Bear Sculpture Detail Progress

in #art8 years ago

Bear Sculpture Update

Here are the past posts about this sculpture:

I've been busy working on this bear sculpture for the past 2-3 weeks.  This is one of 5 new bear sculptures which will be unveiled this Memorial Day Weekend in Grants Pass, OR.  All 5 new bear sculptures this year will be bear cubs, rather than adult (large) bears.  Each bear is in honor of a different community agency.  This one that I am working on is in honor of the food bank.  It's theme is supposed to be "Farmer Bear", but has sort of morphed to being closer to "Harvest Bear", although most people who have seen it so far end up calling it "Pumpkin Bear", or "Halloween Bear", which wasn't really our intention, but with the pumpkin/jack-'O-lantern, it does look that way.  I have given it the name "Polar Peter Pumpkin Eater" - which hopefully will "stick" and will be written on it's plaque.  (We'll see.)

About 2 weeks ago (maybe 3?  I'm losing track of time) I received the bear from the other artist who carved it, fiberglassed it, and "bondo"ed it.  I have been adding details (eyes, nose, claws, fur texture, vegetable stems, overall fasteners, etc.)  I have also been giving the cut lines of the jack-'o-lantern sharper edges, and ridges on the pumpkin stems.  I also have added pockets and seed packets in the back pockets.  

This is a polar bear sitting in a jack-'o-lantern/pumpkin, wearing overalls, and surrounded by vegetables.

Here are some progress photos from the past couple weeks (oldest to newest).  

"Magic Sculpt" = Toxic! (Yikes!)

What am I using to create the details/texture?  I'm using "Magic Sculpt" which is a type of A/B putty.  It comes in two parts and when it is kneaded/mixed together, it goes through a chemical reaction and after an hour or two it begins to harden, and becomes rock-hard and almost indestructible, which is why it is a great product for these sculptures which will be placed out in public and subject to weather and prying fingers of children and others.  This is a fairly new product for me.  I used some of it when I created two deer sculptures this last fall.  But, before that, I had never used it.  When I started using it, and it was provided by my employer, I was told that some of the other artists had developed an allergy to it, and they have to wear gloves when using it.  But, they said that some people are able to use it without any problems.  

So, I started using it - without gloves.  Had no trouble this last fall when I used it.  And started in using it - for almost 2 weeks straight on this bear sculpture - without gloves.  Then it happened.  I started getting a rash on my hands, arms, face & neck (all at once)  Yuck!!  It was itchy and unsightly!  It took 4 days for my rash to clear up, and during that time I had to stay away from working on the bear.  I have since thoroughly researched this product on some sculpting forums, and have discovered that developing an allergic reaction to it is very common, and they recommend ALWAYS wearing gloves and having adequate ventilation and/or using a respirator while using/mixing it.  So, for the past few days I have had to change how I work with it.  I am now wearing two layers of gloves (different kids layered), and have set up a strong fan to help move the fumes away.  So far I'm doing much better.   

I got more done on the sculpture today, but forgot to take photos.  I think I will be done mid-next week with the texture and details.  At that time the bear will go over to an auto body shop and will be painted with a primer.  Then I will get it back and will be able to start painting it.  That's the part I'm really looking forward to!  I'm sort of getting tired of doing the fur texture, to be honest.  Anyway, if you've been wondering where I've been lately, and why I haven't posted much - this is why!


Hey @smooth - I see that you down-voted my post here. I've seen you down-vote many posts in the past, and I sort of understand your desire to try to make things a little more fair by trying to even things out when some posts seem to be over-inflated. But, just wondering why mine got your down-vote? Was it super high? It's only at $2.38 right now, and I don't really post very often. So - wondering about that. Are certain people just not allowed to make any money on the posts that they spend a lot of time & energy on - just because you don't feel anyone should make any substantial amount? Just wondering. I saw that you had down-voted one of @papa-pepper's posts in the past and he asked you about it, and I remember you removing your down-vote. Hopefully you will do that for me as well.

Excellent post dear friend @ pyrowngs, congratulations, thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures

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