72 Hour Water Fast

in #art7 years ago (edited)

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I was listening to Joe Rogan and he was interviewing Chris Kresser. I've never head of the guy but he had the same recovery story as me. But he has used his experience to help other people and here is his website. Chris goes into all the technical parts of recovering from chronic diseases, depression, and behavioral problems through changing one's diet, exercise, and habits.

I will be fasting for the next three days just drinking water. This is easy for me to do, my kitchen is not full of easy to eat food and I don't have too cook this weekend!

I am doing this to kick start my immune system. I am feeling sluggish, my body is telling me it needs a break. It takes a lot of energy to digest food and clear the system of waste products. Fasting gives that energy back to the body to reboot and repair systems.

I've fasted before but only for a day or I've only drank green smoothies for 3 days at a time. I have read many reports regarding the health benefits of fasting. Especially intermittent fasting, which I practice every day. I eat my first meal around 8 or 9am and have my last meal around 3pm. My largest meal is my first meal in the morning.

I only eat organic whole foods and drink water that has been filtered, free of fluoride and chlorine. I also refrain using chemically laden hygiene and makeup products. Since menopause I found cutting out as much chemicals as possible from my food, drinks, alcohol, sugars, hygiene, and cleaning products has stopped many of my pre-menopasual symptoms like hot-flashes, migraines and fatigue.

If I eat a lot of refined carbs my hunger and cravings are huge but if I stay on my eating regime, no fast foods, no grains, lots of greens, a little fruit, meat, and good fats I suffer very little cravings or hunger after my last meal. I also sleep better if I don't eat in the evenings.

I also read sleep plays a huge role in the health of my immune system. People who get 7 to 8 hours of sleep in a 24 hour cycle suffer less chronic health problems including weight issues. I know when I get regular amounts of sleep my cravings for sweets lessen. I read this has to do with insulin production. Lack of sleep causes stress, which ups your insulin production. Insulin makes you crave sweets.

I suffer from fibromylagia, which is an immune condition that causes as host of symptoms. No one knows what causes fibromylagia nor does the medical community have a cure.

I also suffer from PTSD from trauma suffered as a child, panic attacks, severe anxiety, and night terrors. I took care of that conditioning through learning how to let go of physical sensations through meditation.

Understanding the difference between conditioning and physical symptoms helped me see which sensation was related to physical problems and mental problems and how many problems are tied together. The health of the body is intimately tied to the mind and from meditation I had an insight to heal my health issues I need to address not only exercise and diet, but also how I react to physical and mental sensations.

Back in the early 90s I was diagnosed with fibro I tried the conventional approach using pharmaceutical drugs. I became even sicker and tried all sorts of drugs to help me stay awake and alert, none worked. I had a friend who sold herbs, called Herbalife. I bought some and tried them out for a couple months, I felt an immediate improvement but they were expensive and to afford them I would have to start selling the products myself and the business looked like a pyramid scheme. Early adopters made the most money, which lead the majority of people who sold the product making just pennies.

I figured if pills made of herbs could help why not try the real herbs, they are cheaper. Along with meditation, disciplining the mind, exercise, changing my eating habits and diet I pulled myself out of depression, anxiety and physical illness. No one can know your body and mind better than you!

I will be posting my struggles and success for the next 3 days. Right now I want to eat something but I am not hungry. The last time I ate was yesterday around 3pm. So I know this is just a habit rearing it's head demanding attention. I found when breaking a routine filling that empty space left from dropping a habit is important. So I will be walking twice a day and meditating during the time that I usually eat. Nature hates empty spaces so when you drop a behavior fill that empty space with a healthy behavior.

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The most powerful can be recovered by the Vedic diet and the Quantum Room.

we fast whole Month every year. this month called Ramdhan. we fast everyday during this month from dow(crack of dawn) to sunset, its oblgatory in islam every adult person has to fast. but its good for health. fasting low heart pressure.low stress. makes you calm, makes your stomich take rest, and teach you how to be patient. when you fast you will find out how poor people suffering with hunger. and that will affected you to be humble and kind to help others. some ple here fast mondays and thursdays everyweek and they are most healthy people. fasting in Islam is little easy. you fast about 12 hours dn't eat or drink anything and even don't smoke.and afte sunrise you can break your fasting and eat slowly. and when you want to fast new day so you have to eat some food and drink something at break of down. Alfajar time we call it in Arabic.

