What the Recent Grand Water Trines Mean -- how they have changed you, the effect they'll have on your life -- Part 1

in #astrology6 years ago (edited)

Cancer is the Cardinal Water sign --
Dynamic Emotion.

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A time of change ...

I want to write a series of posts -- about the opportunities, experiences and possible changes forecast by the recent parade of planets in Cancer ... each of which formed the essential third point in the Grand Water Trine between Venus / Mercury / The Sun in Cancer trine to Jupiter in Scorpio trine to Neptune in Pisces. (Mainly I want to do this as an exercise for myself.)

Aspects like this can certainly forecast events ... singular experiences that underline (or distill) the meaning of the moment. But they also outline the process of personal evolution -- the way you change and grow by becoming a different person today from the person you were yesterday. These things don't occur instantly. Sometimes it takes a while before you even notice -- or realize -- the process of change has begun.


Another piece of the journey.
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... whether you know it or not ...

Like a chain reaction, it follows a course, carrying you along as a passenger on your own special journey -- and ultimately you wind up in a different place, as a different person, than the one who began the trek. As I said, these things take time. And it certainly takes time for you to process the change, understand what it meant to you and settle into the new persona you have become.

Some people, I suppose, barely notice this personal movement -- the development between who you were a year ago -- to the person you are today -- to the person you will be a year from now. But it's there, nevertheless. And life is richer when you take time to notice the changing scenery as you shift from one place to the next. It rarely happens in one giant leap -- although it can seem that way. Instead, it's a series of baby steps as you live one day to the next -- and the increments compile into a result that can seem much more than the sum of its parts.


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... gradual but inevitable.

So what happened in Cancer these past few months didn't finish overnight. And it won't be complete this week ... or this month ... or maybe for several months to come. Each personal journey is different. We reach our destinations in our own time. And as when climbing a mountain, sometimes ... only when we look back do we realize how far we've come -- and how hazardous the trip was in the first place.

So, I want to write about what happened -- and what it may mean -- and how you may recognize and work with "the flow." To me, conscious awareness beats the living daylights out of the other choice ... and if sharing what I know helps you see your own path more clearly ... then this time and effort was worth it. (In fact, it was worth it, because all this means something to me.)


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It's complicated.

So ... there was a Grand Water Trine pattern between planets in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces this year. Three different planets took part in Cancer -- Venus, Mercury and The Sun. Jupiter just came out of retrograde in Scorpio. And Neptune is hovering quietly in its placid location in Pisces. This is what the sky looked like to an Astrologer as The Sun -- the final member of the parade -- stepped into the sweet spot.




Let's dissect the pieces so we understand each element we're dealing with -- and then at the end put them all back together. This may help you notice how the issues of your own life have come together over the past few weeks, but remember, the whole process is far from done.


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Water trines are about deep feelings.

Grand Water Trines activate emotions and feelings, concerns for the safety and comfort of you and your loved ones, the passionate desire to make positive changes and improvements, and the ability to strengthen your spiritual roots ... and find meaning in the experiences and conditions of your life. (In the past several weeks, thoughts on these themes may have made their way insistently into your mind.)

(In plain English: You want life to be better / safer / more comfortable ---> so you make some essential changes ---> and this creates the peace and serenity you were really looking for ---> which results in the "better life" you originally wanted.)


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Some of the essential pieces ...

  • Sun Aspects show issues involving your self-identity, your ego, ambitions and willpower.
  • Mercury Aspects show issues involving your ideas and opinions, the way you think and express yourself, the things you talk, read and write about.
  • Venus Aspects show issues involving your relationships, the people you are connected to, your resources and financial status.

Cancer energy brings forward

  • Matters involving family members, people you consider "members of the family," your position in the family circle, family relationships and needs
  • The concerns of your private life (as opposed to your career and professional life), issues where you need to feel sovereign and safe
  • Memories, history, heritage, unresolved issues from "the past," your automatic, subconscious habits
  • Your living arrangements, your physical dwelling, the comfort and safety of your home
  • Your sensitivity, compassion, empathy, emotions, feelings and intuition

Some combination of these are what "kicked off" the major changes coming this year (from the Grand Water Trine) -- in ways that will bring comfortable, easy, positive results -- when all's said and done.


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Making things easy

Trines are angles between two or more planets that reach one third of the way around the circle of the horoscope. Notice how if you connect the points in the chart shown above, you construct the outline of an equilateral triangle. That's the pattern of a Grand Trine. (For the record, Grand Trines can occur in Fire, Earth, Air or Water Signs. As noted, this one involved the three Water Signs -- Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.)

