in #art7 years ago (edited)

The Dark Thing lives under your bed. Feeds on your nightmares and steals your soul. Beware this monstrous creature, for once you are under its spell, it is very difficult to break free.

Dark Thing 2017 - @stephanus

My process

I once again used Krita for this image, mostly because I am a supporter of open source software and also because it's a big FUCK YOU to corporate companies like Adobe and Corel.

---I started out by drawing the image with a pen and pencil on paper.---

Cleaned 1.JPG

---Next came some colouring in Krita---

Colour 1.JPG

---Some more colouring---

Colour 2.jpg

---And the final touches.---

Colour 3.jpeg

I think I'm starting to get the hang of Krita now. I'll certainly keep using it.

Edit: I forgot to mention that this is a submission to the @topkpop art contest!!!

Thanks for your time. Remember to FOLLOW UPVOTE AND RESTEEM.


Really nice touch with the texture you added to the background , I think it really adds to the sort of jarring nature of the piece. It seems like the dark thing is a painting on a wall that is animating as we are watching it. The head is creepy as hell. I am in love. I call upon the dark powers to support this post!

Lol thanks. I am busy writing a little story featuring this little monster. It should be up by the end of the week. So keep an eye out for it!

You rang? Oh! A distant relative of mine. I am always a little awkward at these family reunion sort of things. I mean, I haven't seen the guy in nearly 5,000 years. More awkward small talk about souls corrupted and what our favorite pestilence is, no doubt. Still it is good to see family.

Thank you @stephanus for summoning another of my ilk into this mortal realm! Cheers - Beelze

@carlgnash... I can bet you love creepy! Lord of the bizarre👹👹👽👽👾👾👻👻👺👺👿👿... You should check my second episode for the creepy story i started some days back....

Superb! Altough It is not long and it doesn't have to be. You came in did what you wanted to show and left. I think this should be upvote by @humanbot. Nice Drawing (Your Shading Is Good!).

Thanks. I am writing a story about it. I use two profiles. This one for my artwork and @steph4nus for my writing. Be sure to check it out if you prefer text walls. LOL

I will surely love to check out your other profile. I think this is very good and actually better than some other long ass articles! : )

Creepy as hell, beautiful as hades.... Does that describe i like it? .... Nice one @stephanus

Interesting piece of artwork! Dark and creepy, just like it's supposed to be.

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@minnowpond You did not vote for me

don't pollute my comments section with bullshit. thank you.

You were lucky! Your post was selected for an upvote!
Read about that initiative

Good artistman

pocketsend:666@stephanus, Stick this in your pocket and keep it handy for the end of days ;)

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oh cool. im checking it out now

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