I've studied the Islamic philosophy and religion through Sophia Perennis, a comparative religion philosophical school. I was trying to understand your religion and why it has become so extreme. I know muslims come from many social traditions and many behaviors are tribal and are not based on their religion. Same goes for all religions, I found this out through studying Buddhism which has settled in many lands and has many different traditions and practices. The Christian religion has gone through extreme behaviors as well.

I've read this author who keeps a great balance between Sophia Perennis and Islam.

Who was Martin Lings? My favorite writer in this tradition is Seyyed Hossein Nasr. I have several of his books, he is an excellent philosopher and writer.

Martin Lings, also known as Abu Bakr Siraj al-Din, was a British Traditionalist, a close associate and follower of Schuon. He published important books on Sufism, the Prophet Muhammad, the spiritual meaning of Shakespeare, traditional eschatology, and other topics. Of all the Traditionalists surrounding Schuon, he was perhaps the one (along with Seyyed Hossein Nasr) who kept the best balance between Islam and Perennialism, being truly and sincerely Muslim while accepting the Perennialist doctrine (which can also be found in the Holy Qur’an) that God has sent more than one revelation to humanity, a number of which are still in force. http://www.sophiaperennis.com/frequently-asked-questions/

Right now I can't imagine going a month with only eating one meal a day! That shows to me many people of the Islamic tradition have great faith and patience. Maybe someday I will try a month of fasting for my health but for right now 3 days seems like a looong time!

super wow!!! how you are educated about Islam. I do like and respect people like you who educate themselves and don't let mess media full their minds of stupid thoughts. you shocked me how are knowledgeable about Islam. I want to confirm something which is, Islam is areligion of peace. Islam is better than what Muslims are doing you should Know even born or converted Muslims are not practicing Islam properly.

Islam is religion of peace and respect. in Islam we have to obey our parentes especially mother. in Islam we have to visit sick people. in Islam its a duty fr us to look after our neighbores that way you see some pakistanies in UK share with brtish people some dishes of their lunch or dinner. in islam we have to respect other religions and we belive that christian and jwish people are our brothers in faith and worshiping one God.

we love jesus and Mary and there is a chapter in Quran called Mariam in Arabic which means Mary. christianity Islam and Judaism have same faith which is worshping God. but we human mess up and let Satan misguided us and make us fight each other.

There are so many prophtes and messangers who were sent from God to educate and guide people. our father Adam, NUH;,Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhamed peace be upon all of them. all of them has the same faith and aim which is worshiping God and doing Good deeds.

I agree with you fasting is very hard, we practice it from teenage age. we start fasting some days and so on. till became adult and fast whole month each year. its like a feast for us. yeah I think fasting for three days would be hard for you but hope that will solve your health proplems. all the best you sister. always keep reading and educating yourself. I am glad to be your follower to read your posts always. God bless you sister.

I've been waiting for someone like you to comment and not say I shouldn't talk about religion. Thank you so much for your response @khaled-dz. I read Mohammad had his visions during a very violent time in his societies history and a lot of the Islamic religious text is violent including the division of Mohammad's family( Shi‘ite Islam-Sunni Islam) has the right view regarding his vision. This has caused so many deaths and wars.

Christian and Jewish religious text is riddled with violence. Buddha, Jesus, and Moses all had their insights come from violence in their community and society.

It is very interesting to me right now in our world the saints insights that brought peace and stability to their community are being used to profit a few people and corporations through divide and conquer tactics.

Through time the initial insights of the saints have been twisted to suit the powers/religious institutions that use religions to control the flow of wealth and the farming of humans.

In the end all religious text and teachings are seen through the human conditioned mind and heart. Only those who are pure of heart and mind can truly see God and reality as it is and who can judge those who are pure of heart and mind? Certainly not us common people. Right how our world, both yours and mine are being manipulated so the elites, the power structure based on war and conflict are profiting.

