The image is made of own imagination and thoughts part 2

in #art5 years ago

Digital art made by @xpilar

Outer Space 10 serie 32.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


An art called Vanessa.
Vanessa is a beautiful woman who works as a model, one day she was hired by a very wealthy and mysterious man to participate in a glamorous event.
Happy Vanessa accepted without hesitation.
He told his friend Daniel that he would do a job that would change his life, Vanessa said goodbye and left for work.

The next day Daniel called insistent to Vanessa wanted to know about her and how it had gone, He had always loved her and was worried about her. But Vanessa never answered.

Without hesitation went to the address that she had told him would be the event, and knocked on the doors but no one opened it, as I got closer I heard in the distance you could hear desperate cries.

I check very well and found an open window, without hesitation I entered the room and guided by the screams I came to a room, inside a tube was Vanessa caged, Daniel thought the worst and how could he release his friend.
Daniel told him to flee quickly before his captor arrived.
But Vanessa began to laugh and told him that the night before had entered the room where they had the sculptures and structures that had been sold and removed from the art that would be offered to the public.
But without realizing it, I was imprisoned in the tube structure and since no worker had permission to enter the room, they had surely thought that the work had been abandoned.

Daniel and Vanesa began to laugh and decided to take a walk and contemplate the gallery, it would be a private tour.

When they had to observe the structure where Vanessa had been imprisoned, they were removed from her. they watched her carefully and curiously

Daniel took a picture with his phone to that work of art and baptized that photograph as "Vanessa" explained that this structure was beautiful but dangerous, as well as she, that although they could never have the real structure, at least in the protector of the cell phone screen yes.

Vanesa told her that she would baptize that image as a prison because for one night she was locked there.

They went out the window together, Daniel was very happy that he had been wrong and that Vanessa was well and at his side.

Never underestimate anyone

Once upon the time when the life become unbearable and hard for the people of Igbon, this village has to be an ancient village which never experienced any calamity ever before. Their four fathers make some sacrificed to prevent any evil coming to them.

There was an old man, who has been looking for so long to see her barren women carry his babies, all his effort in ensuring that his wife could gave birth to his babies was failed, but he didn't give up, and in the night age (Oldest age with no hope) the man wife got pregnant, everyone were happy with them.

Few month Later, the child was born, but surprisingly looked like this kid grow tooth from the womb, when people see this, everyone begin to carry various rumour, when the information reach the palace, king ordered that such evil such can't live with them in the village, his either the parent throw kill him or they should vacate/pack out of the village, the old man and his decided to relocate to other place.

A year later, Igbon village experienced calamity for the first time, fear scrip Igbon peoples, King sent for Ifa priest to come help them find out the causes of the calamity which before their land and claimed many lives. Ifa priest told them Igbon village has disowned someone who could help them stop this calamity, Ifa priest told them about this child whose parents and him were ordered to leave the town is the only solution to Igbon village problems.

king disparaged with Ifa priest , King told him to find other means to resolved the Igbon village problems, Ifa priest told them to look for this forsaken kid else the calamity will worsen than before, this king insisted he wont call back the family of this boy back to the Igbon village, so sad, even the king lost his precious life when second calamity befall the village of Igbon.

Elders and community leader went to look for this boy and his family, after several appealing this boy agree to return to his home land, within two to three days, the riddles which none of the Igbon villager couldn't solve, calamity were put to stop, this boy finally became the king of Igbon and throughout his reign there was nothing like calamity again.

Thanks for share your great work Snr. @xpilar.


thanks for your story @davidad

you are welcome Snr. @xpilar

The building, which is filled with super modern facilities, makes it easy for all residents to occupy their rooms.
From the workspace that functions as well as a bed it has a very strong frame construction. From here we can monitor all research activities ... Size 7 x 8 meters so it is very spacious and comfortable to live in. In front of the door directly connected the halls to various places. Everything can be done like walking down the aisle with an easily recognizable portal. Everything that lives in this building conducts research in various fields ranging from observations to galaxy security, research on renewable energy sources and others. all connected online so they can do it anywhere including in the room on the third floor that we are occupying. There is a large glass window facing east so I can enjoy the morning sun and the bright morning atmosphere.
The bed is in the corner of the room facing south. The type provided by a single bed so that it does not take up a lot of space. When not in use can be folded so that it blends with the wall.
The work desk faces directly to the window so that I get a broad view that might inspire me.
In the other corner there is a bookshelf containing a collection of favorite ancient books ranging from magazines, textbooks, biographies, novels, to non-fiction. All of these inscriptions are stored properly. Even though there is a digital version, books and various scripts are kept so that if there is a problem it can be used again
Next to it is a hybrid device in the form of a hologram television that is directly connected to the center. Near the bed there is a small fridge for storing cold drinks or snacks.
if the residents intend to go to one place, simply enter the teleportation room and press the destination for both the place and the time. In an instant they will arrive at the destination. This is very efficient and effective because it does not need to use conventional transportation equipment. this is the development and implementation of science that has been developed since the twentieth century.
Thank you @xpilar. I hope you accept my thought
Warm regard from Indonesia


Hello @xpilar Hope all is well. I was messaging because I was hoping you would help support #SPUD or rather #SPUD2 since this is the second one. I posted a link about it... Thank you.

I have a suggestion @streetstyle
in addition to your prize I can give the winner a delegation of 500 SP for 4 weeks free of charge if you think it can fit into the competition

Wow That Would Be Super Awesome @xpilar Would you like for it to be part of the Main prize or should we make it a second place prize ?? Up to you my friend!!! And again thank you so much!!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽👍🏼👊🏼 💯

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes, make it a second place prize 👍

Thanks again for this @xpilar This is truly amazing. I also like having a second prize because it spreads the love and creates more winners.

Super Duper Awesome... I will post about this shortly... Thanks again!!!

👍Nice to hear @streetstyle

The circles and lines reminds my roller coaster :) To tell the truth I did ride only once in my life the real one and it was with closed eyes, actually I did not want but my son wanted. So had to overcome myself but just shut my eyes. Very nice colors, the background is of evening sky. Have a nice weekend, @xpilar!

Fantastic picture @xpilar

Two sides, like a coin,
At our station in the distance
What flies in space for a long time,
And far from Mother Earth
From century to century in the sky,
Shines her luminous image
What became home in flight
For us for many years!

This is a city built by steel.
up in the air
Nowhere steel pipe
Is the traffic pipeline
People through the traffic pipeline
Coming around any place


If you can (poem)

I'm walking through life eager to shine

It does not matter how much I have to climb, fight and cry

I want to be on top and be able to scream that I can achieve it

I know that life is not easy and it is a constant maze

But nothing is impossible and everything can be deciphered

I will go up any step

I will overcome any obstacle

and being on high I will see from where I started

and I will encourage others to come up, because if you can.

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