What makes a woman sexy, pretty, or cute?

in #beauty7 years ago (edited)

I have a habit of classifying women’s physical appearance in one or more of the following categories: “sexy”, “pretty”, and “cute”. If a woman doesn’t fall into any of the mentioned three categories, then, for me, she is simply “plain”. Note: I think that, regardless of her physical characteristics, a woman can be beautiful because of her attitude, energy, smile, behavior, movements, feelings, talents, etc. Thus, I don’t use the words “pretty” and “beautiful” interchangeably.

What do I mean by:

  • Sexy: a girl whom men want to own sexually, because of her hot body and sexually appealing face. She makes men roar!

  • Pretty: a girl that men need to stare at; admired because of her looks like a masterpiece painting is. She makes men speechless.

  • Cute: a girl that men wish to hug, cuddle, and squeeze. You know, like a sweet puppy or child. She makes men say "Awww!".

  • Plain: a girl that is… well, plain (sorry but no pic here as I don't want to insult anyone). She makes men treat her like a friend.

  • Beautiful: a girl that men find appealing for subtle reasons, sometimes unrelated to her physical appearance, and often very hard to describe. She makes men fall in love with her.

Please let me know:

  • Do you also have a habit of classifying women’s looks or am I the only weirdo doing it?
  • What do you think about my classification and terminology?
  • What makes you fall in love in someone?
  • How would you describe the three girls from the pictures above (please no naughty comments)?

Edit: I've just noticed that the youngest of the three girls is the sweetest, while the oldest is the sexiest. What do you think, is this just a coincidence?

If you liked this article, you will also probably like my article about the “natural is good” myth, as beauty is also discussed there.

Have a wonderful day, week, and life!


Sexy, to me, is the HIGHEST category of erotic. It is a woman who has SOME kind of quality/qualities which exude a feeling that she really enjoys passionate sex. In my world, "sexy" women are NOT the "typical" beauty associated with your other categories. In fact, most of the SEXIEST women I have know, and/or had VORACIOUS sex with, have been drug addicts, attractive (but not in the standard sense), mothers, etc. I guess what I am saying here is that a "real" woman who is generally attractve, but has an additional "sexiness" which makes here MORE attractive than what most men would categorize as your other categories. Yeah, pretty and cute gals are nice to look at, and cuddle with, but SEXY women really STIMULATE my glands in a manner which sends me flying out of control. The best sex I've ever had is with "sexy" women. Hands down, they are the best.

I like your definition of "sexy" and agree that the highest level of sexiness is found in "ordinary" women who have some level of prettiness and a high level of uniqueness, especially the energetic uniqueness. Also, sometimes little idiosyncratic flaws can be very sexy, at least for me. Cheers! : )

In addition to the "little idiosyncratic flaws" I would add some "little physical flaws" as well. The research is in on that. Men are commonly attracted to MINOR physical deformities/aberrations in women. For me, it is a bell curve, where "too perfect" is unattractive AND "too deformed" is as well. I aim for the "midrange of deformity" (ex. a bit of an overbite, odd birthmark, slight nervous twitch, etc.). A good deformity bring a woman down-to-earth, and seperates here from the many "hot/pretty/etc" WENCHES whose heads become so OVER-INFLATED that they are "hard o handle" and (usually) SUB-PAR when you "take it out" on the mat... "maTRESS" that is....

I agree, I love minor physical flaws such as nervous twitchs. You might want to check out my new post with a lot of beauties here. Enjoy! : )

Cool post. What about hot? I would say hot and sexy are 2 different things similar but different

Thank you @idikuci.

That's a good question. Maybe when someone is considered "hot" it means that he/she is "desirable overall", while "sexy" more directly explains that he/she is "sexually attractive". However, both words are definitely used to express attraction. What do you think?

To step back a bit and look at it more evolutionarily, to me hot is body, if a woman has a good body she will be hot, I think you can have a plain face but still be hot. Also hot is usually of the athletic type, whereas sexy, for me any way, good body, good face, nice boobs and a shapely behind, i.e. a good candidate for procreation.
Wider hips indicate more likely to survive childbirth ( until recently death in childbirth was a big problem) and bigger breasts means more likely to have fewer issues breast feeding and more likely to be fertile...

My 0.02SBD

Thanks for linking the topic to the evolutionary instincts.

I think that a person can have a plain face but still be hot/sexy, but hardly pretty or cute. For me, face is crucial for prettiness/cuteness while body is the key to sexual appeal.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to reward you with your 0.02SBD as my voting power is too low. :/

I think there are two more types: The mother and the boss and yeah of course everyone does that and I believe women are much worse in categorizing men.So, go ahead, don't be shy^^

Interesting types. How would you connect the "mother" type with the looks (for the "boss" type it's kinda obvious)? Yes, women are probably much worse in categorizing almost anything since women are more about feeling/perceiving and less about thinking/processing. : )

How would you connect the "mother" type with the looks

There is a specific facial expression/structure some women have that always reminds me in a mother type. A look with a smile that is not sexy, not cute, not pretty and not bossy, but one that is nice and patient as a mother would have it towards her children. Some women have that.

Yes, women are probably much worse in categorizing almost anything since women are more about feeling/perceiving and less about thinking/processing. : )

lol.. pssst. We better keep that to ourselves;-)

A look with a smile that is not sexy, not cute, not pretty and not bossy, but one that is nice and patient as a mother would have it towards her children.

Thanks, I know what you mean now. : )

women are more about feeling/perceiving and less about thinking/processing

Ehm... wait, who wrote that? Don't look at me, someone must have stolen my password!

I believe that genetics also influences.

I agree with you, genetics are probably the key prerequisite for beauty, thanks for bringing it up.

What I'm trying to figure out ATM is what makes men consider a certain women sexy, pretty, cute, or something else.

This post has received a 0.41 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @lifenbeauty.

Well, I never think about this categories. I am judgemental only to myself. I try to find beauty and beautiful thinks in every other creature. :)

We do tend to be more judgemental to ourselves than to others. It's a nice thing to do, but try not to forget yourself too! : )

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