🍌 CONTEST ~ Gypsy Fortune-Telling & FREE Steem Basic Income 🍌

in #bananamemos6 years ago (edited)

The world's first gypsy fortune-telling banana (as far as we know) is back for more fun!

Madame Zanana 300x417.png

Madame Zanana, the all-seeing and all-knowing banana, will read your fortune in the tea leaves or coffee sediment left in your cup. She'll tell you something profound about your future, or just make a joke about your coffee grounds. One never knows with Madame Z!

This is a fun and easy contest to win 1 share of Steem Basic Income...
and there will be 2 winners.
A share of SBI translates to regular upvotes on your postings, probably forever, from @steembasicincome. And the Banana Collective will pay for 2 Steemians to get one SBI share each. (If you'd like more info on what SBI is all about, here's their FAQ post.)

Take a look at past contests to see how it works. Read through the comments that Madame Zanana made on others' sediment... that's part of the fun!
Contest #1
Contest #2

Ready with your coffee mugs and teas cups? Here's what you do:

  1. Drink your cup of tea or coffee.
  2. Take a photo of the stuff (coffee sediment or tea leaves) left in the bottom of the cup. (Note: With the super-efficient coffee pods and tea bags these days, there is often no stuff left in the bottom of the cup. You may have to actually add some in to the last tablespoon of liquid, swirl it around, then drink or pour off the liquid and take a picture of what's left. Twenty-first century problem.)
  3. Drop the picture in the comments below this post. Nothing fancy or artsy required, just a shot of the gunk at the bottom of the cup, clear enough for Madame Zanana to see your future.
  4. Madame Zanana will leave a reply, reading your fortune and assigning you a number.
  5. At the end of the contest (one week), all numbers will go in a bowl and Madame Zanana will pull two lucky people to receive a share of Steem Basic Income.
  6. That's it. You don't have to upvote, follow or re-steem (unless you want to). Just drop a photo in the comments, and you're entered! Though we appreciate you spreading the news that Madame Z is in SteemitTown!

Contest ends Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 @ 6:00pm Eastern Time (U.S.), 3:00pm Pacific Time (U.S.), 22:00 UTC

During the week of the contest, stop back often to see what Madame Zanana is telling others.
We in the Banana Collective encourage community participation and group silliness.

Thanks to all who visited Madame Zanana's past contests; y'all are welcome to participate again!
@vonaurolacu @owenwat @harktheshark @cicisaja @electricswine @tspink @phillyc @redheadpei @kimberlylane @emergehealthier @donna-metcalfe @paradigm42 @jadams2k18
To the 2 beverage drinkers who missed the deadline on the last contest, now's your chance: @insideoutlet @mariannewest

And a special shout out to @irreverent-dan who, through a comment exchange on his post about sediment in the bottom of his cup, helped Madame Zanana come to life. :-) Let's see that cup!

Note: If anyone would like your name removed from this list, please comment below. It's All Good.

You never know 405x170.png


line of palm trees.png

After playing the contest, why not visit some of the other members of the Banana Collective to see what they've got to say:
P.O.Tassium on Banana Protection
Lana Peelings tries writing a steamy novel
Storytime with GramNana


Hi Madame Z - I have entered you and this post in the @payitforward contest as one of my choices for bloggers who deserve attention.
My post - https://steemit.com/payitforward/@donna-metcalfe/pay-it-forward-curation-contest-week-10
The link to the contest is in the post.

Thank you, @donna-metcalfe!

Madame Zanana sees overflowing good karma coming your way.

And a snack:

Madame Zanana I hope you see something in my future. Sunday Cat took a look but had no comment. 😊 🍌

I am sure she was thinking heavy thoughts - just not telling 😜

Maybe it was a good thing there was no comment. 😂

There is a Madame Z fortune-teller apprenticeship program, if Sunday Cat is interested, @redheadpei.

Madame Zanana sees a skier in the leaves, in a crouching position, as if swooshing down a mountainside at top speed in the fresh snow.

This can be interpreted as you gliding through an area of your life, if you allow yourself to just strap on your skies and GO!

#1 in the contest

I like that reading Madam Zanana.
I spoke to Sunday Cat and he meowed in agreement but wants a mouse for every time he has a lesson.🐱 😂

Madame Z can see who rules the roost in that household!

