🎨 "Steem Hat Balloon Cyclist" - surrealistic vision of steemit from 20 years ago?

in #art7 years ago

"Dampfhutballonradler" - surrealistische Vision von steemit vor 20 Jahren?


Today I would like to present another picture from the Schindler Collection. It is a small glass painting from the early 90s, when my style was still very close to caricature.


Heute möchte ich wieder ein Bild aus der Sammlung Schindler vorstellen. Es ist ein kleines Hinterglasbild aus den frühen 90ern, als mein Stil noch sehr an Karikatur angelehnt war.



The steam hat balloon cyclist is a fantasy figure whose headgear reminds a bit of a bath boiler from my childhood days. If you wanted to bathe, you first had to build a fire in the stove and heat the water in the boiler above it.

In the picture, one can imagine how the hot steam rises into the connected balloon and somehow this also cancels the laws of gravity. A part of the steam is used to drive the wheel and thus for advancement. And an extra wheel for belly landings is also provided....


Der Dampfhutballonradler ist eine Phantasiegestalt, deren Kopfbedeckung ein wenig an einen Badeofen aus meiner Kinderzeit erinnert. Wenn man baden wollte, musste man zunächst den Ofen anheizen und damit das Wasser im Kessel darüber erhitzen.

Im Bild kann man sich vorstellen, wie der heiße Dampf in den angeschlossenen Ballon steigt und irgendwie hebt dieser dann auch die Gesetze der Schwerkraft auf. Ein Teil des Dampfes wird zum Antrieb des Rades und damit dem Fortkommen genutzt. Und ein extra Rädchen für eventuelle Bauchlandungen ist auch vorgesehen...



Looking at the picture today, it reminds me a bit of the way things go around here.... the head, the thoughts create steem in the big boiler and some steemians have managed to take off and fly with it already. Part of the steam/steem is collected in the balloon and the rest creates momentum..


Wenn ich mir das Bild heute so ansehe, erinnert es mich ein wenig an das Treiben hier... der Kopf, die Gedanken erzeugen Steem im großen Kessel und schon so manchem ist es gelungen damit abzuheben und zu fliegen. Ein Teil des Dampfes/Steem wird im Ballon gesammelt und der Rest gibt Schwung...


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All photos/scans by me of my own artwork done in my special technique as introduced in What is Hinterglas?


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I love that!! You reminded me of my childhood too somehow, we used to have that kind of bath boiler! God, how hot would the bathroom get.

This man is a figure fit for a fairy tale, a crazy inventor maybe? Hmmm, so many ideas, so much inspiration, so little time...

Bathing was quite an event back then, wasn't it? I always took it as a challenge to get the water as hot as possible but sometimes I got a little worried that the boiler would explode. Didn't know, there was a safety valve somewhere... And yes, the bathroom got steeming hot!

The crazy inventor sounds great and to move around with such a contraption would definitely require a fair share of craziness... but what would the world be without it?

A world without craziness? We would probably still live without electricity but for the imaginative "lunacy" of great scientists :P

Hahaha... that's for sure!

Amazingly thought out peace of art. Interesting how your art was inspired by your childhood, I love it.

This is like a hot air balloon intertwined with a tricycle, could have been interesting to travel around the city like this :) look at his little unicycle belt too, ahah. Nice little details.

Uh - du warst ja vor 20 Jahre schon so unterwegs - so dampfbetrieben ...
aber deine Bildet haben sich in vielem verändert -
sind feiner filigraner und auch erotischer geworden ... :-) :-)
High Heels and Steempunk - schon ne gute Mischung .
Einen schönen Abend wünsch ich Dir :-)

This is really something Reinhard. What medium is it? It looks like a wet acrylic or gouache... ~Cheers

Very interesting art.

That contraption looks rather complicated! XD But does seem to describe steem reasonably well :)

Also, I love your footer!


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