1957 Chevrolet Bel Air ~ Art by Red Dust ~ Progress Report

in #art7 years ago (edited)

My First Mechanical Drawing And Painting

When working in Watercolor I work from light to dark, using the white of the paper for highlights. When working with opaque paint like oils, acrylics, and gouache, I work from dark to light, if I remember correctly. It's difficult to not pile on the dark shadows immediately but it's safer to work with light washes and apply layers that gradually go to the darkest of colors. With Watercolor you can't cover up a mistake, although you can work the mistake into the layout most f the time. I've got to remind myself to keep shadow's depth and color uniform through the painting, something I learned a long time ago. The oranges will eventually be mostly covered with payne's gray, indanthrene blue, and vayndyke brown. You'll still see the bright orange as highlights.

I ask family not to talk with me when I'm painting. My husband decides to engage me in a debate about automating service jobs and universal income for those who have lost their jobs. He knows my responses by heart, I'm looking at him thinking the guy knows what I'm going to say and my hand starts to shake when I'm laying down lines. You can see this in my painting, well maybe you can't but I can. I'm thinking we've been together too long, I'm feeling like he is acting like my stepbrothers, they truly enjoyed tormenting me, knowing I couldn't beat them up or I would get in trouble by my Stepfather. I want to smack him on the head. Especially when I ask him how many generations are going to stay on universal pay, thinking about our welfare population. What the government hands out it can take away, especially if you don't obey all the laws the government makes year in and year out...thankfully he left and I finished my first layer.

Worked On The Buildings and Background

Color Palette

  • Vermilion
  • Quinacridone Red
  • Orange
  • Burnt Sienna
  • Yellow Ochre
  • Colbalt Blue
  • Cerulean Blue
  • Indanthrene Blue
  • Payne's Gray
  • Cadmium Yellow
  • Vandyke Brown
  • Brush #6
  • Brush #16
  • 2nd Update

    1st Update

    some_text A link to My Blog


    Very nice art @reddust.

    Thank you kindly @motivator!

    super nice the colours !

    Thank you @erioliveira, I'm happy you like it🌼

    Great insights to your amazing work!
    I know what it is to disturb an artist at work, you just archived a small new step forward and then some super important news has to be told, and your work starts from the beginning again :)

    Yes, it does feel like a new level has been reached. Thank you for your insight, I hadn't noticed @schamangerbert. Let's hope I can maintain my equanimity🙏

    There is a special kind of rage I feel when creating or writing and it could get violent if I let it! I understand your impulse to smack....I've snapped the sharpest at those who interrupt me and especially since you set a boundary beforehand.

    I know 😳 I have the same rage like feeling when I listen to people eat, I'm not bothered by noise at all if I'm eating too .... I really need a little art room. Maybe someday, until then I'm practicing my patience and equanimity. I had the same experience trying to meditate at retreat when I first started. Every little smell or sound when bother me. After sitting in my emotions and not being able to distract myself I got over it. I'm hopping the same thing will happen whilst working on my paintings. Creating is like meditation in many ways.

    Family is the worst for breaking boundaries 😏😂

    The narrative is as entertaining as the art. :-D

    I need to write more about my mind weather, I entertain myself all day, no need for media when I have all this drama and comedy going on in my head. Thanks for stopping by @seablue❤️

    Coming along nicely. I def understand the "me" time request while working. When you drift into "the zone" creativity just flows.

    I'm especially grumpy because I'm a 57 year old female that's entered menopause. I just don't have the energy to put up with shit anymore. My husband is a lovely man though, I've never smacked him and I hug him at least 20 times a day for the last 14ish years. However....there is always a first time😈😂😂😂😂

    You're a good artist. I like the two tone touch on the car.

    Nice Mechanical Painting.
    I follow you.

    My Dad used to own a 57 Chevy, it was a 4 door post. It ended up with a supercharger. It was a super comfy car and the steering wheel was huge!!!

    I remember all the boys wanted superchargers on their old classic cars back in the 70s, all the cars looked unique. The cars were big and heavy, made to last!

    Love your post I had to move 3000 miles away from my grown family to do what I love. It would make me so angry when they would interrupt for "dinner" or clean another mess up.
    You might try some "mask" for straight lines. Before you paint mask out what you don't want the color to cover.

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