DADA in Prague

in #art6 years ago (edited)

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Visual conversation by Furius and Vanesa Stati

Versión en español

Our wonderful artist Vashek, aka Furius, has been completely enthusiastic about DADA since his first drawing. He took it upon himself to put us in touch with the Lustr Festival of Illustration that will take place in Prague next month.

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Visual conversation by DADA and Serste

Happily, the festival invited Beatriz to talk about DADA. We will have a drawing station throughout the event where the public will be able to draw on DADA with artists from all over the world, and we will also conduct a workshop where we will show people how to draw on DADA. We hope that our artists will be engaging in visual conversation with them at the workshop and throughout the festival. We can’t wait to meet talented illustrators and artists and hopefully inspire them to join DADA.

Through Lustr we were also invited to speak at the Hackers Conference organized by the fabulously named Institute of Cryptoanarchy. It features speakers and opinion leaders from various fields such as the freedom movement, cryptoanarchy, the sharing economy, cryptocurrencies, economy, sociology, political art, hacking, etc. We are super excited about bringing DADA to the awareness of forward-thinking people who are creating completely different models and systems for society.

Prague by Furius

As is customary when we travel, we are taking the opportunity to get together with some of our artists based in Europe. Furius, of course, but also we can’t wait to meet Serena Stelitano (Serste) and Javier Errecarte in the flesh. It’s funny how we feel that we already know them and we're just meeting for the first time in the realm of the physical.

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Cats by Javier and Serena

If you live in Europe and want to draw in Prague with DADA artists in person, let us know! We’d love to meet you there as well. We'll be there October 4 to October 8.

For more DADA news and updates, subscribe to our monthly Newsletter.


That's wonderful news! I live only 200 km from Prague and I'd love to meet. When exactly will you be there?

Woo hoo @reinhard-schmid! We'd LOOOOVE to meet you.
We will be there from October 4 to October 8. We hope to see you there!

It would be wonderful if you could come @reinhard-schmid ! I would love to invite you all to our house :D
I love your art and it would be awesome to meet in person!

I'm seriously planing it! Can we talk about the details somewhere privately? Steemit chat or discord? I'm also on telegram or fb, if that is more convenient..

yes! my discords is furius #8964

@reinhard-schmid please email [email protected] so we can share our Prague plans with you.

email sent... hope to see you there :-)

Budapest is quite close to Prague! Would you also visit Hungary? I would have the chance to personally meet you! 🌞

Hi @Kalemandra! We wish we could! Unfortunately, we have to be back at work after the festivals... :(

Hello @dadanyc, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you @creativecrypto. Sorry for the lateness in responding. Steemit is still a bit of a mystery to us. Love ya!

Oh guys ! Thank you for the mention! I am myself super excited about you coming here all the way from NYC and showing the amazing platform DaDA is, to the people here!! It is a great honour to be part of DaDA and I'm totally happy that you jumped on the opportunity of coming to Lustr Festival and now it is becoming a reality!! Even more exciting with your part in Paralelni Polis (Institute of Cryptoanarchy)
I have been very busy since the beginning of the school year and almost didn't draw since.., and replying to this post when it is 4 days old now! I got out of touch with internet stuffs ;D but you are on my mind and in my heart! :D It would be awesome to make a mini gathering of artists and/or steemians!

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