Government: Bringing Chaos as “Order” at Gunpoint

in #authority6 years ago (edited)

Governments can do good. For sure. But is that all they do? What's the cost of accepting the good? What bad are we allowing ourselves to accept in the name of “good”?

Source: pixabay

There is plenty of security provided. Governments and their federally employed workers called military are protecting us from would-be threats from abroad that might seek to do us harm, potentially.

Are the needed in all cases in our current times? What if Canada didn’t have an army? Would that mean another country would just invade us, enslave us, takw what we have, or take the country for themselves to expand their national boundaries?

There are plenty of nations with bigger armies that could. Why don't they? Is it because we’re friendly with many of them? Is it because we’re allies with so.e of the biggest so that other s dont mess with us? Why dobwe then need an army in the first place. Is the army really keeping us safe and secure in Canada?

Another federally employed security force are the police. Instead if allegedly protecting us from would-be invaders from abroad, the police are supposed to be there to protect us from each other.

Both these grouosnare there to protect us, apparently. In some cases and in some. Atjkns, some are more useful and living up to that promise. But in other cases, they are goons or a gang for a statist mafia of legalized plunder and corruption.

Military and police are granted authority over others, without the consent of others. I some cases they more or less abuse their power very little, but in others they oppress and keep people in line with the “order” or chaos that the government establishes in a society.

Goverments issue orders in order to impose their brand of “order” onto others. Some order is based in moral law, sure. But some order is simply control. Some laws are not moral laws, but legalized plunger that results in the control of others. It’s about making people do what you want them to do, regardless of it being morally lawful.

Take seat belts for example. No one is harming another by not wearing a seat belt. There is no possible victim being harmed by someone when a seat belt is not worn by someone. Yet, there are legal orders in place that operate under the veil of “law” and “order” to coercively steal money from us if we don’t wear a seat belt.

If I don’t wear a seat belt and I get hurt, that’s my problem. Why the fuck do people think a government can lawfully legally steal my money if they catch me not doing what they want me to do when I'm not harming anyone? They will steal money from me at the point ifna gun essentially. Because if I don't “pay up” to this mafia group, then they come with their guns to take me and lock me in a cage.

This is the madness of our society. Why society accepts legal extortion and theft through seat belt “laws” is absurd. We collectively accepted stupid arguments about how it’s justified to coerce, extort and steal from people for ”their own good”.

Another example is bike helmet laws. Gotta steal money from people because they choose not to wear a helmet. Yes, what a great moral society that is. People think that others have magical “rights” of authority to first of all makes these false “laws” in the first place to control others “for their own good”. And second, their thug gang goon squads have other rights and authority that other people don’t whonfet to enforce these “laws” on others. At the threat of a gun as always. Because if don’t, you will get put into a cage, and if you resist their tyranny and assault in your freedom and right tidonthinfs that don't harm others, then they get to legally shoot you.

Plus, we’re all paying for these “services” against our will, with coerced taxation as theft. We can’t choose to not pay, because again, they come with guns to make us pay for their exisence. And that’s freedom?

We ignorantly think this is making people’s lives more “secure” and brining more “order” to society. But it’s not real, authentic, genuine or.true order.based in moral law. It’s actually chaos. The chaos of harming you for doing no harm to anyone else, and having this chaos justified and supported by most of society.

Anarchy is no rulers. No masters who get to have “rights” and “authority” that others don't have, creating master-slave relationships. It’s not about no rules. Moral rule is moral law, moral truth. This is creating and living in authentic, genuine and true order.

When we have governments who create pseudo-order by conving usnthat it’s for our “own good”, then we justify chaos in our lives when we dare tinstand againstntheir tyrannical control over our lives. Sure, there are many moral laws being upheld by government, but we as free people could do that ourselves if we wanted to engage in the responsibility to create that level of order and freedom for all.

If we had a choice to pay for services we don’t want to do ourselves, then at least we could put and pull our money to and from the best and worst services offered. Without money being funelled into the government or their federally funded “services”, they don’t continue to exist.

People don’t work for free. Money talks. If we were free to choose where to put our money and create contracts for services, them at least we’re in control of what we get in society, as opposed to being coerced, extorted and stolen from I order to pay for things that we don’t support; that are immoral; that create chaos into our lives.


who else, but a government could turn a disorder into order simply by writing a threat on a magic paper?

