It's Astro-Logical -- practical advice for conscious living ---> Issue #72

in #astrology5 years ago (edited)

Mars in Gemini has opposed
Jupiter in Sagittarius at 23°.
This lasts into late May.

Here's what that looks like to an Astrologer.

The theme of this pattern

Being spread too thin -- and way over-extended


Who are the players
and what are they doing?

Mars = action, self-assertion, raw physical energy

Mars in Gemini = lots of energy poured into intellectual pursuits ---> reading, writing, thinking, talking, research, generating ideas / options / possibilities

Mars afflicted (which means it's stressed, frustrated, blocked, under pressure -- which it is here) = feeling impeded, angry, frustrated, belligerent, cranky, touchy, "pushing too hard," over-reacting, feeling tightly wound ... and exhausted

Mars afflicted in Gemini = speaking without thinking, saying things "as a reaction" -- without filters, "getting triggered" easily, doing things you haven't thought through well ... but which "seemed like a good idea at the time" ... kind of, can also show up as "all talk and no action"

Jupiter = growth, expansion, generosity, learning, abundance

Jupiter in Sagittarius = expansion involving travel, higher education, sophisticated learning-and-teaching projects, writing, broadcasting, mentoring

Jupiter afflicted = over-confidence, being over-extended, lack of focus, "too much going on" to get anything productive finished

Jupiter afflicted in Sagittarius = a "preachy" know-it-all attitude, being in over your head -- realistically, starting things you may know you won't finish because you feel "invincible"

Oppositions = difficult relationships; you pulling in one direction, someone else pulling in another one; being encouraged to react or "do the wrong thing" ... or being blocked because your behavior threatens someone else

Mars oppositions = excessive reactions, explosive anger, having "too much to do"

Jupiter oppositions = falling in love with "potential," being overly confident, being too sure of yourself -- and lacking perspective

(Are you sensing a theme yet?)


What's happening?

Even what I outlined as the components tells the tale here. When Mars opposes Jupiter, it increases your self-confidence and ambition. You're willing to take significant (and significantly hazardous!!) risks, because you've seen a vision of something truly grand you'd like to bring into reality.

But like a tantalizing mirage pulling you further and further into the desert, you underestimate the time available, the resources you have, the sheer amount of work it will take to pull off your project ... and turn it into something of tangible value.

And yet, you can feel virtually mesmerized into doing it anyway. This influence is very seductive -- almost disturbing sometimes in its power. If you just sit on your hands, it feels like you're wasting a tremendous opportunity. Which is how you get sucked into playing the more, more more game ... until finally you're tapped out and bankrupt because you cannot maintain the pace and momentum.

Even you realize the folly of this ... when you're thinking clearly and not half drunk on your own excitement. But when Mars opposes Jupiter, things like "reason" go right out the window. Just be aware. It's a one-way trip into Wonderland. But staggering out again ... isn't much fun.

(It's one of those, "What was I thinking?" moments. Everyone has them.)


What to expect?

  • Too much going on -- so you're either running hard to keep up or exhausted from trying
  • Too much optimism about what you can do, how long it will take, how much work is involved, etc.
  • Winding up over-extended -- especially because you don't consider all you have going on already when you agree to take on more
  • Overconfidence can lead to bad choices / too much pressure / inability to say "No" to anything remotely interesting
  • Hard to accomplish anything of substance because of too little practical planning ---> and yet you're "constantly in motion" somehow
  • Accomplishing a lot ---> because for some reason you had no other choice


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Ah. That explains why I thought a 10 hour drive with young children was a good idea, and my delusions of having a relaxing time at the beach... the good news is we had fun and made it back, though I’m properly exhausted.

Did you have younger brothers / sisters? Didn't you babysit when you were a kid? Didn't you learn what children are like? Believe me ... I did!!! (And you know what my decision was about that!! Srsly!!)

I got tired just reading this.........

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I got Mars in Gemini if we look upon my Natal Chart and all these things written down about this aspect are true. Especially, the blocked energy physical masculine energy. Gemini as a host just dictates that verbs are much greater power than just physics and sometimes it shows the right way

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