The Beast From The East... Ok Ok it is real!

Well is that isn't fear mongering then what is ...?

As you may have heard the UK has have the beast from the east upon us. Call me skeptical but it seems to me the media is implying something else but this, conditioning us to fear what comes from the east! Sorry just don't trust anything from the propaganda media in the UK.

I'll give them the face we had snow though! Not the most horrific storm they made out (as always). This is what we got:

Ok so writing this the day after! Russia (no sorry their not implying that the media don't do things like that, do they) The 'Beast Has struck'

I take back the previous comment about them getting it wrong. Although they have blown it out of proportion saying the country is going to run out of gas. But the weather is shocking but still only a few feet deep! My journey to work:

It started out OK!

Then got a bit worse but I survived nothing major. 

Then we hit the town where the gritters had been and it all seemed calm. The but was forty five minutes late but hey do!

Never see this road so quiet.

Then I came home.....!

The wind was getting up and was blowing a hooli. I got off the bus and all seemed calm although bitterly cold. Ok ok only -6 but for us Brits that quite cold you know. The road to my village looks a touch different from here!

Yes I bounded through like a spritely young thing I once and was and DOWN I went!  Up to my waist. I admit I was a touch er... well here in the UK we say I dropped a brick. It took me 20 minutes to walk this stretch that normally takes three.


But I'm home a whiskey and some Joy Division on  the record player. And its warm. Same again tomorrow but the sounds of it.

So of my previous ramblings: 

Walking In The Shadows of the Dam Busters....

Thorn In Their Side...

Who is Simon and Abbey Visitors Walking On Water... 


Oooh wow what a beautiful snowfall, sorry about the high winds though, that can be annoying! <3 <3 A lovely dusk...I love how the snow makes it light up all blue <3 <3 <3

Thanks yep makes some lovely pictures. The wind is a bit cold but all is well! 💯🐒

wow that's a lot of snow!! take care vibeof100monkeys!!

Yer makes some good photo's bonus:) 💯🐒

pleased to support and upvote..2 ft. of snow expected tonight and tomorrw in our home area of saratoga NY.

See the thing in England @yankee-statman is a massive event the media or telling everyone to stay indoors. If you go out you could die (yes their actually saying that there is a risk to you life if you go out). They are reporting people dying and tragic events. Yes the storm is very bad but we don't appear to have the ability to use our brains anymore, we rely on being spoon fed.

However their is hardly any mention of the homeless the media don't give a sit about them! This is what make me worried, how many will die tonight because the media don't tell people to help. Calm down drink your tea and become as narcissistic as the rest of them. Fortunately there are not many homeless in my area, I have seen. Thanks for the comment and take care 💯🐒

Are monkeys supposed to jump outdoors during the storm 🔵🔵🔵?

Your very right! I Guess it was more of a misjudged swing then 💯🐒

Looks cold. We are also due for a storm. They are calling for 10 - 15 cm of snow here as well. I guess we all need one last blast before spring.

Stay warm

Thanks yer it the 50 year storm I think, think its call El Nina! Looking better today but we'll see on the way to work 💯🐒

Safe travels to and from work.

Thank you! Makes it a bit more fun hey! 💯🐒

Yes it certainly does.

Wow! I hope you are alright after taking a tumble in the snow? Another friend here on Steemit said she thought the reporters were full of it until 2 days later when she woke up to the same thing you did. Hope your place is warm and toasty with a -6 outside. Thanks for the snowy walk my friend. 🐓🐓

Yer their still going on about we might run out of gas for trying their fear stories. But yep its bad but not as bad as they makes out. Only for the stupid who tried their luck.
Its freezing but keeping warm !!! Thanks for joining me 💯🐒

I never realized the UK was so climate stable! -6 is cold, and 32 is roasting to y'all (Celcius)? You'd die in both winter and summer here. We range -29°C to 40°C.
Great pictures, though. 😄

I love a bit of heat the weather here is quite dull. It is quite amusing what a drama they are making off it, you would think it had never happened before. Our media love to create panic! The want people living inconstant fear, telling them to buy food incase there snowed in say we might loose power, gas and be cut off for days. Then people panic and chaos happens !

The news is the same here. If tragedy isn't happening, they gotta make shit up. Meanwhile the BBC is considered the "calm and rational" news to us.

You haven't watch the English BBC then its all fear mongering shit! 💯🐒

Sounds like a long trip, but it made a great story. It has been a cold winter for us in Virginia, USA, but we really haven't seen much snow. I love a good blizzard every once in awhile. Thanks for sharing your adventure!

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