👨‍🎨 In Prague with DADA - supercharged for visual conversationsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #art6 years ago (edited)

When I saw a post by @dadanyc a little while ago, where they announced, that they were coming to Prague, I got really excited with the possibility to meet the famous founders of dada.nyc Beatriz Ramos and Yehudit Mam (holding my breath as I'm writing this!).

Hoping for decent weather, so I could go with the Rocket I just left a comment to find out, if there was even a chance to see them. After a welcoming reply, I started making plans. It quickly turned out, that Prague was pretty booked and that it would be difficult to get a decent place downtown. For my bike. 😑 ...ok, and for me too.

Finally managed to get a room through airbnb close to a public garage and got on my way on a glorious Friday morning... The ride alone was fantastic. Bright sunny indian summer day and dry open roads 😁 Even in Prague, traffic was amazingly friendly and I got to my destination quick and easy. After I parked my bike for almost the same price I paid for my room (!) I contacted the Dada group, which was already there: Bea and Judy from dada.nyc, two of the leading artists on the network, @serste, Serena Stelitano (Serste) and Javier Errecarte and our kind host @furius who is also a passionate artist on dada.

I'm more on the apprentice level...


visual conversation between DADA and me

After we met in a really nice bar and a refreshing drink (🍺) we went over to LUSTR, where a room was prepared for a dada.nyc workshop and presentation. There were beamers projecting visual conversations from the dada website and the organizers even provided an impressive wacom cintiq.

Artist Hatiye Garip from Istanbul was one of the first to try the equipment and start a visual conversation on dada.nyc


At the same time Bea and Javier added some drawings with their own laptops...


@furius was always drawing...


...when he wasn't busy taking excellent care of his "guests". He was also a wonderful "tour guide" and after a lecture held by Bea later that evening he showed us around old town Prage with places, the average tourist hardly ever finds. After dinner, we continued drawing... of course. This time actually on paper (!)... until they started to turn out the lights as a clear sign, that the place was closing.


From left: Bea, Javier, Serena (@serste), Judy and Vashek aka @furius

We continued in another bar, until they too kicked us out at 3:30 in the morning. Hard to believe time went by like this... but it always does, when you are with wonderful people. I am so glad I went and I enjoyed every minute with the group. They all impressed me in their very own way. As wonderful human beings with a vision, passionate to change the world for the better or exceptionally creative artists!

It was really sad, when I packed my bag the next day to go back home. Even with the sun still smiling for another great ride on the Rocket!

Edit: For those who wish to participate on dada.nyc:

Thanks to @opheliafu, I just found a great "how to" on medium.com.

I enjoy reading your comments!

If you like my work, of course I appreciate your upvotes and resteems



My drawings on Dada.nyc

Get your account on dada.nyc today and draw with us!


Thank you so much, dear Reinhard, for your company and the interesting conversations we had!

It was great meeting you in Prague. I really enjoyed our conversations too... just like your beautiful art!

Thank you for being here for me, so I can be here for you.
Enjoy your day and stay creative!
Botty loves you. <3

This is amazing @reinhard-schimd that you got to go to this and meet them.

Hey I have a cintiq only mine is not that large, but I love mine.

So, are there exciting new dada.nyc things in the works? I'll get back on there soon enough. I wish it was like steemit in votes, maybe soon it will be?

Have fun on your rocket! I keep thinking of this old song by Kathy Mccarty. :)

Yes, still hard to believe this really happened!

Dada is working on a major update with new options. I don't think they'll change the tools much. Nor should they. If you look at what some artists, including you can do there, it shows that one has all one needs.

It seems that finding a proper balance between a certain spontaneity in creating and monetarisation isn't easy to find, but it looks like they are putting a lot of thought in that too.

Awesome music! Now this will play in my head, every time I hop on my bike :-)

Hi @donnadavisart! We miss you! Indeed we will launch a redesign hopefully in December and we are developing a system of incentives for the community that will have everybody who participates share in the profits of the marketplace (coming soon). It's all very exciting and we will be letting everybody know what's cooking soon.

Exciting! Glad you got yourself there :)

Oh yes, very exciting indeed. I feel very privileged I could go :-)

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

Wonderful @reinhard-schmid 😍 It will have been great to be there ... I hope next time to do it too ❤️

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We actually talked about you, and everybody loves you and your contributions!

What a beautiful thing you wrote to me... thanks ❤️ Have a good day 😘

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Indeed @isakost , it will have been great when you come next time too!! What a wonderful experience, to meet everyone in person! nice to see you have an account here too! I also love your drawings and ideas on Dada.nyc :D Hug!

Thank you so much @furius 💙 Dada is a beautiful experience that does not need words :) Next time I’ll be there for sure! I love your drawings too. A big hug 😘

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Thanks @isakost! We loooove your drawings and we love that you love us. Love, dada!

Thank you so much @dadanyc ❤️ Love, Isa 😘

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Schön, dass du solche Sachen machst. Dich auf deinen Hobel setzt und ab nach Prag! Ich freue mich sehr für dich und wäre gern dabei gewesen. Eine Horde Künstler zu treffen, ist IMMER spannend.
Ich bin beschämt, weil ich so bequem geworden bin ... dabei bist du ein klitzekleines bisschen älter als ich. lol.

Gut, dass du gesund und vor allem so munter wieder da bist.
Herzliche Grüße!

P.S. solltest du mal im Norden sein, müssen wir uns verabreden!

Hahaha... bin ansonsten auch schon recht bequem geworden und schau mir so manches Reiseziel gern auch mal nur im Fernseher an. Auf der anderen Seite lass ich mir einen Trip auf der Rocket doch recht ungern entgehen. Ist ja jetzt eh bald wieder erst mal vorbei😥

Ansonsten bin ich eher "Ortsstabil"... man kriegt mich schwer aus dem Haus, aber wenn ich erst mal weg bin, bin ich in der Regel auch der Letzte, den sie irgendwo raus schmeißen müssen 🤠

Oh Gott, das Alter! Ich konnte doch tatsächlich für den Eintritt zur Veranstaltung in Prag einen Senioren Rabatt heraus handeln. Weiß jetzt nicht ob ich mich unter lauter U30ern dort jetzt darüber wirklich freuen soll 😜

Ja echt, wir müssen uns unbedingt mal im wirklichen Leben kennen lernen!

Hall Reinhard Ortsstabil,
bald fahren Sie nach Kiel. Und bald nach Hamburch, bis ganz durch. HöHö. Ich gehe jetzt unter die Dichter.

So lange du der letzte bist, der das Licht ausmacht, ist alles in Ordnung.

Ich hab dir aufm discord geschrieben. Künstlerischer Rat benötigt. Bitte umgehend melden.
Danke, der Herr.
Gutenacht soweit & Bussi

What a fantastic recap of a magical weekend @reinhard-schmid! We are still writing ours as we speak! We had so much fun meeting all of you in person that we somehow need to do this again. It will happen... Thanks for coming all the way from Germany in the Rocket (so coool) and for sharing this experience and drawing with us.

Oh it was magical indeed, and yes, we'll have to do this again. I already spoke to our manager of culture and town marketing and she is seriously interested to do an event here with you!

Hi @reinhard-schmid! As you can see we're a bit slow to respond here in Steemit, but thanks so much for putting a word in. We'll figure it out!
And thanks soooo much for joining us in Prague. It was awesome to meet you.

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