feel up to it!

Sour as a beer style!

Always up for a challenge - I think I will just buy one bottle first though...

Maybe you can get your hands on some on the top 50 worldwide list!

Do you get many italian beers in Switzerland? Loverbeer from just outside Turin make some great sours . Another brewery called Birrifcion Monetegioco make some of the best sours I've every tasted. Birrificion Del Ducato's Beersel Morning is pretty good.

In the Southern part obviously a lot. I was down in Lugano on the lakes a while back and there were lots of Italian craft beers there.

Other than that, my experience of Italian beer so far has been mostly Peroni - which I really like

Will look out for the ones you mention!!


Another version would be a fruit beer against something similar.
As I don't like this sweet stuff so much, let's see...

You may like my latest post about the Mc Chouffe from Belgium and great to have you with the Beer family!!

The Steemit BeerSaturday Challenge No 15 will start with the weekly post by Tuesday. Love to see you entry!

I saw your post and commented - looked like a good beer for a cold day!

I will keep on buying beers as I come across them and writing some posts - but probably only a couple per week as too busy with work. Will definitely have something for #beersaturday

Good to be here, thanks for the warm welcome!

Cheers 🍺

Thanks for the shoutout - much appreciated. And thanks for this awesome Beer comparison again! Love it.

Battle of the Double Bocks for my recommendation! That's like my favorite type of beer. If you can find a really good one, would love to buy some and try it. Cheers!

Thanks for the comment and redo - will be keeping a look out!


Oktoberfest time! a time of year where thousands of great stories originate. I am so thankful for the craft beer revolution that has kind of taken over the world, not sure if my gut feels the same way, but my taste buds sure do appreciate the plethora of beer available these days

Haha, agree.

I like to have a few, but then eventually I need to get back to a simple no-frills beer

But it's fun to try a bunch of these

Thanks for commenting!

I recommend tasting Czech beers, one of the best in the world

For sure, Czech beers are definitely on the list

I've had a few, and was actually beer tasting in Prague a few months ago - but many more still to try

Thanks for commenting!

LOVE IT! I love different beers especially really crazy ones like made with blueberries or infused with some type of herb but am more a vino I want a Sierra Nevada :P

I love wine too! Have a bottle of Italian red open right now to round off the weekend

Some of the more exotic beers are a bit much for me - I can manage a sip or two, but not too much more. 'Normal' beer, on the other hand, I can drink all day

Thanks for commenting?

I'm honored that you chose some of my suggestions, thank you! I think that Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is my favorite. But there are so many craft breweries here in the US that there is no way I can keep up. We even have two breweries within 15 miles here in the the middle of nowhere. Oak Creek Brewing Co. in Sedona and That Brewery in Cottonwood. Steem on so that you can buy more beers of the world!

A pleasure, they were good suggestions.
I agree, even just in your average supermarket now I can find a big selection of craft beers!

I will keep buying, tasting and writing about it


Just to make you jealous. 12 packs! I bought both.


Haha - nice work

That is about a quarter of the price that I have to pay for it here - hence I will stick mostly to Swiss beer but continue to conduct some taste tests on steemit


There is an Italian beer from Friuli called Moretti. We used to get that in the supermarket when I lived in L.A. Let us know if you ever try it.

It's on the list - getting difficult to keep track of all the record - think I will save them all on my phone and swing past the shop today


I never tried the Lagunitas.. I'm gonna have to give it a try

I really like it - especially now that it is not quite so hot. Definitely worth a try, I loved the draft version and always look for it when I am in the US


Man I haven't drank in a while and this makes me want to go try out some new beers.

Go for it!

Thanks for commenting

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