Francis Bacon @frankbacon

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Friends Are The Thieves Of Time

Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626 CE)

Francis Bacon is a fascinating character. In the corridors of time there was gossip he was Queen Elisabeth's child, a free mason, and the author of Shakespearean plays.

Who knows if any of that is true. But if one is curious Bacon has left a body of work regarding science, history, philosophy. He thought to separate philosophy from religion, which I think is a mistake. One should question whether spiritual experience is truly of God or of one's own wishes and dreams.

Francis Bacon

“IT HAD been hard for him that spake it to have put more truth and untruth together in few words, than in that speech, Whatsoever is delighted in solitude, is either a wild beast or a god.

For it is most true, that a natural and secret hatred, and aversation towards society, in any man, hath somewhat of the savage beast; but it is most untrue, that it should have any character at all, of the divine nature; except it proceed, not out of a pleasure in solitude, but out of a love and desire to sequester a man’s self, for a higher conversation: such as is found to have been falsely and feignedly in some of the heathen; as Epimenides the Candian, Numa the Roman, Empedocles the Sicilian, and Apollonius of Tyana; and truly and really, in divers of the ancient hermits and holy fathers of the church.

But little do men perceive what solitude is, and how far it extendeth. For a crowd is not company; and faces are but a gallery of pictures; and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love.

The Latin adage meeteth “with it a little: Magna civitas, magna solitudo; because in a great town friends are scattered; so that there is not that fellowship, for the most part, which is in less neighborhoods.

But we may go further, and affirm most truly, that it is a mere and miserable solitude to want true friends; without which the world is but a wilderness; and even in this sense also of solitude, whosoever in the frame of his nature and affections, is unfit for friendship, he taketh it of the beast, and not from humanity.”

Excerpt From: Francis Bacon. “Delphi The Collected Works of Francis Bacon.” iBooks. ”

2nd WIP

1st WIP

24 x 18, Watercolor paper 140lb, Watercolor, Gouache, Pen, and Ink, 2018

This picture was taken with my Coolpix L840 camera and the colors are more true. However, the some of my ink is reflective. I used sharpie pens for outlining Bacon's hair and the ink can reflect light unlike the prisma colored ink pens I use for fine detail work.

some_text A link to My Blog


Bacon doeth conquered the dialect and diction of the Sixteenth century single-handedly and his prose became an adage for the coming generations. Not only his pithy phraseology, stirring fluency of thought, undeterred​​ courage, but also his untenable richness of intellect and professional acumen moved many minds, and, resultantly, instigated envy amongst his contemporaries. Those who were bereft of reaching his parlance might have resorted to the "wild justice" as well. Life of every great writer, including that of Shakespeare and herein of Bacon, is prone to controversies and little amount of authentic information is available to our generation. You won't believe @reddust, the deeper you dig into​ these controversies, the more intriguing things would get. And yea, your incessant artist won't allow you escape the explorative aura.
Keep it up, please!!

Oh what a wonderful comment, I feel as if my thirst has been quenched! hahaha

I have so much fun digging into the conspiracies as well as reading Sir Bacon's biography and writings. Thank you @gondal for a delightful comment.

Oh really!!!? 👻
Btw dont know why do i had the feel that your endorsment had only a hair breadth escape from sarcasm. As far as intrigues, and conspiracies; had those been not there, pages of history would have been soulless.

Yes that is true, the juice is in the gossip ;-)

You made it! Wow this is brilliant and you did not drop the value of the fascinating character of Francis Bacon as well! This is amazing! I also predicted this before :D


I felt like giving up and I could have done better, my conditioning was saying this is too much I don't want to work anymore. But I promised @frankbacon I would do this painting and I try and keep my promises! Thank you @theguruasia....I need some coffee, I be back to read everyone's blogs a little later....

Oh man this painting beat me up! I feel all bruised from the fight to get it right.

I can understand how hard it is! But you have the ultimate value, the joy! I think tea is better than coffee :D Have a great day ahead!


I drink tea most of the week and have coffee on Saturday, but today I made coffee because it helps focus the mind when there is to much energy...I think I might be a little hyperactive with attention deficit lolol

Yes He is a fascinating character I like his works like Novum Organum is a philosophical work.
He is a Great character

@askmee, he lived an interesting and dangerous life mixing with royalty and the elites of his time. I collected some of his work trying to get to know the subject I was painting.