Trines show an easy flow of energy from one compatible life area to another. These signs (and planets in those signs) get along well. They promote growth and harmony. Each can use and build on the action of the others to advance and expand its own interests, its own possibilities. Positive efforts in one area (or from one planet, one Inner Self) inspire (or enable) positive opportunities and projects in another.


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Making it real

Here are some of the ways these current patterns can operate in real life:

  • Efforts to bring more comfort and safety to your home and family (Cancer) ---> inspire improvements, revisions, changes in the way you spend communal resources so that everyone benefits and is satisfied (Scorpio) ---> which brings a time of greater peace, understanding, tolerance and unity to the ongoing experiences of life. (Pisces)

  • The desire for extra security and stability (Cancer) ---> invites you to join forces with others who have assets you can use to build and invest together for more eventual profit than either of you could have managed alone (Scorpio) ---> and this allows more peace of mind for everyone, the chance to develop your creative or spiritual interests ... and plan your next moves without feeling you're under the gun all the time. (Pisces)

  • Dealing with memories -- both positive and negative -- and working through unresolved issues from the past (Cancer) ---> allows you to let go of harmful patterns, release pain and sadness, and renew your spirit unencumbered by these burdens (Scorpio) ---> which allows you more capacity to love, more tolerance toward your fellow humans, and rekindles your spiritual connection to the Source ... which is the ultimate place of emotional and psychological healing. (Pisces)

There are more.

Next: How the parade began ... and what it left behind.

Part 2


Thank you for stopping by!

If you've always known there was more to Astrology than Sun Sign material and the three line daily horoscope in the newspaper, climb aboard and follow this blog. You'll find a world of wisdom detailing how you were designed to work with life ... and why you are the way you are -- all in quick-to-read, easy-to-digest-and-remember, written-in-plain-English essays that offer plenty of food for thought.

Little by little, I'm doing a set of articles that talks about all the elements in your horoscope and what they have to say about you. If you "know something" about Astrology -- or know something about your chart placements, that will help you get more from this material.

If you don't ... well, this is one place you can learn. We all have to start somewhere ... because we aren't born knowing this stuff. Meanwhile, if you've never seen your horoscope ... and don't have a clue how to work with it, maybe it's time to find out. There are lots of "chart services" on the internet -- some of whom produce decent, readable charts "for free" and some are so awful and confusing that even I can't read them easily -- and I've worked with charts for decades.

One extremely user-friendly chart site is here: AstroLabe. I recommend them if you want a simple, easy-to-read chart. I think they even give a reasonable little interpretive reading of your horoscope as part of the package. You'll need to know your birth information -- day, month, year, time and geographical place. Without all that your chart will have limited accuracy.

Or, if you want to get serious and really talk about this, upvote this post and start a conversation in the comments section sometime in the next six days from the time of publication. We'll go from there depending on what you want to know.


Questions about any of this? -- Upvote this post and talk to me in comments. It's a terrific way to build value for yourself and the community ... and it will give me ideas of what to write about in future posts. Believe me there is lots to say about the way The Sun, The Moon -- and all the other elements in a horoscope, all the other components of Astrology -- work together to interpret you and your story -- and what it all means to the person you've become.

This is who I am.


About the art in our visual essays ...

Although sometimes the background pictures in our visual essays support the topic and text, they don't always. Sometimes the connection is clear. Sometimes it's symbolic and subtle. Sometimes, there's no connection at all.

The scenes depict landscapes and natural features, buildings and wildlife. They were chosen because they show something lovely or interesting ... or simply because the photo appealed to me.

Our spectacular and remarkable planet is changing at astonishing speed. Rarely are these changes for the better. Few people seem to know ... or care ... or have the will and power to do anything about this. It may not be long before the world humans have known and lived in for centuries is forever lost. We certainly won't be able to make repairs as fast as we destroyed it.

So a few years ago I began collecting pictures of the way things were ... and still are for now, a record of the beauty we have while it is still ours to love and honor.

The photos here are part of that collection, with sincere thanks to the artists who saw these moments ... and with their cameras ... preserved them. All of us at Enchanted Spirit are profoundly grateful to them for their generosity and skill ... and for the added grace, depth and dimension their art brings to ours.

Original images used under this Creative Commons license or this Creative Commons license and modified by added text.




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