The Old Dog Reports: The Attack Begins Again! Announcing a 100 Steem Bounty!

in #battle7 years ago (edited)

They came as they always do, suddenly, relentlessly, innumerably and without fear! Every year I know they'll attack but somehow I'm never really ready for it!

Every year I'm in for a fight! image

The Attack Begins!

Yesterday morning, as I often am, I was up by 5 am. As I rinsed my eyes and coerced my old carcass into gear I heard some rustling in the kitchen. In the distance and through the frosted glazing of the kitchen door I saw movement inside. As I slowly slid open the pocket door there she was, weapon in hand and ready to fight!

How I adore the bravery and spunk of @lellabird

She pointed to the kitchen door which leads to the upper balcony of our home. Then I saw it! Down on the floor was a heaving living mass. They were back and we were in for a battle!

The Gory Fight Details!

I'd love to say that we stood shoulder to shoulder as we fought them off but the fact is that I went back to the bedroom to finish getting ready and she fired up our weapon of choice. The vacuum cleaner!

What would you use to get rid of thousands of ants? Some sections of our light brown floors and white walls appeared to be black because of them.

This is on top of our kitchen door AFTER they'd already been vacuumed! The fight raged on all day!

Disclaimer: I love all creatures big and small but not all over my walls, countertops, in my cupboards and certainly not on every morsel of food that they can "attack". Ants should be loved and admired outside. Of that I'm convinced!

The Battle Rages On!

Sometimes the attacks last for days or even weeks. Yesterday I was working from home and so every hour or so I'd head over to the kitchen and fire up "The Weapon"! Over the years we've tried many methods to get rid of the ants. This time besides the vacuum cleaner I tried spraying essential oil of eucalyptus! It may have deterred them for a few minutes but they came back with a vengeance!

I did this every hour or so for the whole day!

I'm brave when I have the vacuum cleaner in hand!

Things We've Tried That Don't Work

  • eucalyptus oil
  • lemon oil
  • mint oil
  • lemon peels
  • orange peels
  • chalk
  • ant traps of various types
  • talcum powder

The Old Dog Offers A 100 Steem Bounty

I want to be ready for the next battle and so I'm looking for your help. What ECOLOGICALLY FRIENDLY method can you suggest to me that will control my ant infestation problem. (Remember humour is ecologically friendly)

Contest Details And Rules

  • The solution can be real or even just funny
  • The contest closes at midnight EST Friday March 31st
  • All solutions should be posted in the comment section here on this post
  • I may split the prize into two of 50 Steem at my discretion.

I hope that you enjoyed reading about this yearly attack and that you'l help me with a solution!

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, All of my posts have rewards! "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program this post is in the form of the 100 seem bounty contest! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     


Ha ha ha. Today morning I was going to drop off my son for his basketball practice and he shouted in the lobby "dad come down fast, see what's here". I ran downstairs with curiosity and asked him "what? where?". He replied" look so many small ants". There was a number of them and we found a heap of sand beside the door. I told my son don't worry it's natural and in India I used to sleep in the farm very close to swarms of such ants. But anyway I will show your post to him once he will be back that we are not alone!!
What a way to share your daily life experiences kus-knee, really love your way of doing it.

Last year my sister's house was like yours but ants' size was bigger. They were eating the wood in the roof and were almost everywhere in the house. They called some company who advertised for pest control solutions. These guys injected lot of pesticides into the walls and kept my sister's family out of house for about 6 hours. Now they never seen a single ant in the house.

What a coincidence! It is attack time. It sound like your sister had carpenter ants! Nasty!

Yes they were big and nasty. But they got rid of them once for all.

Carpenter ants are disgusting. They have such huge jaws, I would hate to receive a bite from them.

I'll check it out but have you?

@kus-knee - can you order this in Amazon?

okay just kidding aside
that's nasty - damn ants I don't like them they bring aphids in my garden
okay now seriously .. have you tried 70% water + 20% garlic juiced (from crush garlic strained with a piece of cloth (use gloves or your hand would sting + 10% oil
spray on doors or edges of your house
better yet, find the nest
or buy a lot of hedge hogs :D aside from they're cute they eat those

Actually I like the ant eater option. Cool animal!

