There is always snow above - painting and embroidery for art explosion contest

in #artexplosion6 years ago (edited)


There is always snow above
Acrylic and embroidery on paper
29 x 42 cm

Moving is what I want, there is so much energy coiled up in my body. I want to throw my arms away. I want to whip the air with my legs. I am thousand-meter-high and can see the world. I can see all your lives before me like an endless chain. I open my eyes only to have mist around my head. My hands are invisible. I am no longer believed.
And the hawk soared up into the sky.
Rigveda IV 27,1

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The Process
Again, I started the painting with left-overs, left-over paint from my last work. I usually utilize the excess paint - which is on the palette after finishing a bigger painting - as a base coat for a new fun and random starting point. Sometimes I simply smear the palette on a heavy paper, other times I use a big palette-knife to distribute the paint more intentionally. So, I always have some papers with a random colour distribution ready to use.
Because of the theme nature I have chosen one of my prepared papers with a green colour scheme. I started by letting the colour take the lead. For me the flecks of paint presented a dark forest with mist-shrouded mountains in the background and a big tree at the left side to give the setting a frame. (The tree was invisible… it’s the one I embroidered).
I started with choosing a range of brown embroidery floss to stitch the Tree. For its outlines I used the couching stitch. The bark I did in fly stitch to give it a rough and uneven appearance. The sun and its beams are made with running stitches and the tufts of grass are made with a variation of the turkey stitch. The biggest challenge of the embroidery part was not to rip the paper by punching holes to close to one another. Sadly, I learned this not until I ripped a small part… sigh

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The next step was to form the landscape out of the flecks of paint which are already on the paper. As I wanted the image to convey feelings of being cold and dissociated I muted all my colours with white and black, to create a ‘dirty’ colour range. With a soft brush, coated in a thick layer of paint, I painted the rough outlines of grassy foreground, dark forest, mountains, and mist.

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In this wet layer of paint, I sketched the details of the forest and mountains: the stems of the trees, the foliage – shadows and highlights of the coarse rock. Therefore I used the wrong end of a brush with which I simultaneously scrape colour from the wet first layer away, as I also add the new colour which I put on this wooden brush end.
Usually I start a painting with the sky, but this time I at first wanted to get an impression of the forest at a whole. So, I decided late in the process to add some blue into the sky and clouds and set a counterpoint with small soft pink rays.
The final additions were to fill in some neon yellow for the sun which I picked up for some highlights of the grass and to add more dark paint to the framing tree on the left.

And never to forget my intensive listening to KVB – of Desire

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My thanks go to Silvia Szlapka for documenting my process of despair while working on this never-ending embroidery

Dear #needleworkmonday friends: How do you manage to do embroidery without going a berserk? I firstly was so proud of me: wool and paint – hurray – the best of two worlds united!!! But after stitching for hours and seeing only the smallest progress I almost fell into despair. I am no longer sure that embroidering paper was my best idea ever :-D


The painting is my entry for ART EXPLOSION WEEK 41 Theme NATURE hosted by @juliakponsford @vachemorte and @curie Thank you all for your amazing work!


This is an addendum from Monday:
Dear Needleworkers, sadly I woke up with headaches and till now they are not really better. So, this excuse for embroidery (I am talking about my painting) is my meagre #needleworkmonday post. Sorry... sweater construction will proceed next Monday (reallllyyy sorrryyy...... my use of too many letters is an indicator for my shame)

Want to see more_Follow me neumannsalvaor visithttp___neumannsalva.de_(1).png


Your work is wonderful @neumannsalva and I love the photos 😃

When I do embroidery I ditch the embroidery hoop pretty quickly because it's too limiting / constraining ... Haven't done embroidery on paper for ages because it's risky (hence the appeal : tearing and creasing ... that's why cross stitch works best for me...). Embroidering on canvas is just hard work and I have personally not tried it... I did see @jen0revision trying the other day and it was a slow process so your excess energy would be bursting at the 'seams'...
Best of luck with the entry

Thank you so much :-D This was my first (and probably last) attempt at embroidery. It was very naive... I spotted the wonderful yarn in this little case in a discount store and loved it :-D But I did not envision me sitting for 20.000 12 hours doing embroidery :-DDD
And my energy was channelled into curses (sadly my friend Silvia hat to endure them, because I stitched the thing in her studio :-D )

Wow!! Talk about EXPLOSION!!! How about an explosion of more talents you have!! Lady you never cease to Amaze me! This artwork is absolutely intriguing and genius. I see it all, the tree, forest and mountains. I love the idea of tying in needlework with painting! Excellent work and creativity. I want to call it textural paint because the textures are what make it even more fascinating! I’m not sure if this explosion week is a contest or not but I’m rooting for you!! 😃

