My life story part 5

My Sun in Aquarius and moon in Leo



I was born at the hospital named Dixie in St. George, Utah, on February 5th, 1985 around 8 pm. This meant my sun sign was in Aquarius and my Moon Sign was in Leo. Your personality is often associated with your Sun sign and your emotional nature with your moon. I have found most of the information I find on to be really true concerning how it relates to my life up to this point. Emotionally I can be the center of attention like a Leo and I am very much a quintessential Aquarius with groups of people as we are known as the politicians of the zodiac. Aquarius people thrive in groups typically and are apart and not apart of almost all groups.

Socially I have been primarily detached from groups. Even during my years(5) of playing football in junior high and high school, I never really succumbed to the pressures to fit in and to participate in things outside of my nature. I have typically gravitated to a very certain type of person or small groups to really associate myself with. Growing up in a household with a drunken, abusive and corrupt cop father probably wasn't the best in helping me trust people fully when I was young. Not understanding fully what having a cop father meant, I would talk about him at school in a very proud way, at a very young age before his violence became a staple in our household. It wasn't before too long when I found out the consequences of talking too much.

I can remember being in 4th grade and bragging about my dad a school. Saying stuff like my Father was a cop and locks up bad guys. Well, a 2nd grader named Morris took serious offense to this. I'm not sure why. But this is early 90s Vegas and It was a super racist town still(this towns overall racist theme died down until 2012 or so when we started having race riots in schools? Now its apparent that racism is alive with all races now in my opinion.) I had no clue how white cops were arresting a disproportionate number of black people to white people. The true history of black people in Vegas is a really sad and dark history that is just simply enshrined and looked over with shiny statues and old relic houses that are just symbols, not solutions.

Well, on this day I could not keep my mouth shut, my sister and I were jumped by Morris and his friends. They were all black and didn't like my boisterous comments about my father. I was sucker punched from behind and was dragged through the desert area on our way back home after school. His female friends were pulling on my sister's hair and from what I could tell they were taking it easier on her than me. I had all of my arms and legs held by these 2nd graders and was being dragged. Morris was no joke. He was the size of a 6th grader and had had the same punch as one. I had rocks thrown at me and many kicks directed towards my sides. Thankfully they stopped after ten minutes and we were barely scratched.

My Father lost his mind when we came home. My sister was crying hysterically and I was in shock. Some concerned parent stopped and gave us a ride home and was probably why the nonsense stopped. My dad and mom were both at home at the time for some reason, I wasnt used to this especially as I got older. It happened so quick, he grabbed his gun and left the house fast after I told him the kid's name. He came back hours later assuring us he would no longer be a problem. Sure enough, I never saw Morris at school again.

I'm not sure why I never had such little experience with racism afterward in Las Vegas. I played football and a majority of my friends who were not white. I am color blind to skin color and express love to anyone who shows it back especially. San Francisco was a different story concerning racism but we will get to that much much later on in this series😸.

I could never understand the need to associate so intensely with a group of people especially ones who hate based on skin color and can't see past individual actions as just that and not a representative of a group of people. I could never just blindly follow a group of people just to find acceptance or a sense of shallow belonging.

I was the token hippie growing up, even before finding cannabis to dramatically improve my health conditions throughout my life. Often most of the closet paranoid people would come to me in private to smoke occasionally. The star Mormon QB really tripped me out when he wanted to smoke lol! Unfortunately, I got used to peoples two-sided nature and got made fun of for smoking cannabis by the very people secretly partaking. This is still a constant in my life. Its something I'm used to and it has been a focal point with me socially and emotionally as Cannabis is the one thing that allows me to function normally while I have pill poppers, junkies and alcoholics thumbing down my meds that they secretly want!!! This has only contributed to my emotional development to being a jaded and guarded one. Its what I expect from humans sadly as its how 90% treat me.

When I fall in love or develop a serious relationships, I put too much weight on the individuals who I choose to open my heart to. I unfairly hand my heart over to a single person typically and tell them to treat it better than their own. I have pretty much ruined all of my relationships in this manner. Maybe not with my kid's mother as that had to do with me being at work too much and financial stresses. I'm finally getting better at this but in great sacrifice to future relationships with friends and lovers mostly due to my kindness being taken advantage of most of my life exposing it as a weakness.

So here we are at the abrupt end. I just wanted to describe some key events and personality traits that make me more of who I am in my opinion. I hope this starts to help you understand who I am and my personality traits better before we continue on this long road I call my life story!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4



I kid you not, I was born on the 6th of February. The personalities you described here about yourself are pretty much the same as mine. I could relate to what you are saying about not really being fussed whether you fit in or not in a group. I could care less myself. I am actually more of a small group person. When I share a common interest with people in that group, that's when I feel I belong and I stick to that group.

I hope Morris is all right. I hope he just transferred to a different school that's why you never saw him after that. With the way you depicted your father in your life story series, it seems like anything was possible with him. I do not want to conclude the worst.

Anyway, I love reading your life story. Your writing and narration of your life is exceptional.

Yeah, I'm not sure but too bad I never brought up Jordan. I had a book taken by him and my dad made sure I got my book back. I saw him again but he wasnt even allowed to look at me again after my dad threatened his family.

You got me confused. Who is Jordan?

I just told u all about him!

So Jordan Morris? Morris the second-grader?

Wow what a an experience growing up. The racism stuff was not experience by me because I was born in my own country and among people from same country.

So sorry about the attitude of your dad. Some are lucky to have good parents but are poor. Others have have parents who are rich but hardly show concern to their children. Others are blessed to have good parents, who are wealthy and also show concern to their children but look life cant be fair to every one at the same time.

Thanks for sharing some of your history. @inspiredgideon1 from #dynmicsteemians

Wow what a an experience growing up. The racism stuff was not experience by me because I was born in my own country and among people from same country.

So sorry about the attitude of your dad. Some are lucky to have good parents but are poor. Others have have parents who are rich but hardly show concern to their children. Others are blessed to have good parents, who are wealthy and also show concern to their children but look life cant be fair to every one at the same time.

Thanks for sharing some of your history. @inspiredgideon1 from #dynmicsteemians

Life is full of experiences, im glad I got a lot of experience as a child!

That's nice. I think it made you better.

I was born on January so mine was Capricorn. :) When I fall in love, I fall hard too. I am sorry to hear about your past relationships that have failed. I am sure that somethings waiting for you.

Well wasn't really the focal point of this part but will make for great self-incriminating stories much later on!

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