Bacon had everything except honor. In his quest for office, he often sacrificed the principles, using his influence, as an assistant to the Attorney-General, to make judgments as the king wanted.

We have a strong, strong mind - one man for over a century, capable of philosophy and politics alike. We may be tempted to stand on the philosophy of the philosopher in politics, and the political thinking of philosophy.

I really like this character . You know what ou are remember me of a lot of souvenirs when I was studying at high school , we had a book of philosophy on his cover a drawing of this charcter Francis Bacon. its a 8 years ago wow

well drawing and painting thank you @reddust

Time passes quickly @askmee, I enjoyed reading the historical facts about Francis Bacon but I was intrigued by the gossip surrounding his parentage as well as his involvement in secret societies which ties into the shakespearean plays. Many authors think he wrote rather than the man who went by the sir name of Shakespeare.

I read his honor was taken from him through political subterfuge .... but it is difficult to keep one's honor in a den of thieves.

Yes that's true its defficult

What an interesting share. I always say I am a walking contradiction. I love humanity and I love my alone time. I am an extroverted introvert. Lol! It always feels like time is moving too fast, and as much as I love humanity it can be quite draining. 🙏🏼💚 artwork is awesome as well.

I feel I am constantly torn between what I must do to fit into society and what I want to do, which is be alone so I can read and paint in silence....If you see me disappear you know I am off with a book and a palette of paint.

I am introvert with extravert qualities, it sounds like we are very much alike. Once you get me out of the house and to the party, I can be the life of that party for about 2 hours and then I run out of energy and need some quiet time. lolol

It's all about energy and I don't get energy from other people, I get it from thinking and doing things. Nice to talk with you @Innerstellar.

Oh I felt very much what you expressed here. Yes much in common. When my extroverted side comes out I am all about it, but then I become a recluse. lol. Nice talking with you @reddust. You have a lovely heart!

What this creativity, what this mastery, you have added to her a wonderful touch ... i like it very very much .. well done @reddust
I read about Francis Bacon from the first publication you published at the beginning of this painting

I have several of his books and other books people have written about his work in philosophy, science, politics, and history. I am particularly interested in his views of politics right now. Here in America everything is becoming colored by politics. It seems in Francis Bacon's time it was the same.

I was studying Morocco's policy since it was the policy of repression, but now I am not interested in it anymore because it does not help me anything

The study of policy can help you stay out of trouble, so I keep an eye on politics and the news just to know who and what to avoid...hehehe

All governments become oppressive with time. America's constitution was written for that very reason. Now our government has broken it's contract with the people and become a huge federal centralized power hungry monster....our founders knew this would happen because of past experiences with abusive authority of European parliament and nobility. America's founders left instructions on what to do...we shall see what happens with those who are feeding the monster and those who want to cut off the free food!

You can make this image black and white
Yesterday we did not see your picture

I will be posting a black and white image today, I posted one yesterday but it posted late at night to catch the blue and bloody super moon....lolol

Francis in the Steemit family :) How are you @reddust

@frankbacon gave me a great challenge. I am happy he introduced me to Francis Bacon. I am doing fine, although I feel as if the world is full of sharp edged energy...but maybe it's just me and too much coffee lolol

I really love the patterns and how they play on the eyes - almost like a hypnotically 3d effect !

I had a fight with this painting last week and didn't work on it very much...the patterns are related to the tree of life, sacred geometry and I think they screwed up my neurological circuitry ..... I have brain damage now lololol

I want to say it was worth it - but brain damage is pretty serious lol 😂. No but honestly it's super a super cool painting - it's a traditional portrait with a modern cool twist

It's twisted all right...oh my poor little brain...thank you @dandesign86 (Hugs)

Wow @reddust... just WOW!
I'll follow up with more later.
But WOW! Thank you so very much!

Thank you my dear friend @frankbacon

no idea about him just know from your post, I think you have art on a great man.

@sheikh27 Francis Bacon was one of the big movers and shakers of his time. He had some interesting ideas that are still in play today. He was the father of modern science, he developed the beginning outline for the scientific method.

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