Haha that’s for sure!

@redheadpei hahaha... this is funny. At least there's something in your cup that Madame Z could read from. How about my uncle's coffee cup? What can you see, Madame Z?!


Lol! I see A cat who likes Marilyn Monroe and coffee. That cat looks exactly like Sunday Cat. 😃

just a shot of the gunk at the bottom of the cup, clear enough for Madame Zanana to see your future.

That picture doesn't qualify as "clear enough" to see my uncle's future.

Oh, Sunday Cat looks like Marley? Yep, that's his name. Marley and Marilyn together.

Will leftovers in the teapot count? if yes, here it is

You definitely need banana bread to go wth your 🌿 roughage tea. 😀 ☕️

Yes, I do!!! Can you bake some? I'll make the tea 😄

Sounds like a plan but I fell asleep and burned the banana bread. The birds ate it. 😂
Another time ❤️

Welcome, @mariannewest

Madame Zanana sees a calamitous accident in your future, most likely within the next 5 to 15 years -- in which a drinking glass will slip from your fingers and break into many pieces.
It is best to be prepared with a broom and dustpan. You will thank Madame Zanana for these words of wisdom at that time.

#2 in the contest

Oh, thank you so much!! I will make sure to always have a broom strapped to my body from here on out!!! If I am lucky, I can use it for transportation too. 🤪

Dear Madame Zanana,
I almost drank everything, I'm sorry I got carried away as i'm too addicted to coffee! Since nothing has left, do I still have a future?

Your new fan,

Other gypsies might not be able to read those coffee grounds. But Madame Zanana is one of the world's finest fortune tellers!
according to my manager

Okay, let's take a look... hmmm... yes.
I see a tall dark stranger... no, wait.
It's someone dull, stark and strange in your future... oh, never mind. It's just the next Batman movie.

#5 in the contest

But aren't Tony Stark and Doctor Strange Marvel characters??? They can't be in a DC movie like Batman!

Ah, but you see, @sparkesy43, Madame Zanana is telling the FUTURE, not just the films coming out soon. ;-)

Thank you for that heartrending message to me, Madame. It has boosted my confidence to look forward my banana future!
Love you Madame. Next time, I wanna see your eyes open. Wahahah!


Hahahaha... Madame Z... I can't hold my self from ROFL right now. Oh, forgive me @dynamicshine that I saw your readings result. This is fun 😂

hehe that's alright @cicisaja... am having fun, too. I love Madame Zanana Banana!

Madame Zanana appreciates the sisterly love, @dynamicshine & @cicisaja!

My tea from earlier. :)


hmmm... very interesting that you left your spoon in the cup.

There are two interpretations for this:

  1. You are ready to scoop up more joy in your life
  2. You need to put "bananas" on your grocery list.

#3 in the contest

I'm definitely down for more joy in my life, and of course more bananas! :)

Oohh thank you Madame Zanana uhmm I mean @bananamemos 🤗, I will continue drinking coffee or tea with Madame Zanana (perhaps I can ask something to Gramnana too).
I will post my pic later, let's have a Waltzanana dance later!

Wow! You want to have a waltzanana with Madame Zanana AND Gramnana... will drinking a hot beverage.

You are ambitious! 🍌

Here's my tea cup Madame Z, shall I removed the leaves?

Thank you 💃💃💃💋

If you remove the leaves how can Madama Zanana read them? If I may suggest- set the cup gently upside down on a saucer and turn it around three times. Set the cup upright and there should be enough leaves left for our Madame Zanana to read. 😊

Hahaha... What a helpful suggestion @redheadpei, thanks a lot! Actually it's not a cup but a mug, will find a perfect saucer to it, I'll be right back. Hope that Madame Z will read both pictures 🤝

A most excellent suggestion, @redheadpei!

Can you see something different, my dear Madame Zanana? I did as @redheadpei said, carefully. image

Ahh I almost slip the mug down!

Lovely tea leaves, with a very uplifting message.
Birds and bees sing and buzz, bringing music and action. Madame Zanana advises you to do the same.

