Art of Religion

in #art6 years ago

Inspired by faith and depictions from the past. Most of these paintings were created by local artist and is on display for public viewing. My interest in art grows every time we visit galleries and exhibits. I fell in love with the works of our National Artist Juan Luna. I still remember how I felt chills all over my body the moment I saw his colossal creation "Spoliarium."

An Enchanting Walk with Artists

Today let me just share with you a few religious paintings from the San Augustine Museum. Take a moment, spend a little time with me and appreciate works from our artists.

To see more of the Museum please visit

Museum of Creed

Art of Religion



Saint Claire of Montefalco 1268-1308

An Augustinian nun with symbols
The Heart
Three Gallstones
A balance
A Lily

Oil on canvas
Unknown artist



Saint Clair of Montefalco

A depiction of the nun with a vision of Jesus with the cross.

Painted by local artist from 1950
Oil on Canvas


Saints of the Augustinian Order

A depiction of the legion of Augustinian Saints. The original painting was created in 1886 and is located in Santo Nino Cebu.

Oil on canvas
Painted by local artist B. Cabisada in 1980


Blessed Frederick of Ratisbonne (1329)

A story was told while Frederick was chopping wood in which he could not leave the task undone. Holy Communion was brought to him by an angel.

Oil on canvas

Painted by Patino in 1950



The Baptism of Christ

Religious painting created by Simon Flores in 1890. One of the finest artist in the Philippines from 1839-1904.

Painted numerous portraits for wealthy families in Pampanga.

Oil on canvas



Saint Monica

Oil on canvas
Painted by Nicolas Luis from the 19th century



Virgin Mary with Child Jesus

Painted by Zuleta from the 18th century
Oil on canvas


Our Lady of the Cinture

Painted by Nicasio Vergara
19th century


Thanks for joining me in this short walk thru the gallery. I am no art expert but we can all tell if we love something just by looking at it. History and background is a great addition to our knowledge but sometimes we just need to sit, be silent and just appreciate the artistry.

Have a good evening Steemians.


All information sourced and photos shot from
San Agustin Museum


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All photos are original and taken with

Lumix GX85 and 12-32 mm

Snake new 2.jpg





Great post! I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Thanks I just wish feelings that are left are always good but that is not the case.

Thank you so much for taking us on this wonderful walk through the gallery. I have a fondness for religious art, for many reasons. First of all I am a deeply religious person and second of all, I think it teaches us so much about history. There is so much history in religion.

Your photographs were exceptional and your explanations were very helpful. So thank you very much and I hope you have a wonderful evening.


@dswigle Religious architecture and art is one of my favorite content. I made a couple of post a few months back San Agustin Church this is just one of those that you might like. Thank you very much for the support 😊

When in Vigan...stay in Luna Hotel. It have a few of his works.

Hello long time no see lol. I will be sure to visit Luna hotel if we ever visit Vigan. Last work of Luna that was auctioned was about 49 mil sold to a private collector which we may never see again.

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Very interesting religious collection. I love those arts as I can learn about the religion better through such visualization.

Sometimes it's best just to stare at it in quietly. Looking at the colors and brush strokes

Yup, I love to do that as well. Just staring at those patterns and blank my mind.

yung mga gawa nang pinoy talaga namang kakaiba.. May sarili itong description para mamangha ka sa bawat pag tingin mo.. galing galing..

Totoo bro pati ako napabilib. Lalo na ung baptism iba talaga.

Hello @watersnake101, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you very much for the support. I do wish to cross paths again in the future.

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