*** GIVEAWAY *** I'm enrolling for steembasicincome - I will sponsor somebody for free.

in #basicincome7 years ago (edited)

Hi All,

just a quick post.

image source
I just today discovered @steembasicincome - which is a service that supposedly gives you daily (?) upvotes to subscribed members, in line with the basic income principals that I'm generally a fan of - you can read more about the project here

I still don't really know how well it works or anything like that - but I was going to subscribe myself by sending 1 STEEM to @steembasicincome

When you do so, it also asks you to nominate another member to sponsor.

Given that I haven't been here that long, and I don't know anyone from here personally, I don't really have anyone to nominate.

So if anyone is interested, I'll nominate the first person to upvote and comment - as long as they have a lower reputation and SP than me - That way I feel that I'll be helping a minnow (even more minnow than myself) - and then we can both discover what this service has to offer.

Edit: a couple of more conditions- minimum 25 Reputation - and no power downs within the last month, and has posted within the last week (if you don't post regularly there isn't much point)

oh and if i decide to veto an entry i can do so without having to justify it to anybody but myself :)

Edit 2: OK I've nominated cardoprimo. I'm going to wait and see how it turns out now - If in the event i decide to nominate again (the more shares you have the more reward you can get) I will pick somebody else in this post if anyone else has since posted/upvoted. So don't necessarily give up yet.


Nice idea buddy, gotta share the wealth, I'd pay it forward!

OK I've nominated you - let's see what happens now.

Cheers! Let's see how it works. :)

Curious the outcome of this

Actually having a look through the service now, after that implusive comment, and it seems to be quite a well thought out project with good potential to spread. I'm from Scotland which is trying to get a basic income despite Westminster resistance.. I do see how it can help many people, myself included, to take the strain out of working in a jobless world. Living on the land in Spain I haven't earned or needed a whole lot of fiat these past years, and cryptos a new game started with steemit. The less we have to earn the more time we can spend in restoring the village and growing abundance.
So many cool projects here on steem, I'll definitely sponsor someone when I get my own steem.. i just transferred out my first sbd to play around with some prospective mooners, as they say.
Next one's will go back in full power!

SteemIt itself is a great project - and like you said there's been some nice projects pop up within the platform.

For me i just think it's great to be able to earn by doing something I'd do anyway - not so much the blogging, but the commenting, social interaction, curation, etc. You end up doing that elsewhere for free.

I made a comment on a reddit post recently, that's since had 1200+ upvotes.

I cursing myself that I didn't do that on steem!

good luck with your steem endeavours.

I have deliberately tried to reduce my tech dependance over the years and have never really used social media on a large scale except for reading. But I know I have experiences worth sharing and being able to earn valuable cryptos is the cherry on top that will hopefully keep me motivated to write about them.

Was that 1200 within 7 days though?
I found you through an older article which I would have upvoted for if it was worth anything. I think 7 days is too short to decide value.

Let's see steemit reach its full potential!

it was 1200 within about half a day.... would have been nice here :)

I agree 7 days is a bit too short - but I read an article somewhere here where somebody explained why that limitation is there. Because the reward pool is limited - and all the posts that earn rewards get paid out a share of the reward pool - if you allow older posts then it just means that newer posts earn less - so the 7 day limitation is imposed to encourage the creation of new content.

But I agree - i think older posts should be paid for new upvotes - I've come across so many old posts that have helped me understand steem, and those guys deserve my reward for helping me.

I also notice that you can't edit posts that are more than 7 days old, and can't delete.

Out of curiosity - what was the older article?

one of the issues i have with steemit is that it's very hard to get traction on blog posts - even getting a view is challenging.

I believe it was about Keepass for android. I can remember if searched within steemit or elsewhere including steemit in the search but guess your article came up top.

Maybe a separate reward pool for old posts could be made.

No edit and delete you say.. mm better get it right then. Suppose it has a purpose in preventing republishing work, although it hurts the honest edits in the process.

For me it is all a plus, just happy to meet all the different communities here.

Greetings! I am a minnow exclusive bot that gives a 5X upvote!
I recommend this amazing guide on how to be a steemit rockstar!
I was made by @EarthNation to make Steemit easier and more rewarding for minnows.

i am planning to send 1 steem to @steembasicincome to be a member... but when i read your contest i guess i will ask you to be my sponsor...

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