Tarot Friday#2 – Into this world, creative power and "The Magician"

in #art7 years ago (edited)

As I have told you in my post about the temple of the secrets, I started working on a large scale art project about Tarot cards (Major Arcana only) in the early 90s. In my post about „The Fool“ I explained, what it all means for me.

Today we will go to the second chapter of our journey through a human life, commonly known as the „journey of the fool“. Although the cards are metaphoric and don’t depict people or figures per se, as @animal-shelter describes so well in her inspiring and informative post, I find it easier to understand, when we draw a direct reference to our own lives.

After a soul manifested itself in our world, the next two cards show us the „divine or spiritual parents“, with the divine father being represented by „The Magician“


He represents male energy, creativity, active attitude, will power, but also the importance of a harmonious balance between conscious and unconscious. I personally always viewed the Magician's right hand as a sort of antenna for creative energy, which would then be transformed by flowing through his body into something we can perceive with our senses. Pretty much the process of an idea becoming reality.

Again, I tried to capture the main theme with the colors, as I have done with all 22 of the Major Arcana, the trump cards of the Tarot deck. Two analogies for this card are, fire, bright and hot and the sun. There are some more, like the philosophers stone, but for my understanding, there had to be bright yellows and reds!

The white robe represents purity and the red cape stands for confidentiality.


For those who would like to know more, @animal-shelter gives an excellent and detailed interpretation of the meaning of the magician in this weeks post. Thank you @kidsysco for connecting us!

Tarot Panorama-Klein.jpg

The temple of the secrets, is a large scale work of art I did in the 1990s. Total size of artwork is 15ft by 45ft (unfinished)

All photos/scans by me of my own artwork. The original cards are roughly 20"x40" and painted on glass in "Hinterglas" technique as described here


Once again beautiful! I knew I would love the Magician as much as I did the fool. Your art work seems to just follow and show so much movement and passion. Amazing for intuitive readings. Gorgeous work!!

Can't believe how stupid I am! Wanted to pay extra special attention to your comment, as I really would like to cooperate with you somehow... unfortunately I'm in a bit over my head and just found your comment again, as I was working on my Friday's post on Tarot.

Please apologize for making you wait with my reply, but know, how much I appreciate the attention of a wise expert like you!

Such great work!!! No need for apologies at all. You have done such a beautiful job with this art work and the card illustrations truly speak intuitively. Amazing!

You sure have a devoted crowd of fans... have yet to see someone else's comments getting upvoted like this. That is positively amazing, bravo! 😮

If you are still interested to use my cards for your online readings, we'd have to find a way, how to go about it. I could send you a complete (digital) set of the Major Arcana for that particular purpose... but how would you "draw" your cards? Use a "physical" deck, that you have and then use my card to do the reading?

Please let me know, what you think.

You can also find me at steemit.chat under the same name :-)

Wow, that was powerful. I have no experience with tarot, but in some way I feel like I just pulled a card perfect for me. I even did the pose in my living room to feel this card a little bit. The idea of creativity being reigned into the body with his right hand in the air is awesome.

Great artwork. I will check out your page again. I appreciate it.

It is your card!! I can even feel the energy radiating from your comment. Never thought of actually assuming the pose, but you are right, there is something to it!!

Haha I guess I got to see it through a beginners mind. Thanks.

This is stunning! I just hope you will be able to install this work again in a suitable venue! I feel privileged having seen this in it's original location a few years ago.

Certainly hope for finding a place too.. I see it in a place for health and physical as well as spiritual well being

this makes me think: I wonder if a Wellness Spa/hotel would be interested in such an installation?
Get in touch with Karl Reiter https://www.facebook.com/karl.reiter.39 - the owner of the Post Hotel in Achenkirch- idk if mentioning my name would ring a bell, I stayed at the place (for free - could never afford it otherwise) filming a ad for it a few years ago. (I stayed at the Junior Suite ).
He has a print of one of my works I presented to him at that time.

