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RE: My life story part 5

in #autobiography6 years ago

I kid you not, I was born on the 6th of February. The personalities you described here about yourself are pretty much the same as mine. I could relate to what you are saying about not really being fussed whether you fit in or not in a group. I could care less myself. I am actually more of a small group person. When I share a common interest with people in that group, that's when I feel I belong and I stick to that group.

I hope Morris is all right. I hope he just transferred to a different school that's why you never saw him after that. With the way you depicted your father in your life story series, it seems like anything was possible with him. I do not want to conclude the worst.

Anyway, I love reading your life story. Your writing and narration of your life is exceptional.


Yeah, I'm not sure but too bad I never brought up Jordan. I had a book taken by him and my dad made sure I got my book back. I saw him again but he wasnt even allowed to look at me again after my dad threatened his family.

You got me confused. Who is Jordan?

I just told u all about him!

So Jordan Morris? Morris the second-grader?

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