@kus-knee indeed let's animal nap it in a zoo hahah

I worked on an organic farm in Arizona. We used diatomaceous earth for garden pest control there. The lady who owned the gardens was fanatical about environmentally friendly solutions to all garden and household problems, so I assume that it is a friendly solution.

What about getting yourself a Ninja Anteater!!
enter image description here
Image Credit

The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone For Your Nice Comment! 50 Steem Prize For Making me Laugh!

Please check your wallet!

Remember: I reward the best comments on all of my posts so continue to follow me and tell your friends!

Thank you very much @kus-knee

That's funny thanks!

I have the same problem here, every year. I tried (without solve the problem) eucalyptus, lemon and others, but I noticed the same thing that @the-future wrote in the comment: If I place some foods away from my backyard's door, the ants dont come back inside my home. ^_^

That sounds very logical! What would be your food of choice for the little beasts?

For the little beasts I use the cat's food, it looks like they appreciate it ^_^

They ARE back! Cut the top of a plastic bottle and flip it upside down. Put it right back where it comes from in this upside down position, fill the bottle with some honey and warm water, place it near the infestation entrance. Sit down and observe the trail going to its death in a bath of honey water never being able to come out again... I hope this will help you forever as well as the ones reading it in need of some help in that department. Namaste :)

Hi Mr. @eric-boucher I'm a bit feeble of mind and I can't quite get the picture. Can you make me a drawing or a photo?

There you go! This one even has bugs, wasps in that case, floating in it! ;)


Now I gotcha! Ingenious!

Thanks @kus-knee! I sure hop this will work for you... Namaste :)

The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone For Your Nice Comment! 50 Steem Prize For The good photo of the trap!

Please check your wallet!

Remember: I reward the best comments on all of my posts so continue to follow me and tell your friends!

That was a very kind gesture from you to send such a huge amount of Steem my way. It is as kind as it is generous. Thanks again, namaste :)

Making a "trail of honey-water all the way to the bottle neck end, from the area where the ants are coming out of, might actually help even more so... Just an extra thought. May the force stay with you. Namaste :)

If you can track them back to their lair, this appears to be entertaining and effective.

That was a great post that you made there! Interesting and entertaining. I'll upvote your comment here since I didn't see that one!

I've also seen mixing peanut butter and borax, and letting them carry it back to the hive. It worked in one house I was in.

Another interesting point!


Make a great dessert out of them. Check the video recipe

Don't knock it if you haven't tried it right? It actually looks yummy!

hey @kus-knee, I have your solution in three funny steps.

STEP 1: Sign Up The Queen Ant For Facebook

First you will need to find the queen ant. It should around the house somewhere. Maybe watching Netflix. Queen ants love to chill. When you approach it, make sure you refer to it as your highness and bow. Then give it a laptop. This is a little expensive but it is an ant, it won't have its own laptop. It will take a bit of time to show it how to use it. You will need to learn each other's languages first. And you will also need to get little weighted shoes the ant can wear so it can press down keys. With time, the queen ant will master it.

Step 2: Help The Ant Build A Page

This is the most time consuming step. You will need to get the ant invested. I mean really invested. Like the ant needs to wake up in the middle of the night to check its feed and how many likes it got. This will require work on your part. You will have to share and like all their stuff. You will have to like ALL of their vacation photos (which will just be photos of your backyard). You will even need to write lol on things that are really not that funny. Eventually the ant will start to put effort in their posts and work hard to create quality content. Then you finish it with step 3...

Find step three here:

Hey @whatageek what a great imagination you have. I like your thinking! I think that you have chance to be a star here on steemit. Up voted your other post and followed!

Thanks @kus-knee for the kind words. I'm just happy if this site can start to be a good source of income. Thank you for running this contest. I'm following you as well

I think I know someone who can help!!!

Could be a great solution! It was a fun movie.

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