Selfie Portrait (WIP)

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Steem Queen

Today I was really nervous and kept forgetting to breathewhilst drawing my lines. When I do that I hold onto my pen tightly and my hand hurts and I catch myself holding my breath. My lines are squiggly, I am NOT good at drawing lines at all and I've been working for a solid year to get in the flow. I avoid coffee now but today for some reason I couldn't relax. I said, "screw it," and decided to work on the lines anyway. Now it's time to start cooking dinner! See you all tomorrow and don't forget to breathe and keep you focus of attention light and steady, no grasping allowed...hahaha

15 x 12 Watercolor, pen, and ink on mixed media paper 2017

I've been painting and drawing since I was old enough to be trusted to hold a pencil and a brush. I've never done a portrait of myself. I love Mucha, links below if you want to explore the artist and the world of Art Nuevo, which was started in protest over the ugliness of Industrial art.

I still have to finish up my face and the dress. Clean up the lines, brighten up the background, darken up the letters. I'll be posting my finished portrait on Tuesday. I'm working on an article about Edward Jenner the father of the modern day vaccine movement. As I was reading and researching the history of vaccines I found two arguments regarding Jenner. He was a quack or he saved the world from smallpox. Both sides are equally passionate regarding their arguments, which I find fascinating.

(WIP 1) My conversation with @builderofcastle, look in the comment section


Down But Not Out (WIP3)

Mucha's Printing Process, revolt against industrialization (ugly art) of art.

In an age when the industrial revolution was making mass-produced goods available, it also seemed to be increasingly making them ugly and diminishing the role of the artist/craftsman in society. Art Nouveau was a revolt against this ugliness and there is a strong social component to the work that we no longer see.

Alphonse Mucha (Wiki)

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The colour choices are all perfect. So fitting. You are such a brilliant artist, well talented, i would give you a £100 for this lol, but i dont have, so i'd simply say its amazing

Thank you @josediccus, I won't sell this piece but I will sell inexpensive prints. So if you really like the picture I will post a link to the website I use that produces prints. You are so kind <3

Hmmm okay please do you are a bundle of talent

Very nice! You've got this War of Art thing down Sis-Star ; )
And a very good observation of your Breath connected to the muscles. I bet you'll start to see your flow really improve now.


wow, thank you @frankbacon we are brother and sister of the heart...Marshall Mcluhan knows the secret of art....hahaha

Yeah, the breath is everything, it is beautiful <3

Looks great! I know what you mean with holding your breath and focusing so much on creative process that the grip on the pencil becomes painful. I often have my thumb numb because of how strongly I hold my tools :O I haven't found any cure for this bad habit of mine yet. Fortunately I learned to breathe properly, with a help of yoga classes and meditation, and it has worked wonders for me. I didn't know that Art Nouveau had a social aspect, thank you for this educational value :)

I learned to follow the breath using a Theravada Buddhist technique called anapana. But drawing isn't like sitting on a meditation cushion focusing on the natural breath coming and going around the nostrils. I'm making progress, somedays are better than others. I practice yantra yoga and it helps my stay bendable, which tends to go away when people age!

This is perfect, you are a real queen, a grandmaster of art, with a beautiful heart and a big smile @reddust

I am a Queen....hahaha .... Twirls around in her grand gown and crown whilst popping all the bubbles of mundane reality....Thank you @dobartim!

You are doing a great, fantastic, awesome job with that pallet.

I wish I could see colors, but I really don't. I remember something as "red" like the word, not the color. It is nice to watch you convert you ideas and color pallet into a balanced piece of art.

One of the pieces about vaccinations. Louis Pasteur who is credited with penicillin worked with another guy. They found that germs caused diseases... but not always. This other guy (someday I will write his name down in a way I can find it again) found that it had to do with rods that formed on the cell. Pasteur decided to ignore this, because he could make lots of money by selling pills. On his death bed, Pasteur said his partner was correct.

I have that data on the other guy in my saved research and regarding Pasteur, there is a lot of negative views on his research as well, I'll find it for you. I have gotten so nervous over this piece, especially the color and I guess because it's a portrait of me.....thank you so much @builderofcastles

Selfie Portrait..

just outstanding


very beautiful drawing. but I advice you to add necklace shaped like a whale.; lol it would be great idea isn't it.

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"Whoa. That's good!" - said my daughter, watching over my shoulder...

Looking good! I have a hard time holding my pen steady, too. Your lines look pretty clean and straight here. I don't see anything pulling my eyeball. So, go easy on yourself! Relax. :)

It's looking good!

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