Winners of ARTchallenge#1! New Theme Announcement. No Need To Be an Artist or an Art Expert to Join This ARTchallenge!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #artchallenge7 years ago (edited)

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Sarolta Ban

First of all, I would like to thank all the participants. The entries were so good that it was extremely difficult to choose the winners. Frankly speaking, I didn't expect that it would be so difficult, so I invited the independent judge, my husband.

The task was to give the interpretation to the painting "Lovers" by Rene Magritte.

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THIRD PRIZE (10 STEEM) GOES TO: @sethlinson

I think the painting is about how even people who are as close as lovers may never truly know each other. These figures can't truly see or feel each other with the fabric over their faces.
They are very close, like lovers should be, but even with that closeness they each keep something of themselves secret or hidden from the other.
Whether that's done intentionally or not doesn't really matter. Every individual is infinitely complex. It's impossible to know another person fully.
I would rename this painting The Blind Lovers


On one hand I feel the painting represents the unforeseen challenges that love sometimes presents. In my opinion the sheets covering their heads portray their unwillingness to see these potential challenges.
On the other hand a totally different perspective would be that they feel that their relationship is smothering their individual personalities. While they are clearly involved, the sheet over their heads could signify that they feel they can't breathe around each other. A sign that the relationship could be on the rocks.

THE FIRST PRIZE (30 STEEM) GOES TO: @vegan-mowgli

I feel like sheets over their heads represent not being completely honest, raw and authentical self. We wear our clothes to cover up and we are only naked with someone we 100% trust. It represents being covered (maybe in shame or in fear) not only physically but also mentally. I can see the desire by how they lean torwards eachother but desire doesn't equal love and trust, which are needed for healthy relationships. The dim lights also add some darkness, almost like they are eachothers only saviours but the connection is based on lust and fear (of not being good enough).

I am so thankful to all the participants of Artchallenge #1 for the support, so I decided to have a little celebration of the successful Artchallenge opening and in addition to the winners all the other participants get 5 steem for participation in the Artchallenge #1 and making really great entries. They are @juanmiguelsalas, @wordsword, @meesterboom, @pyrowngs, @elementm, @mikkolyytinen, @the-future, @uwelang, @sumsum, @surpassinggoogle, @jacobts.

I have read these versions:

You can interpret it as people are unable to open themselves even when they are in a very close relation. Another interpretation could be that Magritte wanted to shown love's blindness. Lovers are so involved in each other that they don't notice anything around them. There is a 3rd version. Lovers don't see anything as they don't need it. They feel closeness even through cloth. For real love there are no obstacles.


THEME FOR ARTCHALLENGE #2 will be a surreal photo by Sarolta Ban:
Again a donkey)))

enter image description here
Sarolta Ban

The RULES are very easy.

  • Write a comment with your interpretation of the photo I posted. You can also make a separate post with the tag #artchallenge. If you make a separate post, please leave a link in the comment to this post.
  • You can make up to 3 versions
  • End of challenge will be Sunday at 12:00 noon (UTC +3).


  • Winner - 30 STEEM
  • Second place - 20 STEEM
  • Third place - 10 STEEM


I would like to THANK again those who supported this challenge.

Please VOTE and RESTEEM this post.

I will be also very happy to any support of the artchallenge! If you want to be a judge or a sponsor, you are very welcome!

Thank you in advance for your support! Let us have fun together.

I am taking part in One Month Steemit Power Up Challenge So all my posts are 100% powerup during 30 days. Join the challenge!


Thanks for the 5 STEEM and congrats to the winners :)

Nice to see you engaging in community effort. Glad you won! Keep your efforts up. Alway leave a piece of you in the comments too!

I didn't win, I got a generous consolation prize but thank you, I appreciate your un-meanness :D!

You will find out afterall, that you won!

I think I see what you mean, thanks unmean-stweets!

You are the great one. You have got vision! Comment away!

@unmean-stweets Great comment!!!!!!!!!!!!)))

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you will take part in the next one!

As long as I can come up with an interpretation in time I will!

Look forward!

gosh these paintings can make a person wail in mixed tears, there so fine yet tell instant stories and definitely need words. Entire blogposts can come out pictures like this. I think a way to even improve you contest with time, is to have people write entire blogposts in a tag you create. Cos many of us lack post ideas sometimes and this paintings are enough to bring out all the tears and memories. in my first attempt, i thought we suppose to come up with a short description or like a slogan that is why my entry was really short. but seeing the winners, it further evidence that people can have whole blogpost entries in the future, while submitting their links to you in the comments. overall people will post more and bring back publicity to your contest cos this is bound to grow especially with these types of paintings. i have my tiny contest. i will like you to take a look!

Thank you so much for your support and taking part! Yes, it is a good idea to have a separate post and as you can see I have already added that participants can make a post with #artchallenge tag.)) And you are right, I will also add that people shall leave a link to their post in the comment. I look forward to see you in the new challenge and see your post with your interpretation. And let me know when you start your contest. Very interesting.

You made me cry too. It is a fantastic - fantastic post! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could hug you.

Thank you very much for the 5 steem. You choose a great art piece for round two. :)

As I wonder around the world I only can see me
My worries my tires, I want to be carefree
Happy and fulfilled is not my state
I hope it's not late
To change my view
To see me AND you
Not to be a donkey old and sad
Not to go mad
Except for love

My first spontaneous take

Perfect one!!!!!!!! Thank you very much again!!!!!!!!!

Thanks so much for the 5 Steem - really appreciate your support! Namaste

I would be happy to see you again in the new challenge! Thank you very much for your participation!

Ослик на горизонте, впереди, не сзади-это упорно и настойчиво идти вперед. Но в зеркало ты наблюдаешь возрастные изменения себя и изменить настоящее и будущее уже почти невозможно... Руки завязаны выше локтей, почти обездвижены, но еще способны что-то изменить, ты ощущаешь необратимость течения времени, но двигаешься вперед, не стоишь на месте.

Очень интересная интепретация! Спасибо за участие. Еще на английском можно)) Чтобы всё поняли)) Спасибо еще раз!

Большинство постов пишу на английском, но тут не передать все что хотела сказать...

Ок, спасибо. Просто в случае выираша, я вставляю цитату, кто выиграл в пост с победителями. Я тогда вставлю вашу цитату из комментариев к посту suprassinggoogle (в случае вашего выиграша), ок?)))

Делайте все как считаете нужным) Я не надеюсь на выигрыши, я тут участвую и в литературных конкурсах (конечно же на англ языке), мне интересно участие, как и все остальное тут на Steemit))


Thank you for the 5 Steem, That's very nice of you, and you did not have to do that, since the joy of writing thoughts down was a price in itself, but it was a nice surprice....euhhh surprise:)

You had very interesting versions and was close to win. I really hope you will take part in the new context. ))

Really fun contest! Congrats to everyone!! Thank you @aksinya!

And thank you!!!!!!!!))

I feel that this painting represents a man who in his youth has acted as a pompous ass. As he grows old he is bound and forced to forever view the mistakes that he has made, and what kind of man he has become.

Wow! Great interpretation! Thank you!

El cuadro donde muestra al hombre atado y al burro le damos interpretacion: quien deberia estar atado es el burro porque este fue domesticado para cargar el trabajo del hombre, figense que la imagen muestra lo contrarío; el hombre solo se ve a él, atado a si mismo, aparentemente es quien transforma al mundo pero no tiene libertad. El burro tiene un camino establecido, un horizonte, no tiene en que fijarse, nadie se parece a el animal pero el hombre esta a espanda del mundo sin rumbo......

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