I think this is relevant:

Upvoted, followed and resteemd. I hope I paid my tax for my link? ;)

While some of the laws highlighted above are beneficial to the health of people, they also shouldn’t be able to extort money from you if you don’t abide by it.
A famous story locally here in Massachusetts; one of the residents of Mass here was protesting the helmet law for motorcyclists so he was riding in New Hampshire with a sign on the back of his bike stating this. In New Hampshire you don’t need to wear a helmet to ride. The guy got in an accident and died because he wasn’t wearing a helmet. Was he killed for a purpose to enforce the law? I don’t think something that small but I wouldn’t be entirely surprised.
These should just be recommendations made that are very seriously suggested but not enforced. I can’t personally ride in a car if it has broken seat belts; I value my life too much to even bother taking the risk of driving without one.

I value wearing a seat belt too. I was also talking about bicycle helmets hehe, as the risk is much smaller than with a motorcycle going on fast roads and highways.

Reminds me of the emissions program for cars in Tucson. Every year have to pass. But, if you fail and can prove the costs would exceed the vehicles worth, for an extra fee you can pollute the streets for one more year. Of course, don't pay and they care deeply about the pollution and men with guns will steal your car and kidnap you if they catch you without that waiver of permission.

I am curious, because you have a lot of words with extra letters in this post. Are you using a dictation program?

I wrote this on my Android. First post ever written on smartphone lol. Autocorrect steps in a lot :P

Ah...I had thought it was dictation as I tried that Dragon speech program a couple years ago when I was a writer and it was more trouble than it was worth. It could not get half my words right and I ran out of patience trying to train it.

If the authority is coming from, the people the so called authority have no more right to act then you do.

The reason why this is so, is because I couldn't give them what I don't have, which is immunity or special rights. So when they do these things they are committing fraud. Cause it is a lie that I could give what I don't have.

Exactly... you can not delegate a right you do not have.

Creating new concepts requires a special word to express, which is the responsibility of the professor. 😂

Here in South Australia, the State government is about to bring in harsh new criminal sanctions for marijuana possession.
They didn't mention this before the election (they suggested being "tougher on drugs" but didn't provide much detail).
Online polls consistently show more than 90% of respondents don't want prison terms for marijuana possession, but we're getting it anyway.
Nice little democracy lesson for my stoner friends.

Yup, power to the people? Not the common people, but the people in government, that's where the power is going to ... we are fools.

Peace by fear, now also order by chaos, and mass manipulation by a lot of means, in fact, everything making appeal to aggregated cornflakes into chaotic or stable milk bowl simply make some people go by their special individual traits. Living vertices (as vortices) emerge between chaos and order, mercury is too chaotic and mars too ordered, now govs are vortices and people too, don't mess it up!

ah, you miss the point! there are a number of us ordinary citizens who have an ambition for power and money. the government is made up of such people. very few of them are those who truly desire change and even if they do, the rest of them will not allow it to happen.

when the government says that it wants to improve a certain section of society, then what it is really saying is that it just wants to appease them. the appeasement is always financial.

if more helmets need to be sold and helmet manufacturers want to make money, then they will be appeased.

you bring up an interesting comparison with seat belts. today, non smokers decide that smoking should be banned in public places. the reality is that vehicular pollution is worse than smoking for any human being. will they ban vehicles? i don't think they ever will because their campaign contributions are from the automobile lobby.

governments use appeasement as a divide and conquer strategy

If you ban vehicles, can you get around to a job to survive? No. Smoking is not necessary. Not a valid comparisons. When you smoke, you needlessly toxify the air around you and you don't have that right to needlessly harm people with cigarette smoke. Transportation is now a need in modern society.

Nice post, just too blurry to comment, sorry..(celebrations)

Another example is bike helmet laws. Gotta steal money from people because they choose not to wear a helmet.

..its the same law in SE Asia - in theory.
In practice, people just don't bother to wear them, and guess what?..they can't do anything about it.
You get the odd fine - but people still ignore it...It's great!

Highly rEsteemed!


LOL. I haven't watched the past two season because I don't like evil of that grandor existing and perpetuating. I'll watch it all when I know he gets killed so I don't have to be tortured with his psychopathy for years :P.


lol... I don't watch the show, but I do keep up with the plot or story... or...
Who are we kidding? It's a Psychopathic way to sell laundry detergent and dick pills...
Wait, are we talking about Government or the Walking Dead? : / Nevermind.

Gay Frogs.JPG

lol, and um.. !!!

Yes... (sorry if I gave the impression that I'm Muggled)

I'm a Scientist... very aware of Atrazine... and Tyrone Hayes' work.
I'm also old enough to remember 7 digit Phone Dialing,
back before the Gay Frogs.


Can you not seven digit dial anymore if you
are in the same area code? I don't use the
phone much anymore.. Really u r science?

Tread lightly, I am the danger... Say my name.

Bacon BAD2.jpg

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