#10 in the contest

Thank you Madame Z, but it's about midnite here, my husband will glare at me and make a funny face too, I can't do that now.. but I will do it tomorrow while checking on my pumpkins again.

Can I have a picture of you with your beautiful eyes open?

My eyes are closed so that I might concentrate and 'see' with my Third Eye.

Fortune-telling involves subtle vibrations.

Uhmm.. I will wait for the day when Madame Z is out of duty and her beautiful eyes can see the beauty of the sky and banana world except the tea and coffee sediments. 🤗

I don't drink coffee but i like to chew bamboo. What do u see in my future.

I'm sorry, @mightypanda. Though I like both pandas and bamboo, I cannot do a reading for you.

To read tea leaves or coffee grounds, the person desiring the reading must hold the cup and imbibe the liquid. The sediment takes on that person's vibration and intention, thus imparting a message (if a talented gypsy fortune teller happens to be nearby).
If you wanted to chew on some bamboo, then steep it in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, drink the liquid and submit a photo of the mascerated bamboo shoots, Madame Z will see what she can do. 🍌

Oh, Madame Zanana!!! I drank my first coffee today and thought of you!!! This is my leftover, usually my husband finishes the rest. Please do tell what's on your mind.



Madame Zanana has words of wisdom for you:
Red, diluted, is pink. But blue, diluted, is just light blue.
It would be good to remember that.

#4 in the contest

Oh my goodness!!! Oh my goodness!!! seriously!!! I wanted to say "I feel so yellow (not blue), and thought of the song Yellow by Coldplay. But then totally erased it, because I didn't want to give away what I was feeling and thinking. You are awesome, Madame!

Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And everything you do
Yeah they were all yellow

I came along
I wrote a song for you
And all the things you do
And it was called "Yellow"

By the way, I forgot to say thanks for the words of wisdom, Madame! In practical application, I will remember your words when I am making play dough. I make play dough every week for my little darlings at the early learning centre where I work. This is the post I wrote about a month ago:
Recipe for Play Dough and Its Developmental Benefits for the Children

This is so funny, but that post on playdough is where I first met you. I saw your post on a Steemit Ramble Discord show. 😁

Yes, you did! We have been interacting for quite some time now. :-) You invited me to SteemitRamble, so thank you very much. I love participating on PYPT, however, I can't regularly do it every week. I have work on Fridays.

waaaaaiittt.... I have to laugh soooo hard!!!!!!!!! WAHAHAHAHAHHA oh my!! why are you so funny Madame?!?! haha.. ok lemme finish reading and i'd like to join this contest since I'm a coffee lavaahhh.. .. XD i shall return! wahahah

I look forward to reading your coffee grounds, @dynamicshine.

Madame, I told my sister, @dynamicshine, that you're in town!!! She loves coffee, but she needs more potassium, although caffeine will help her stay awake doing her mama duties.

Thanks for passing the word to your sister, @evlachsblog! And thanks to you and @dynamicshine for re-steeming our contest. You both are awesome!

We are making you Honorary 🍌 🍌 of the Banana Collective!

Oh, thank you @bananamemos! It's an honour to be made Honorary of the Banana Collective!!! :-) Love it!

Hello @bananamemos and Madame Zanana. Here is my after Ginger Root Tea remains. Thank you for the contest.

tea contest.jpg

Welcome, @innerstellar.

mmmmm.. Ginger root tea. Sounds good. Now Madame Z is thirsty.

Let's take a look.... I see you moving through the world, no, the galaxy with purpose, grace and service. It is good for you to be on the planet right now, at this time.

Madame Zanana also sees you putting "bananas" on your grocery list very soon.

#11 in the contest



Good job, @innerstellar. Glad to see you taking Madame Zanana's advice seriously.

hmm? What's that?
The bananas tell me that you were quite respectful and gentle with them.

Consider yourself an honorary member of the Banana Collective. 🍌

Thank you Madame Zanana. Wow, you really do see me. Nice to meet you. And, yes bananas are on my grocery list. lol! Peanut Butter and banana a favorite of mine.

You got that right, @innerstellar. PB&B ~ peanut butter & bananas ~ a classic combination!

You might want to take a look at my blog post from way back about how nutritious bananas and peanut butter are: Ants on a Log

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