Forecast for the New Moon / Solar Eclipse in Cancer -- July 2019

in #astrology5 years ago (edited)

Forecast for the New Moon in Cancer
What we're all going through ...

The New Moon in Cancer highlights your foundations, your home situation, your family circle, your physical housing, your sense of connection to your heritage and your own past, and your inner need to feel secure and stable.

When you cut through all the hype, drama and distractions, this is what's important. This is what counts ... and where the roots of tomorrow and its inevitable changes begin. It's also what keeps you "anchored" through it all.

It's time to consult with family members -- and not necessarily just the folks who are related to you by blood and marriage, but people you consider "members of the family" both at home and elsewhere!

Have a look at your living arrangements, your family responsibilities ... and how you might adjust those to be more comfortable, more practical, more enjoyable, more supportive and satisfactory ... more livable all around. Ask how your private life can help you be a happier, more authentic person.

Listen to your feelings. Listen to your intuition!!! Use those and their information to make the choices that will arrive in the months -- and years -- ahead. What's "expedient," what's "comfortable and easy," and "what's most profitable in the short term" can no longer be the criteria on which to base a life. Some of what lies ahead simply will not answer to those.

Here's what the Lunation Chart looks like this month.
The Lunation in Cancer



So here are the positive things about this Lunation chart.

  • Mercury is conjunct Mars and about to retrograde. (Yeah, in this chart, that counts as an asset. That alone says something.)

Problems in this Lunation?

  • The Lunation aspects nothing -- which considering the Saturn /Pluto alliance in Capricorn maybe ought to also count as a plus.
  • Mercury is about to retrograde.
  • Venus is void-of-course.
  • Mars is square to Uranus.


Specifically this month

I look at this chart -- and it's like looking at white noise. Once again there's a serious lack of movement. There's a lot of thinking -- a lot of impatience, but nothing connects. Even the square between Mars and Uranus are in Fixed signs ... which are dedicated to stabilizing the status quo -- not changing it. So this stagnant, going-nowhere feeling continues.

Get some inner work done while life is this listless. Tidy up loose ends and get ready for the upswing -- because, as they say, this, too, shall pass. (Maybe not fast enough to suit anyone, but The Cosmos says, "This is where we are now." There must be a reason.)


Personal focus ---> Concentrate on home, family, feelings, foundations and making peace with "the past." Expect memories, history, traditions, etc., to somehow be a factor in what's happening now.

Pay attention to your emotions, your intuition ... and the guidance that comes to you in times of contemplation and silence. This is a good time to work on your Inner Self -- with extra emphasis on healing and rest. And figure out where you are (as well as where you have been) ... and where you want to go next.


Intellectual Interests ---> With Mercury about to cross back over Mars in Leo in the next couple of days, your intellectual life gets a boost!! You gain new respect for your perspectives and opinions. The creative energy from this may take you down some interesting paths -- with new subjects to explore, new possibilities to investigate, maybe even new things to learn that will help support your own creative projects in time.

There's a lot of impulsiveness in this mix -- maybe even some good ideas on how to create another source of income -- or increase what you have. But as I said above, there's no direction to channel it. If you find applications for it, you'll have to generate them yourself. The thing about "No connections" -- is there are no hindrances, but there's no help either. So ... good luck.


Relationships and Support Systems ---> Nothing. Venus is void-of-course. It moved into Cancer the day after the New Moon (yesterday), but this is not good news. The Cancer placements are in serious trouble right now, Until we get things shifted into Leo and Virgo, there's a keep-your-head-down-and-keep-walking feeling to life. Kind of where we've been ... for too long already. IYAM.

Mars is there -- as I said, so the process has started. But we still have to get Mercury out of retrograde -- and back into Leo. This doesn't happen until August 11. We still have to get The Sun and Venus across the minefield and out of Cancer. The Sun reaches Leo on July 22; Venus on July 27. Not a moment too soon. (We may all get to see just how long three weeks can feel!!)


Action ---> This part of life is very self-centered now. It can be fun if you use it right. There's a lot of emphasis on thought, learning and entertainment -- and a lot of encouragement to do things you enjoy, things that feel good, things that show off your creative side.

It sounds like a day at kindergarten -- where the fun-and-games part of the program is interlaced with "nap time." But then again ... it's summer. Indulge yourself. Again ... this won't last. Make the most of it. Consider it dress rehearsal for when everything does arrive in Leo.


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