June 1, 2019 - Where Will You Be? - #SPUD2 with Steem Prize! -[Steem Power] [blockchain]

in #spud5 years ago (edited)



- Win a Prize

The Steem Community has decided that June 1st, 2019 will be STEEM POWER UP DAY 2. This will be our second event where the Steem Community comes together to show our love and support of the Steem ecosystem. The beauty of this event is that everyone within the Steem community can participate in one way or another, even for those who need Steem for daily necessities.

June 1 will be a Saturday, so maybe some Steemians might find themselves on the beach just like BabyFeet Spud. Others might be at home while some other Steemians will be traveling the World. The beauty of the internet and Steem is that we can be anywhere in the World and still be an active member of this community through the many different dAPPs that now run on the STEEM Blockchain. The 50,000 or so active users on the Steem blockchain are the Ambassadors of Steem to the World. It is our job to be the intermediaries between the Crypto-World and the non-crypto World, and by showing support for SPUD2 we are telling those around us that we not only believe But personally have stake in the Steem Network, or as @steemstreems said, "skin in the game."

The first SPUD on May 1st, was an amazing event. What started with a few supporting Steemians slowly grew into a snowball. The snowball starting picking up momentum, and it quickly grew that by May 1st it had turned into an avalanche of support for SPUD. The SPUD hash tag even made it onto STEEMIT.COM's Most Popular Hash Tags List, and one Steemian's SPUD post (I believe @khaleelkazi 's post) made it onto the STEEMIT.COM's Trending List for popular STEEMIT articles.

It will be hard for SPUD2 to top the success of the first one, but I believe we can do it. There are only about Six days left after this one before June 1st 2019 is here. It will take everyone's support by re-steeming this post, creating their own SPUD posts, and the rest of us supporting them with up votes and re-steems. That is one way to participate in SPUD without having to spend any money. Read the basics of SPUD2 here to find out what SPUD is.

Now I mentioned a Steem Prize for this SPUD2 event. The prize will be 100 Steem coins for the winner, BUT it is Not meant for Dolphins, Orcas and Whales. This Steem Prize is meant to help support an up and coming Steemian with a STEEM prize to do as they please. The rules will be simple and come with no strings attached.

Rules to claim 100 Steem Prize for SPUD2 :

  1. MUST have a reputation score BELOW 69.00 ( so 68.99 is good & Can participate.) AND more than 75 STEEM POWER (prior to SPUD2) BUT LESS than 5000 Steem Power.

  2. MUST have a reputation score ABOVE 46 (so rank of 45.99 will Not Win)

  3. MUST have at least 1 Steem Post in their blog about SPUD2

  4. MUST Power Up Steem on June 1st, 2019

  5. On June 1st, you MUST make a post about your POWER UP. It can be as simple as "I powered up X amount of Steem" to a simple picture/screenshot of your Power Up and posted to your blog, or it could be a super long dissertation on Steem Power. Please tag me in it so I can be sure to see it.

The winner must meet all 5 requirements, and will be the one with the Biggest Steem Power Up PERCENTAGE, not the biggest Power Up. This means that it will be based on the ratio between your current amount of Steem Power and the amount you power up on June 1st.

For Example:

if you have 1000 Steem Power already powered up prior to June 1, and on June 1 you complete steps 1-5 with a 100 Steem Power Up,


another Steemian has 100 Steem Powered up prior to June 1, and on June 1st Powers Up 20 Steem, then this 2nd user would be winning with a 20% power up versus the first example with a bigger power up but smaller percentage of only 10% based on their account.

This prize is meant to incentivize the smaller Steemians, the planktons, minnows and barracudas out in the Steem Ocean to participate in powering up on SPUD, and hopefully create more understanding as to why Steem Power is what backs the Steem Economy. The winner will be announced via a Steem Post a few days later, and if no one challenges it or lets me know I missed them after 2 days, I will then payout the 100 Steem Prize to the Winner!!

Please let me know if there is anything I missed or should amend in order to make this a more effective prize and of course a much Better and Bigger SPUD2 Event on June 1st.

Please let all your Steemian friends know about SPUD2, and keep your eye out for other SPUD2 posts and lets give all these users some STEEM love!!

Take care everyone!!

+++ @streetstyle

ps, if anyone wants to add to the prize or has any other ideas or suggestions, please let me know.


I wonder who will win the prize

Posted using Partiko Android

Love it. You're the front runner for a better future mate

I think we all are, that is why we are into crypto and Steem. Thanks for supporting and participating in #spud and now #spud2

woohooo just heard the news....I'll be there for #spud2 with a power up of my own :D Resteemed!

Thank you @tamaralovelace The help is greatly appreciated!

Posted using Partiko iOS

@steevc and @paulag will be kicking themselves wondering why they didn't have this idea for the 10K minnows project!

This could work well on a smalller, more regular scale too you know!

What an excellent idea for a competition!

Posted using Partiko Android

Well they can incorporate it into their projects too... the more the merrier. I surely would cede the reins of #spud and all future SPUDs, in fact, they aren't even mine to cede... SPUD and now #SPUD2 belongs to the STEEM Community!!

full steem ahead!

I like the picture used, relaxing and curating lol 😂

SPUD 🥔 is the way!

Posted using Partiko iOS

That just might be us early adopters of all things crypto in a year or two @maxdevalue

#spud #spud2

SPUD 2 coming in hot 🚀

⚡️Can’t wait for all the power ⚡️

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for participating and your support for #spud and now #spud2 @khaleelkazi It is truly needed and appreciated.

Full Steem Ahead!

Curious who the winner will be

I can tell you right now who it won't be @adenijiadeshina It won't be a dolphin, orca or whale.... hehehe

Now you have given me some tips to it



LOL, I fell in love with that potato.

hehehe Baby Feet Spud appreciates it @mariita52 Thank you for the support.

Great initiative and another great chance to show our love for the great community. Yes, I in the line for participating #spud2

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @hfizullah Your help and support is truly very much appreciated.

De verdad que el éxito que estuvo SPUD @streetstyle fue increible y esperemos que este SPUD2 tenga tanto ó más éxito que el anterior y lo mejor de todo es que el premio de STEEM va dirigido a ayudar a los que no somos ni muy grandes, ni tan pequeños en la comunidad de Steemit es fácil solo debemos cumplir las reglas y listo. Aunque quedan muy pocos dias si luchamos todos juntos lo vamos a lograr

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