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RE: Drawing + simple 4 sbd writing contest

in #art6 years ago

Ha ha ha ha! Prepare to meet your doom, He-Man. Meet my latest beastie villain: Liz-Man! His talons are as sharp as razors and his belt emits a low-frequency laser that will relax your sphincter!

Liz-Man shoots a laser from his belt buckle, but He-Man deflects it with his sword.

Your powers have no effect on me, Liz-Man. I've already had my daily enema today, so my sphincter is not holding anything back. A clean colon is a healthy colon.

Liz-Man: NOOOOO!


First this drawing made me think of V - the 80s mini-series. But then I thought it looked more like a He-Man villain.

Gorn. Live long and prosper

After you said it, it totally looked like that to me as well! I laughed and thought spot on.

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