Spotlight on Uranus #1

in #astrology5 years ago (edited)

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So, let's talk about Uranus ...

I've called Uranus the Clown Prince of the Zodiac and that's a fair description as far as it goes. He represents the most unpredictable of your Inner Selves ... hands down. That alone makes him challenging to describe.

He specializes in surprises, revelations, "the unexpected." If you're good with that, you'll get along great! For most of us though, his behavior is at least occasionally disconcerting.

People these days talk about "being woke" as a term for recognizing how they (and others) are being screwed by society. To "be woke" is to come to a new understanding about social injustice, racial injustice, governmental and cultural misbehavior and double standards, etc.

That's part of Uranus' interests, but his work goes a lot deeper than that. It's truly about being awakened and aware in the psychological / spiritual sense.


Uranus works to show you wondrous things about yourself, your situation, the world -- and pretty much every experience you can reach. His job is to show you there's more going on here than you realize. And he can be pretty blunt about it.

To get your attention he may do something upsetting, disruptive or shocking. If he's in a really good mood, his experience can be intriguing, entertaining, interesting, informative, etc., but don't start counting on that. (Again. He's unpredictable. I cannot stress this enough!)

There is usually considerable depth and profundity to what he shows you -- and it can take you a while to come to grips with it.


There are the Ah-HA!! moments of insight and understanding that are his trademark creations ... but as you work with the material he hands you ... or as you solve the problems he's created ... or as you step through the doors of his latest invitation, you'll learn that what you saw in that first flash of wisdom was just "the surface."

Get beyond that, and a world (a universe ) of depth awaits.

Uranus provides a whole bunch of rabbit-holes to decorate the path of your journey. To tumble down one is amazing and enlightening!! And the person you are when you crawl back out ... or come through the other side ... is not the same one who fell in in the beginning.


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So, what's happening today?

Uranus recently changed signs, moving into Taurus after spending a seven-year-long stretch in Aries. (That sounds like I'm describing a prison sentence, but Uranus is anything but about being hemmed in or cornered!!) So now, he's ready to spend about seven years in Taurus ... because that's the usual length of his stay in a sign.

Today he's at 2° 23' of Taurus. If you have a Natal Planet located there, you'll notice him soon. If you have a Natal Planet near 2° of Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn or Pisces, he'll invite those interests out to play before long. And if you have a Natal Planet near 2° of Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, his presence may prove a little more "interesting." (That covers a lot of ground. Take it any way you like!)


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So, tell me something about Uranus in Taurus ...

Uranus rules unexpected events, ingenuity, surprises and revolution! Taurus rules things like possessions, money, material assets, physical good and things of value.

One of the major advances associated with Uranus in Taurus would appear to be the dramatic rise and adoption of cryptocurrencies and other means of exchange -- as people invent ways to generate a new kind of wealth not tied to traditional sources (and controlled by forces that have not only proved irresponsible, but incredibly mean-spirited and stingy!)

We have only seen the bare beginnings of what will become a genuine revolution in time in the way people manage their finances, their material assets, their possessions and physical resources -- and other capital that comprise their support systems. That is due for a serous overhaul. (Way overdue in some cases!!)


It may be advanced (fast and furiously) by another crash in the global economy. We survived one of these several years ago by bailing out the banks and other financial institutions who were basically responsible for creating the crisis in the first place.

(Hence the deep resentment and anger from the main street electorate in many countries that arose -- justifiably -- when they got handed the bill, the financial sector got gobs of tax money, but nothing changed and nobody went to jail over it.)

Everything that happened then is lining up to happen again -- only bigger this time, because as I said ... nothing changed to prevent it. So the culprits marched off and continued "business as usual." The next disaster they cause may be so big even governments can't handle it. That might finally cause a revolutionary change in how we allow them to behave. Sadly, sometimes that's what it takes.

So, the next seven years should be interesting on that score -- as the Chinese curse says, "May you live in interesting times." These years are certainly proving to be that -- for most of us, and in more ways than this, things are just warming up.


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Where is Uranus at work in your Natal Chart?

The effects of Uranus energy at work in your chart will usually reveal themselves in three different locations. (The exception would be if Natal Uranus is somehow closely aligned in your chart with its own home sign of Aquarius.)

It will always be on display in your life -- and your personality -- in the affairs of the house where it resides ... the location of your Natal Uranus. It will also be on display in those life areas ruled by the house with Aquarius on the cusp (or in some cases where Aquarius is intercepted.)

It will also be apparent in the affairs of the house where transiting Uranus is traveling in current-day time. This changes, of course, as the months and years pass ... but keeping track of Uranus, where he is and what that means when you place him in your Natal Chart gives important information about how you are dealing with this ingenious, obstreperous Inner Self.


In those three locations you will insist on as much sovereignty and independence as possible. Somehow it is vital to you (and your well-being) that you be allowed to handle these matters in your own way, on your own schedule, according to your own preferences -- and you risk all kinds of backlash and trouble if you try to repress this.

If you know the placements in your Natal Chart well enough you can probably work out these connections for yourself -- and see how they operate for you. If not, you may need to do some research to come up with the answers -- or find a competent astrologer to explain it to you. (There are plenty of us around. There are also plenty of "the other kind," too ... if you know what I mean. So shop wisely.)

The question you want to answer from this little morsel of Uranus information I've described here is this: Where in your life is it absolutely essential for you to have complete independence? Where do you need to live by your own lights, work to your own schedule, do things your way ... all the time, totally? And where else is this happening now? There will be three different answers -- maybe simple, maybe not.


This exists somewhere in you. It exists in all of us. It is different for everyone. It may have lots of details attached to it and be connected to many other concerns and qualifications.

To understand yourself better -- and gain the benefits Astrology can provide -- you need to know what this is -- and work consciously and cooperatively with your Inner Self of Uranus.


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