We the common people must say we are no longer going to fight with each other and men and women must heal and come together in peace. Until then religions, genders, traditions, cultures, and race are going to be used to divide the world and keep us in conflict.

I'm glad that you find my responses , we are here to socilaize with each other. and the pleasure is mine to comment on your article.

I think all prophtes suffred so much and had very hard times. but they strugled for us, to spread faith and peace on each corner of the world. I like when you said Only those who are pure of heart and mind can truly see God and reality as it is and who can judge those who are pure of heart and mind?. thats true and very meaningfuL. who does good deeds and acts with people woth good charachter and show them good manners and give them Love.. all these actions and habites will clean our hearts from bad things intentions. Faith and believing in God lighten your heart and give you strength. Faith can unit people whatever they are from diffrent cultures, races, or genders. we are all equal. the best of us is who loved by God.

I ant to tell you something, in islam there is a special day we fast. its called Ashura'a this day is holy for us and all humunity. we fast it to be thankfuL. this day is when God save Moses and his people (jwish) from the killer Pharaoh' s Army. we celebrate this day and fast it. I also want to tell you another thing which is, when Omer opend jurselam he made an order to his Army. to not touch any chrsitian people or their churches. and told them to let them live their usual life and show respect to them because they are our brothers on faith. this is right islam not what media says nowadays and some silly groups are trying to make bad image about Islam. I told ths stories to tell you how religions are the main ting wich will guid us to the right path and make us unit. but media and some close minded people are trying to spread lies and fake stories to divide us.

Human in Arabic is insan this word comes from ines; which means amiability . so we are created to help each other, be unit, look after each other, and love each other regardless what are. so that why I am gladely respond on your nice article and show your respect and value your good content because you shareed something value and helpful for us. and in your comments you show me how open minded and nice soul you are. peace on you sister. wish you the best and hope fasting you give you healthy affect. Allah bless you.

Many of the techniques you are using are quite ancient practices.

Glad to see those practices being put back in practical use!

Good luck!

@torquewrench1969, I've read so many ancient stories about people fasting during their spiritual journey. When I go to meditation retreat we only eat twice a day and no food just water after 12pm. Having an empty tummy is healthy!

Thanks for sharing lot of important article. You doing this refresh your immune system. Fasting is better for our heath. also need to drink minimum volume of mineral water. You`re control your self from your mind. Meditation best for it.

I don't drink bottled water, just filtered water that removes fluoride and other chemicals from our cities tap water. I cut down on waste avoiding buying water! Meditation is a great teacher for getting to know oneself and build up discipline of the mind. Thank you @kingsberry!

You have great tactics for protect your healthy life from suffering panic attacks, severe anxiety, and night terrors. You learned lot about eastern cultures like as Buddhism vision. The powerful point you showing to humanity. Absolutely greatest post @reddust.

Good luck with your challenge @reddust... no doubt you will feel better at the end. Your choices already look very healthy, from where I am sitting.

It seems to me that a lot of our troubles stem from the fact that we are trained to "abuse" food... that is, we eat on a schedule rather than when we're hungry; we eat all these processed foods of convenience rather than "real" food... for me, it has just been about finding balance.

I agree finding balance is important but our health system is broken. I think most of us are on our own if we seek health. None of our systems makes any money on healthy happy people.

Good luck on the dietary challenges. I have to start getting back with the exercise. Best of luck... I’ll post my updates too!

I will follow you and give your encouragement if you need it!

Thanks... motivation is from inside. You have to want it bad enough.

There are many studies that show if your friends and family are healthy you will be too! Group support is very important! Hang around healthy good hearted people is ancient advice as well.

Thank you! That knowledge applies to everything in life as well.

I’ve done a 24 hour water fast, but not 72 hours. I’ll be watching and reading for updates. :)

I am starting to feel really hungry now....lolol

Lol... I’ll avoid posting food emojis here then. ;)

Informative post

good experiences @reddust ... all other photo is really very nice

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