Thanks for sharing~ 💜

Thank you so much!!!! I was not so convinced of this painting at first, but perhaps the main reason was the slow progress of the embroidery part (and me being totally inexperienced in embroidery) As I perhaps already wrote in a different post or comment, I am always torn between thinking my paintings are ok/nice and utter sh***. I must learn to have more moderate reactions to my products :-D
So, I am doubly happy, if someone likes what I do <3
The artexplosion is a two weekly contest and I think all your lovely comments helped: I did not win the first prize but got an 'honourable mention' :-DD
Thank you for your support <3 <3

You’re totally welcome! Yay for you Congrats on the honorable mention which is still really great!

Well hopefully all of the comments and the mention will help you better appreciate your artwork, I really do love it and I would love to see more!! 😍😍😍

Oh my goodness!! Can we say multitalented?!? 😉
You did an amazing job on this.
I have not done embroidery in a long time, but my Mama says that it is somewhat relaxing for her to work slowly and to see something slowly appear on the canvas. I guess it depends on the person.
Still, this is so beautiful....

My grandma also did embroidery, whole blankets, and huge images... I never knew how much work and concentration this needs. I am in awe... If I ever do embroidery again, then only in miniature :-DDDD
But nevertheless, thank you so much for the complement and for reading my somehow cryptic texts <3

wow !!!! I've never heard of such an embroidery method !!!!! and I did not know that you like to draw. it is wonderful!!!! I love pictures but I can not draw myself :)

Thank you for the compliment :-D The embroidery was more an expiriment ... I have never done this before and now I know how hard it is.
And I am painting much longer than I knit or crochet :-D If you are interested you can find some of my newer paintings here:

then it's all the more wonderful that you decided to try something new for yourself. start embroidering small fragments such as small flowers on the blouse. you will have more satisfaction

You have inspired me! I just spent an hour playing with paints and listening to classical music. My headache is completely gone. I put out far too much paint - I have four waiting-to-be-an-artwork paintings. When Carmen (Bizet) came on - Habanera - my technique changed haha!
What I like about your technique is using things like the palette knife and end of a brush to scratch, I like the thick textural quality. The embroidery wools look so pretty in their box - so neat and clean. The stitching for the tree is excellent, that mix of light and shade you get on silver birch trees.

Headaches are a curse and I am glad yours are gone!!!
And I am so happy you painted and liked it. Using vast amounts of paint is ok :-D Better to mix to much of a colour than running ot of it in the middle of the process. If you want to preserve the paint you could put them into a tight fitting lunch box. Or look at this post, here are some fun ideas how to preserve the unused paint (I assumed you use acrylic paint... ?)
I am so curious what you painted... (perhaps you will someday share it?)
And thank you so much for your kind words about my painting/embroidery :-D

I must set up a studio. I need somewhere where everything is set out. The garage is ideal for painting and printing, it has natural light and power and running water, although it wouldn't be suitable in winter (but then I will knit under a duvet). Thanks for the tips. You should see my efforts in my post - let me know what you think.

Wait.. I recap:
You live in England (my promised land)
You have a garden
You have a studio!!!
You can repair sewing machines

will you marry me?

This is a great example of mixed media, I love how it adds that extra pop of texture!

Thank you so much <3. I will tell this my painting. I think it is a little bit sad, because I constantly insulted it during the process 😆😆

This is truly an art explosion! This is so beautiful, and you actually did do a sew on, I couldn't tell from the under and I wouldn't have if I didn't see the process lol that thread You used my mum used to use it to make my hair when I was very little, it's been so long I saw last, really glad you put it to cool use.
It is really a best of two worlds united.
Are you gonna keep the piece or would you sell it

Thank you so much for your kind words - as you perhaps guessed from my post, I am not the biggest fan of doing embroidery :-DD And the painting and I came very close to an explosion... :-DDD
Normally I want to sell my artworks (because.. you know money... and me not being super healthy) but this has this little cut and the super rough and stringy backside, so I don't think it is saleable. But I generally suck at selling (sadly..) blow my mind! What a wonderful way of combining the two! The texture in your painting is just amazing!

Thank you, I am always happy to hear compliments :-DDD And I am also happy the idea worked, because during the process I was not so is the first time I used embroidery.

This rooockssss!!!!:) Resteemed and loved.

Thank you so much for the support <3

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Therefor I used the wrong end of a brush with which I simultaneously scrape colour from the wet first layer away, as I also add the new colour which I put on this wooden brush end.
It should be therefore instead of therefor.

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