Thanks a lot for the link Otto. Thing is, I'm not just looking for a place to set it up somewhere... spent 10 years on it already and it still needs work, so I couldn't just take it somewhere for no reward... or a free room.

I know several owners of high end hotels and they all are very careful, as to where they put their money.. "spiritual enlightenment" usually doesn't seem to be a high priority ;-)

Thanks a lot anyways for your thoughtfulness and your valuable advice, I appreciate it!

Spiritual enlightenment: Karl Reiter had built a underground Shaolin Temple on the premises and "imported" a Shaolin Priest!
Are you looking to sell it, not just a space to display? Nobody can see it in storage, lol.

Karl Reiter's FB account has been inactive since last October. Best way to get in touch would be if you called and asked to speak to him - he used to be on the premises all the time when I was there +43 5246 6522 · [email protected] - or probably best to write surface mail addressed to him at the Post Hotel.
I found the pics from my stay at the Post Hotel in Achenkirch: https://www.facebook.com/otto.rapp/media_set?set=a.10150997418672470.410175.579422469&type=3

Thanks a lot, Otto! I'll check it out :-)

Your cards are super cool.
Do you have plans to do the Minor Arcana?

What a wonderful surprise, your compliment means a lot, since I see you are quite an expert in this field!!

Your comment just inspired me to wonder, what card would best represent gratitude... first time this ever came to my mind, although this is such an essential and important matter 😕

Doesn't look like I'll ever get around to doing the Minor Arcana, actually I never really had any plans to do them.

I'm normally into jazz and club sounds, but your song really touched me!

I adore this card. It is strong masculine essence. I love his face with calmness and a relaxed mouth and yet the fixed but relaxed gaze shows focus and purpose. The posture and cloak look like empowerment to me. He exudes an acceptance and knowing of his place in the universe. A leader, but not threatening.

I like the raised hand as well. Like an acknowledgement of a higher source of energy than just himself, but also a relaxed knowing connection to it at the same time. Finally the colors are radiant and are the same as the first 3 energies of the yogic chakra system. Red, orange and yellow.

These are just my impressions and sensations as I look at the piece. I'm a total novice regarding Tarot philosophy. It's stunning. 🙏🏽

Sitting here absolutely positively overwhelmed by your delightful comment! Your words capture exactly what I was trying to express with my picture and although you say, you are a novice regarding the Tarot, you could not have captured the essence of my card any better!

The raised hand isn't always seen as correct by some Tarot experts, but I painted a lot out of intuition and this was the only position that "felt" right.

With your rich yoga background you already have a deep understanding of metaphysical coherence. Together with your sensitivity, that brings a natural and intuitive understanding for the Major Arcana of the Tarot.

Remember, when you talked about having the power? There it is :-)

Genau! Always nice to find new great artists in this platform. Greetings from MX

Nice work! Greetings back to you :-)

I always wanted to do my own deck, a set of archetypes of my own. Is one of those projects I need to make some time for developing (is a major commitment to deliver a whole series) Would like to see more of yours!

Its a challenging project. May the force be with you!

I post my Tarot cards ever Friday :-)

Reinhard, you are doing a damn good job in your artworks!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it! Is the set finished???

As you can see on the last photo of this post, in the middle row, I did all of the major arcana.

I've been waiting for this:) Great job! Knowledge of the essence, enriched by emotions and feelings.

Been online since midnight Friday... somehow this notification upon being mentioned doesn't show up anywhere.

You are always welcome to share a link to your Tarot related content in a comment under my Tarot posts... I always get notified of such comments and can respond immediately.

Thank you very much for your kind words!

Unfortunately, I often do not get notifications :( But I was waiting for your publication and today I went to your blog :)

Seldom has the power of 1 - that firey impetus - been so aptly captured for the Magician!

Glad you like it. I actually redid this one, after the first version just didn't seem "strong" enough.

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