The Cardinal Signs in Astrology -- Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn

in #astrology5 years ago

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Rambling thoughts ...
my style of introduction

Roaming back through my blog stream, it appears I managed to post essays on all the element groups in Astrology -- the Fire, Earth, Air and Water clusters ---> way back in 2017 as a matter of fact. Then apparently I dropped the ball and never did get around to posting about the qualities ... which is another way of dividing the Zodiac into sections that define similarities and differences among the signs themselves.

Signs that share an element group -- the Fire signs, Earth signs, etc., are considered compatible with one another. Their personalities contain similar traits. They share character traits that help them understand one another easily. The Fire signs are the "personality kids." The Earth signs are the practical ones ... the builders and sustainers. The Air signs are the intellectuals. The Water signs are the mystics, artists and healers.

But there's another way to understand all this -- which is by defining what each group considers important and the strategies they use to take action and get their work in life accomplished. This splits the Zodiac signs into three divisions instead of four: The Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable signs.

There's quite a bit to say about each division -- and since Aries is the leader of the pack ... the Cardinal Fire sign -- the one who really begins a new cycle around the Cosmic Circle, I suppose it's time I filled in this gap ... if only so I can link back to the posts in the future.

(I've noticed I can now get back to the very beginning of my blog -- which wasn't the case for a while. I'm glad they got that fixed. Finally. And I'm especially glad our Resident Genius @eonwarped in the meantime came up with a tool to compensate for this failing. Putting all this work into this blog and then not being able to access some of it was a real bummer. But maybe that's just me. In any case, let me drop a few extra blessings on @eonwarped for this and many other reasons I won't mention here ... and then let's get started.)


Temperament and Strategy in the Zodiac

There is a basic way of dividing the signs of the Zodiac into those signs that belong to the same element -- the fire, earth, air, and water signs -- and those signs that share a preference for certain tactics in engaging life's challenges -- the cardinal, fixed, and mutable signs.

Astrologers call these features the triplicities (of which there are three signs in four divisions) and the quadruplicities (which have four signs in three divisions.) I know ... it sounds like so much techno-speak ... but it's tradition and we're stuck with it. Yet as with all things, the names are less important than the meat of the knowledge.

The triplicities -- or elements -- deal with character temperament ... and the quadruplicities -- or qualities -- deal with favorite ways of taking action. By understanding each division ... and then mixing and matching ... you can learn some interesting and fundamental things about each of the Zodiac signs.


The Cardinal Signs

Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn are the Cardinal signs. Aries is Cardinal Fire; Cancer is Cardinal Water; Libra is Cardinal Air, Capricorn is Cardinal Earth.

There is one Cardinal sign for each of the elements. Cardinal signs are one division in what astrologers call "The Quadruplicities" ... or "The Qualities" ... or "The Modalities" ... a way of grouping the Zodiac signs according to the strategies they use to pursue their ambitions based on their different -- and often conflicting -- values.

The four signs within each group don't get along easily with each other. So ... Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn have some "built in problems" when it comes to building relationships. Still, they all have some attributes in common.

Cardinal signs are leaders. They work through the power of personal charisma. They are interested in getting things started ... making progress on new initiatives ... and establishing their vision in the world -- according to their values and interests. Cardinal signs can be pushy and demanding ... but they dig in, take charge, and get the job done.

Cardinal signs take action. They stir things up, get things going, compete for their objectives, and do something about what they want. When they're inspired or uncomfortable ... they work to somehow initiate change in their circumstances.

They lead revolutions, establish support systems and "family groups" to sustain, protect, and encourage the changes they want in the world. They form alliances in order to persuade others to lend aid and solidify structures they feel are worth having -- and preserving ... all of which are actions specifically designed to change the status quo into something they want to have.

They create new structures that build on traditions and give continuity to the chaos of transition as consciousness and all creation move from Point A to Point B ... and reality itself evolves.

Cardinal signs are forceful and insistent when exerting leadership -- and imposing their vision of "how things should be" on the soft substance of the surrounding world.

They solve problems, shoot first and argue later, and push to achieve what they have in mind whenever there is any chance at all to advance their cause. They are direct, decisive, ambitious, opportunistic, and motivated. The one thing you cannot fault them for is their talent for making things happen!!


Meet the Cardinal Signs

Aries takes action based on:

  • Personal desire to seize the initiative -- to create or launch something new
  • Leadership issues -- the love of adventure, struggle, conflict, conquest
  • Ambitions based on individual initiative and charisma -- the desire to win!!
  • Independent action -- the pioneering spirit

Fire signs are concerned with issues of personality, confidence, vision, and individual achievement.


Cancer takes action based on:

  • Emotional considerations -- the desire to protect, nurture, "mother," and care for something of value
  • Family welfare issues -- the desire to establish a home, to have connections to "family members" -- who are not always blood kin
  • Intuition, feelings, emotions, issues of compassion and concern
  • The longing to establish continuity with "the past" and the present -- to experience the meaning and satisfaction this brings

Water signs are concerned with issues of emotions, inner feelings, subjective values, intuition, psychic sensitivities.


Libra takes action based on:

  • Relationship considerations -- the desire for partners, allies, associates, and "team members"
  • The benefits of partnership -- the desire to be united with one's "other half," to be part of a couple
  • The ability to act in concert and present a united front to the world, to have support for one's views, to know the excitement of debate and the harmony of agreement
  • Strategies of negotiation, diplomacy, compromise, cooperation, alliance

Air signs are concerned with issues of intellect, perspective, communication, feedback, and social interaction.


Capricorn takes action based on:

  • Professional considerations -- concerns for image, reputation, fame, community standing
  • Career advancement -- the desire for prestige, honor, achievement, lasting respect, public status
  • The ability to "make his mark" in a lasting, important, and permanent way -- to leave a legacy of worth and value to the society that supported him ... and vice versa
  • "Empire building" ... tactics that add to his power base and public stature

Earth signs are concerned with issues of practical achievement, the use of financial and material resources, the things needed to sustain physical life.

The next post in this series will talk about the Fixed Signs
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius


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I'm Libra/cancer moon. Have an Aries friend I ADORE... yet sometimes we just grate on each other...

Reading about the cardinal signs I was just seeing positives and nodding... ah, yeah I do that... and thats how @naturalmedicine got started. Lol....

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