It's Astro-Logical -- practical advice for conscious living ---> Issue #79

in #astrology5 years ago

Venus in Taurus has formed the departing trines
with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn.



The theme of this pattern

Finances and partnerships align with long-term goals
and help with further progress on your adjusted life direction.


Who are the players
and what are they doing?

Venus in Taurus = supporting stability in resources and alliances.

Saturn in Capricorn = building a solid presence in your career or public life

Pluto in Capricorn = renovating your public life structures ... from the ground up

Departing Trines = Using your natural skills and self-promotion to achieve your goals


What's happening?

Ok. Before we go any further we need to catch up on the two little Venus trines highlighted in this month's Lunation. In fact, they're the only two things making progress or showing any movement at all. So in the spirit of "make do with what you have" ... let's talk about them.

Any time you're working with Venus, two important life interests are highlighted ---> relationships and resources, commonly known as "things of value." This includes your important partnerships (marriage, business, etc.), your connection to the general public, any arrangement you could describe as "another half" of you. It also includes all your material support channels -- things like income, your financial habits, your possessions, anything that helps you survive. And since Venus is the faster-moving planet here (and usually) ... those concerns will be the catalyst for what happens.

You'll use your $$$, assets, personal connections, etc., to support the things you're building with Saturn ... the structures you're putting up, the life areas you're working to strengthen and fortify, the things you want to last and provide security and safe harbor, things you want to be more or less permanent -- at least for the next 25+ years.

And because energy always flows in two directions, you'll want these new, stronger arrangements to give a return on your investment, to "pay you back" somehow by giving you better partnerships, making you a better partner, making you more prosperous, etc.

Saturn is at 19° Capricorn ... where is that in your horoscope? What are you reinforcing? Where are you seeking more permanence, more respect, more authority, a greater "public and / or professional presence?" What are you using to make a communal contribution to the social framework that supports you? That's what Saturn is accomplishing -- and that's what this aspect feeds.

Venus, of course, is traveling around 19 - 24° of Taurus. Where is that? What are you using as the fuel for this construction? And chances are, both life areas will benefit, because both planets are in the signs they rule. But not necessarily. Just check to be sure (if you don't know your horoscope by heart.)

The new "structures" and "solidity" (Saturn's results) will support the interests of the house with Capricorn on the cusp. The $$$ and help from others (what Venus produces) will go to support the interests of the house with Taurus on the cusp. (You have no idea how many years and thousands of dollars in books, etc., it took for me to discover this connection. It is the absolute key to chart integration!! -- and I don't think I have ever seen anyone routinely talk about it.)

Same deal with Pluto, and chances are the same houses will be affected -- since he and Saturn are virtually joined at the hip for a whole lot of months into the future. Pluto is totally renovating the same life area Saturn is restructuring. (Only Pluto's work will go to support the Scorpio house in your chart.)

Saturn's activity will refine, streamline, consolidate and pare down the components he handles in the house where he is located (both in transit and at his Natal position.) He's looking for weaknesses, deficits, places where you don't have sufficient means to be sufficiently protected and stable in the future. Where he operates you need to rebuild, strengthen, reinforce and make repairs -- because you're at risk, and life is about to be a whole lot more demanding.

When you see him in this light, it's clear why he may be your very best friend. He may insist you get off the couch and go to work (dammit!!), but the alternative would be catastrophic. You may not see the urgency (and so people resent Saturn and his slave-driving ways), but he does!! That's his job!!

And down the road, when the storms hit, and your house doesn't get blown off its foundations and you remain relatively safe and dry through it all ... because on sunnier days, you had to dig trenches, pour concrete, build retaining walls, buttress those very foundations, replace the roof, install shutters and storm windows, etc., chances are you won't even bother to thank him. (You certainly didn't when you were tired, hot and sweaty and it was 90° in the shade -- and the work wasn't doing itself.)

Pluto, however, is even more drastic. He makes you tear down completely. Raze, rebuild and replace. Saturn will let you work with what you already have. Pluto blows it up. (Especially if you don't follow instructions.) He takes it down to bare ground (and smoking ruins!!) and then you get to sift through the bricks and recycle them, salvage the wiring, maybe pull some usable boards out of the heap ... or come up with what it takes to replace them.

Pluto's work can take years ... a decade or more -- in waves of demolishing and rebuilding -- piece by piece, step by step. It is arduous, inconvenient, sometimes dangerous and frequently frightening! But when he is done, what you have is a literal miracle of improvement -- far better than what existed before ... so much so, it may be honest-to-goodness unrecognizable.

What's happening now with this little Venus trine is another small step in that process. You are using relationships and assets (men and materials!!) to help this transformation along -- because it is happening somewhere ... constantly -- in the house where current-day / real-time Pluto is traveling. (You might want to know where this is. Just sayin.')

Pluto and Saturn (have a look at them!) are lining up to join forces. This will happen in January of next year when three other planets (including Jupiter) join them in Capricorn. Have a look at this. January 2020.




And again in March 2020 -- when Mars joins this conjunction.




When this happens there are going to be some "sh^t just got real" moments ---> especially in government. This will also affect your life (seriously!), depending on what's being jangled. The choices you make now may seem unrelated, even insignificant and arbitrary, but somehow they are lining up your alliances and assets to work with what happens when all this change arrives. Again ... what house holds about 22° of Capricorn in your chart? This is Ground Zero. (And it's been coming for a while.)

The last time this conjunction formed, it happened in Libra ... in late 1981 and 1982. If those years were significant for you -- turbulent in one way or another (Maybe good ways? Maybe not.), there is another major increment of evolution on tap for you to ... experience. You'll certainly grow, but you may not enjoy it. (The time before that was in August, 1947. So, clearly this is a pretty big deal, if only because it is so rare.) My experience of it is that it has been life changing, and I'm not looking forward to this one either.

I keep telling myself these aspects have got to do good somewhere, somehow, for somebody for something. But they are not years I want to repeat -- or remember. Your mileage may vary. (Dear Lord, I hope so!!) Obviously, I'll talk a lot more about this in the months to come. Meanwhile ... again ... where is 22° - 29° Capricorn in your chart? You need to work with "ongoing improvements" there, as much as possible.


What to expect?

From Venus Trine Saturn:

  • Commitment to long-term relationships and investments
  • Creating more stability in both of these life areas
  • A sense of "building something you can count on" for the future
  • Doing things to protect your loved ones, assets, profits, etc.
  • Taking a calm, measured, "risk-free" approach to actions, choices, options
  • Being sensible, realistic, acting carefully & cautiously in handling expenses & income

From Venus Trine Pluto:

  • A much improved perspective on how you work with relationships / other people & how you handle assets
  • Different insights / understandings of "how things work" in these life areas that may change some choices and give you a better edge on using them well
  • $$$ and relationships have a deep effect on you -- providing insight into your own psychology / inner workings -- what's happening here reveals ... and helps you discover ... who you really are
  • New information about what you enjoy and what's important
  • Intense / transformative experiences involving love, partnerships, $$$, property
  • Creative projects reflect this inner growth and are imbued with more profound meaning

Sorry this issue rambled on so, but this is "what came," and sometimes I just decide to go with it and see where it leads. I'll do my best to return to a reasonable length next time. We can all look forward to that.


A free America means just this:
individual freedom for all, rich or poor,
or else this system of government we call democracy
is only an expedient to enslave man to the machine
and make him like it.

~ Frank Lloyd Wright ~
Born June 8, 1867


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A lot of this makes sense to me. Was looking forward to your post this week, length not an issue

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