My collage artwork: "How to escape Dystopia"

in #art7 years ago (edited)

With this collage I wanted to illustrate Dystopia within and without ourselves.

We percieve a dystopic world facing the problems of our worldwide economy that creates desertification. We face political violence and enviromental catastrophes. The destruction of values also happens in our mind that we fill up with all kind of "rubbish" because we think that our existence as seperated, little entities is lacking of sence.

Yet, we the whole world is one organism. So is our consciousness. If we understand that we are all connected and that our decitions are not simply "ours" but influencial for the whole organism we understand the trouble we face in the outside world by understanding the fears and other negative emotions we face within ourselves. It is maybe a long path to get out of our modern world dystopia but we can not save the world as individuals. We need to connect and develop our common consciousness. I feel that it is not to late yet.

Please share your thoughts about the collage in the comments. I am very curious to read.

Lots of Light and Love <3

I have shared one more collage work on steemit. Check it out:


I too agree that it is not yet too late. And that is just one of the major reasons why building strong communities are of such great value. We have each other to reflect back and we have support and love to do the inner work. Collage is one of my favorite forms of art. I love all the details and the contrast of colors with the b/w. Nice composition and a great theme to explore. Thank you for sharing @yoganarchista!

And this is what we are doing here. There is so much beauty in this world and it is so nice that we are building a community here that gives value to these things. Love is all around. Thank you for supporting me. I really appreciate the comments and upvotes and of course steemit motivates me becourse of the possiblilty of earning a bit of money with it but it is also a constant sorce of inspiration because we connect with each other all over the planet and share new ideas, good vibes and friendship. <3 <3 <3

Indeed that is what we are doing here!!! We are blessed to experience the beauty together. I haven't experienced much of the money earning, but gratefully I believe that when you do what you love, the money will follow. Building of community and expanding the support of one another is of great value to me. I'm so grateful that you are a part of my life too.

I like it, so dystopian and dark. But the gate shows great new opportunities.

Thank you :) I hope we will find a way to choose to reconnect to nature and use new technologies like steemit to share our ideas.

Sure, there are always countless ways!

Let's give them a go <3

Tolle Collage. Sieht Hammer aus der Kontrast mit der Blume des Lebens :-)
Resteemed .-)

Vielen Dank, ich freue mich, dass sie dir so gut gefällt <3 Ja, die Blume des Lebens ist der Weg :)

Sehr gerne. Die Blume des Lebens hängt hinter mir an meinem Arbeitsplatz ;-)

I'm really wishing for a steem player for quite a while now, so far I have a separate window where I can listen to music :D

Yep, that would be a good improvement. For now I am using youtube but who knows what the future brings :)

there is and a few other vimeo is far superior quality wise, the content there is truly exceptional :) I'm too watched on videos so I'm passing on most :D Steemit killed YT for me :D

I also use vimeo and but so far I am to used to youtube to give it up :D But there is also heaps of good music on steemit. Have you listened to the "Dharma Fire" by @andrew0 yet?

Cheers :) I am happy you enjoy it :)

awesome collages!
I feel it is never to late!
I can change everything as long as I am alive. But I have to start with myselft. This is the hardest thing sometimes, to be on my site. To be my best friend. The day I will be at peace with myself is the day I will see peace outsite of me.

I agree <3 There is so much beauty within us and when we give focus to that beauty it is reflected in the outsite :) Thank you for your comment :) Hari Om :)

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