Drawing + simple 4 sbd writing contest

in #art6 years ago (edited)

I drew this and have no idea what it is or anything about it. Just for fun I want you to write 1 or 2 paragraphs with any sort of story or background containing this character. Simply entertain with it! the one I choose as winner will get 3 sbd and runner up will get 1. If for some reason this gets upvoted more than expected I may reward more and or if I have more entries etc.

Just something simple to have fun with if anyone is interested. Not many join contests from smaller accounts so this may be perfect time to win 3 sbd by being the only person to enter lol.

You have until the post payout to enter! thanks @moneyinfant :)



The Last Card of Lord Ryder (A Short Story)

“Just hold it right there,” Lord Ryder requested as the Starship Knights flooded his cabin, laser swords at the ready. “I have never done anything against the alliance. Not at all. Except, of course, the one time when you humans decided to take the Planet Nora from the control of the Newna Federation. As you all know, in times like that, how do you say it, a man has to make a choice? Of course, I am no man but I did have to make a choice.” He narrated as he withdrew slowly to a side of the room.

“I have no regrets, not even one. Even when I slaughtered the prisoners at Gizmos, it was all part of the mission, nothing personal. However, this is personal for me. I believe death is a personal affair.” He said as he continued moving to the wall as the knights surrounded him. “Well,” he continued, “My time is up but I still have one last card to play.” With that, he inserted the middle claw on his right hand into a socket and the ship blew into oblivion.

Do we have until the post payout?

oops lol I edited the post to contain that information. Yes you have until this post pays out to enter :)

Great, thanks!

I'll add it to my Writing Contest List tomorrow. That might get a few more entries :-)

He was fearless, everyone in the village lived in mortal fear of him. In battle, he would fight with his claws and teeth and poisoned his opponent and so he was always victorious. Drogon was both good and bad, he would protect his people from external harm but if any of his people stand against them, with a swipe of his hand, he would slit their throats.
He wasn't always like this, he was a good man but when the beasts attacked his village, he allowed himself to be used as the protector against the beasts and in doing so, he changes into a monster.

I have been trying to hunt down writing contests before @moneyinfant gets hold of them for his list, but it seems like I've been beaten to the post again :D

Back over at the Information Finding Championship hosted by @apolymask we have been thinking about ideas for artifacts and relics... I think this creature looks like it could be the guardian of a powerful item that could be part of the quest for the next round of IFC. It certainly looks very menacing and dangerous, so I wonder if our brave adventurers will have to use their brawn or brain to defeat the creature and claim the relic :)

Ha! Yeah, you have to get up really early in the morning to get the worm before me. I'm sure you'll find something though, I'm only human after all.

Ha ha ha ha! Prepare to meet your doom, He-Man. Meet my latest beastie villain: Liz-Man! His talons are as sharp as razors and his belt emits a low-frequency laser that will relax your sphincter!

Liz-Man shoots a laser from his belt buckle, but He-Man deflects it with his sword.

Your powers have no effect on me, Liz-Man. I've already had my daily enema today, so my sphincter is not holding anything back. A clean colon is a healthy colon.

Liz-Man: NOOOOO!

First this drawing made me think of V - the 80s mini-series. But then I thought it looked more like a He-Man villain.

Gorn. Live long and prosper

After you said it, it totally looked like that to me as well! I laughed and thought spot on.

Dr Cray-Cray after spending 5 years of his life investigating the combination of human and reptilian DNA, turned off the switch and smiled, suddenly exclaimed: "At last, my creation is ready, my monster will be invincible. I will take over the world". The lizard monster opened its eyes with a terrifying growl. With its claws it crumbled to pieces the capsule where it was locked. He tore the wires of the vital signs attached to his body and got up from the table.

"He looks very strong." said a voice at the background of the laboratory. "Let's see if he can handle this" and began to shout: "Kame! Hame!...."

You know the rest... ha ha ha

He was the fearsome warrior known as Thakrul. Although he was mostly a coward, when he fought, he always won. A strategist at mind, he chose the greatest battles and forgot about the uninteresting civil wars.

But time was consuming him and his race too fast. In a blink of the eye he was already an elder. Only months passed, but his time had came.

Right before he closed his eyes for the last time, he saw the horde of his descendents rallying towards the impassible enemy.

Once upon a time lived a happy king. farming, prosperity and expansion of his kingdom, wellbeing of his subjects, the law, medicine...All this and similar rubbish seemed to be boring to one as glorious as him. His majesty was far more interested in significant things. Feasts, fancy robes and other pretty things filled his heart with joy. But one day a terrible disaster disturbed this wonderful life. As always foolish peasants and servents were unhappy about some irevelant nonsense. Plague, drought, famine...his majesty had heard those boring words a hundred times. And each time he was wise enough to forget them by the next morning. But this time was diffrent. People no longer complained. Instead they tried to grab his majesty with their filthy hands. King was frightened. those fools could have demaged his precious robes... No. King could not allow this. So he had to run away. As fast as he could. So fast that his golden crown was left behind..

Cool little game, I saw @penderis entry and had to come take a look.

May I color the picture in and use it in an entry post with attribution?

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