The Gaugan IA Contest on Steemit - Week 18 | O Concurso Gaugan IA no Steemit - Semana 18

in #art5 years ago

The Gaugan IA Contest on Steemit - Week 18
Painting with Artificial Intelligence

Attention: The tool "wood" have a bug. Don't use it

Round 2 of 10 more weeks. Week 18

I'm very happy with the results of the contest so I decided to make another 10 weeks and rounds.
I have received flags because I offer 1 SBI as one of the prizes.:(
I if you don't want to receive SBI please say it in your post for the Gaugan Contest. (I will send 1 Steem instead)
I not going to stop the contest because someone is bullying me.

Thanks to all that upvoted my posts helping to balance the loss of reputation for keeping on this contest.

The last week's winner is @marblely with this Post .

The total post reward is 1 Steem (author rewards) + 5 Steem (from @drakernoise) = 6 Steem
plus 20 CC and 5 PAL coins;
1 One SBI unit ( @steembasicincome );
Five 100% votes (2,100 SP) in the next 5 posts of the winner

Thanks to all the participants and supporters.
Sorry that I couldn't list all the upvoters

@eii, @sparkesy43, @cryptoznewb, @drakernoise, @marblely, @cetb2008, @leonardodaslade, @insaneworks, @justclickindiva, @appreciator, @upmewhale, @steeveapp,@brittandjosie

O Concurso Gaugan IA no Steemit - Semana 18
Pintar com Inteligência Artificial

Atenção: A ferramenta "wood" tem um bug. Não use

Rodada 2 de mais 10 semanas. Semana 18

Estou muito feliz com os resultados do concurso, então decidi fazer mais 10 semanas e rodadas.
Recebi bandeiras porque ofereço 1 SBI como um prémio.:(
Se não quiser receber o SBI, diga-o em seu post para o Gaugan Contest.(Em vez disso, enviarei 1 Steem)
Não vou parar o concurso porque alguém está me intimidando.
Obrigado a todos que votaram positivamente em meus posts, ajudando a equilibrar a perda de reputação por continuar neste concurso.

O Vencedor do concurso desta semana foi o @marblely com este Post .

A recompensa total do post é 1 Steem (recompensa de autor) + 5 Steem (doado por @drakernoise) = 6 Steem
mais 1 unidade SBI ( @steembasicincome );
20 moedas CC e 5 moedas PAL;
Cinco votos de 100% (2.100 SP) nos próximos 5 posts do vencedor

Obrigado a todos os participantes e apoiantes.
Desculpem, mas não foi possível listar todos os votantes.
@eii, @sparkesy43, @cryptoznewb, @drakernoise, @marblely, @cetb2008, @leonardodaslade, @insaneworks, @justclickindiva, @appreciator, @upmewhale, @steeveapp, @brittandjosie

@marblely Gaugan's painting | Pintura Gaugan de @marblely

@marblely made this Drawing | @marblely fez este desenho

The Gaugan IA Contest on Steemit - The Rules

I'm @steemean (Jimbo) , I'm six years old and I asked my father to help me to write my idea for a contest on Steemit.
It took two weeks for me to write it in Portuguese and my father made it in English.
Make Art with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

This a Contest for 10 weeks and rounds.Post till Sunday every week.

  • Go to Nvidia Gaugan and be a true artist with AI
  • Publish only one original draw and the paintings made by AI Gaugan with diferent effects.
  • The posts must have the tag #gaugan, and if you want the tag #contest
  • The tag #gaugan must be put until the fourth position to show on Steemit
  • The post must be published until 11:45 PM - Western European Time (WET) every Sunday.
  • Good tutorial gently made by @marblely that helps the contest since the beggining

I will choose and announce the winner in a max of two days after the post is closed on the seventh day (Sunday).

Please don't forget to put both pictures, the draw you make and the resulting painting.

The winner gets:

  • All the author rewards of the week's contest post ;
  • One SBI unit ( @steembasicincome );
  • 20 CC (Creative coins);
  • 5 PAL coin (Palnet);
  • My vote for 5 posts made by the winner . (2,100 SP)

Please help this contest, delegate to @steemean, donate Steem for the winner of the contest, or vote or resteem this post.

Thanks to @fraenk of @googlyeyes for the help and the contest idea, to @brickmanbrad and others for the support, and to my father for helping to write my ideas.
My favorite contest on Steemit is @googlyeyes. Please participate.

O Concurso Gaugan IA no Steemit - As Regras

Eu sou o @steemean (Jimbo), tenho seis anos e pedi ao meu pai para me ajudar a escrever a minha ideia para um concurso no Steemit.
Demorou duas semanas para eu escrever este post em Português, e o meu pai fez em Inglês
Faça arte com Inteligência Artificial (IA)

Este é um concurso para 10 semanas e rodadas, com um prémio todos os Domingos.

  • Vá para Nvidia Gaugan e seja um verdadeiro artista com a IA
  • Publique um artigo só com um desenho original e as pinturas feitas pela IA - Efeitos Diferentes
  • Os posts devem ter a tag #gaugan, e, se quiser tag #contest
  • A tag #gaugan deve ser posta até á quarta posição para se ver no Steemit
  • A publicação deve ser feita até ás 23h45 - horário da Europa Ocidental (WET) todos os domingos.
  • Bom tutorial feito por @marblely e que ajuda o concuso desde o princícipio

Escolherei e anunciarei o vencedor num máximo de dois dias, após o fecho do post no sétimo dia.

Por favor, não esqueça de colocar as duas imagens, o desenho que fez e a pintura resultante

O vencedor recebe:

  • Todas recompensas de autor do post semanal do concurso;
  • Uma unidade SBI ( @steembasicincome );
  • 20 moedas CC (creativecoin);
  • 5 moedas PAL (Palnet);
  • Meu voto em 5 posts feitos pelo vencedor. (2,100 SP)

Ajudem este concurso delegando para @steemean, doando Steem para o vencedor de todos os concursos, ou vote ou resteem este post.

Obrigado ao @fraenk do @googlyeyes pela sua ajuda e pela ideia do concurso, e ao @brickmanbrad pelo seu suporte, a muitos outros que me apoiam, e ao meu pai por me ajudar a escrever as minhas ideias.
O meu concurso favorito no Steemit é @googlyeyes. Participem

One Example of a Post for the Gaugin AI Contest.

Um Exemplo de um Post para o Concurso Gaugin IA.

Make a draw. | Faça um Desenho

With Nvidia Gaugan create the paintings | Com o Nvidia Gaugan crie as pinturas

Artificial Intelligence help me to be an artist and painter. :)
Be an artist with AI in Nvidia Gaugan

A IA ajuda-me a ser um artista e pintor :)
Seja um artista com a IA em Nvidia Gaugan

Say if you like the contest and participate.
Jimbo the kid of Steemit

I'm only six years old.
Please read this introduceyourself post in , Jimbo The kid of Steemit

Digam se gostaram do concurso e participem.
Jimbo, o puto do Steemit

Eu tenho apenas seis anos de idade.
Por favor leia este post em introduceyourself, Jimbo The kid of Steemit


Congrats @marblely for your winning!
It resulted in a Van Gogh like drawing in my view which is amazing.
Thanks all that entered 🤗
As always I’m also thankful to Jimbo, our young friend for conducting this wonderful contest.
Big hugs and love over there ❤️

Thank you @drakernoise! It was an unexpected outcome :D
Yes Jimbo is the best!

I'm proud my friends love my contest.
Thanks @marblely

Thanks my friend.
You are all good to me. :)

I managed to finally make something, here you are:
Best wishes everyone for your new week!
Hugs’n love ❤️

Thank you so much Jimbo! It is an honour to be chosen the winner this week amongst all the equally beautiful entries!

Yes, difficult decision. :(
But the everybody is getting better.:)
Thanks a lot for all you do for the contest, my friend.

Congratulations @marblely!



Hey @marblely, here is a little bit of BEER from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

Thanks a lot @justclickindiva.
Glad you are back.:)
Gaugan is bringing more artists. hehe


Hey @steemean, here is a little bit of BEER from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

Hey @steemean, here is a little bit of BEER from @krakonos for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

coffeea Lucky you @steemean here is your COFFEEA, view all your tokens at Vote for c0ff33a as Witness

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